Saturday, March 15, 2014


                                 HRASVA  BAGHAVATHAM- CANTO -3 (PART -A)

                                                        ॥स्कन्ध: 3॥


 King Parikshit put a number of questions to Shuka in the 8th chapter of Canto 2. One of them was in verse no8  आसीद् यदुदरात् पद्मं लोकसंस्थानलक्षणम् ।.Shuka at the end of 10th chapter in Canto-2,informed the King as  परिमाण च कालस्य कल्पलक्षणविग्रहम् ।
यथा पुरस्ताद्व्यख्यास्ये पाद्मं कल्पमथो शृणु ॥.

Parikshit 's question was that if from the abdomen of the Virat Purusha a lotus was sprouted which is the embodiment of the universe, what is the connection between Him and all the living beings Also he asked him to explain the Time and its course..At the end of the 10 th chapter in Canto 2, Suka told Parikshit that he will explain him as to how the time is measured and the details of the day in Brahma's life afterwards,but at that moment he will explain The Padma Kalpa

.At the beginning of this Canto-3,Suka informed Parikshit that whatever questions he had put to him,the same questions were asked by Vidura to Maitreya Rishi earlier.Out of curiosity Parikshit asked as how that meeting took place and what else were discussed between them This narration is the subject matter of both Canto-3 and Canto-4.

In the commentary Bala Probodhini of Giridhara Goswami , he says -1) as there are 28 principles in the creation सर्ग,4 in the basic elemens and 1 in Time there are 33 chapters in this Canto-3 , 2) the first 19 chapters are called बन्धसर्ग (where the jivas are bound by their karma and unable to get liberated),and the next 14 chapters of this Canto-3 are for मोक्ष सर्ग ( liberation of souls).Thus there are 2 प्रकरण (TOPICS).

Further the 2 WAYS by which this Purana was taught by Hari also are mentioned in this Canto:



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In this Canto the two topics are daivi and asuri shakthis- meaning the divine and demonic powers and their influence . Some commentators opine that the 2 prakaranas(topics) are kriya shakthi indicating Varaha avatharam and jnana shakthi oriented Kapilavatharam. Now we will discuss Hrasva Bahavatham -Canto -3


अन्धभ्रातृसुतोक्तिविद्धहृदयः श्रीकृष्णभक्तः परम्

धर्मिष्ठो विदुरो बहूदकयतिः प्राप्तस्तटं यामुनम्।

दैवादागतमुद्धवं हरिसखं पप्रच्छ - ""किं द्वारका -

मध्यास्ते ससुखं हरिः? कुशलिनः पार्थाश्च किं मेƒग्रजः

Meaning: Vidura being the devotee of Krishna left Hastinapuram ,because Duryodhana spoke, in front of his father Dritharashtra who was born blind, harsh words when he was asked for advice from his elder brother,he gave him the advice,unpalatable to Duryodhana.
Vidura undertook pilgrimage and visited number of sacred places and finally reached the bank of Yamuna river.Through divine intervention he met Udhdhava,who was a friend and minister to SriKrishna.As considerable time had elapsed after he left Hastinapuram Vidura enquired about the welfare of all Yadu race,Krihna, Balarama etc and also of Kuru race including Kunthi and Pandavas and also about his elder brother Dritharashtra.

Commentary: In this verse the poet refers to Dritharashtra as a blind brotherअन्धभ्रातृ indicating that he was not only blind externally and unable to see the reality but also mentally as he was attached to his son Duryodhana so much that he could not distinguish between a righteous act and an unrighteous one,in spite of having called his younger brother Vidura and sought his advice,which was as per dharma shastras called vidura neethi विदुर नीति.He also kept quiet when Duryodhana was speaking severe and harsh words to him and did not interfere.Vidura being a devotee of Krishna silently bore the insult and placed his bow in front of Dritharashtra and left for the pilgrimage alone showing his attachment to the Kuru race and his unwillingness to take sides in the event of an impending war.Vidura's greatness is depicted in this chapter
Vidura on meeting Udhdhava on the banks of Yamuna desired to know the welfare of all including Dritharashtra ,his elder brother.In particular Vidura asked about Bhaghavan Krishna in detail and expressed his view thus;
अजस्य जन्मोत्पथनाशनाय
कर्माण्यकर्तुर्ग्रहणाय पुंसाम्।
नन्वन्यथा कोऽर्हति देहयोगं

परो गुणानामुत कर्मतन्त्रम्॥    ( ३  -१  -४४) 3-1-44
Meaning;Vidura addressed Udhdhava thus: Bhaghavan Krishna is without birth and has no connection with any karma or work अज: अकर्तु: Even then He takes avatharas (births) only to destroy and punish the wicked and also to attract the people towards Him. Thus His Divine avataras and His actions in them take place.In as much as the jivas,when they cease to to do work (meaning that when they are not bound by their karma ),they get liberated from repeated births and deaths and get moksha due to His Grace,Such being the case, He who is beyond the three modes of nature (meaning 3 gunas satva,rajas and tamas) and the entire prakruthi (creation) and being formless(निर्गुण ) there can not be any other reason for His birth (janma) and being bound by the 3 modes(guna )or karma.Therefore His actions are beyond the comprehension of the human mind
Vidura informs Udhdhava that Krishna is Brahman निर्गुणब्रह्मन्
Compare this verse with that of 1st quarter of verse 5 in First (1) Dashakam of Narayaneeyam

निर्व्यारोऽपि निष्कारणमज भजसे यत्क्रियमीक्षणाख्यां- meaning the above qualities of

निर्गुणब्रह्मन् and the creation being done with his side glance.The सर्ग (creation ) the firat quality of this Puranam is the subject matter of 3rd Canto ,the secret of creation is being explained by Vidura.This confirms his devotion to Krishna.


यो बाल्यात् प्रभृतीश्वरार्पितमतिः कृष्णस्य शिष्यो महान्

वृष्णीनां प्रवरः स्मृताखिलतया तूष्णीं स्थितः स क्षणम्।

वक्तुं प्रारभताथ - "यादवजना दौर्भाग्यवन्तो विदुः

कृष्णं केवलमानुषं, न परमात्मानं जगन्नायकम्'।।

Meaning: he On hearing the questions about the welfare of Bhagavan Krishna and others from Vidura, Udhdhava,who right from his childhood has dedicated his heart and soul to Him,who is a disciple of Krishna,who is the foremost among Vrishnis, who is a mahatma and a great devotee kept quiet and became silent.The reason for his silence was due to remembering his association with Krishna in the past and the emotions overtook him.Slowly,he regained his composure and replied that- It is most unfortunate that the Yadavas were that they recognized Krishna as an ordinary human being and not as a paramatma and controller of this entire न परमात्मानं जगन्नायकम्.

Commentary; Udhdhava's reply begins उद्धव उवाच

कृष्णद्युमणिनिम्लोचे गीर्णेष्वजगरेण ह ।

किं नु न: कुशलं ब्रूयां गतश्रीषु गृहेष्वहम् ॥ 3-2-7

Udhdhava said : Vidura,THE SUN OF THIS WORLD KRISHNA HAD. SET.(meaning that Krishna had left this world).As there is no sun darkness had set in and the Time the big serpent had crushed all our houses and we are powerless. This being the case what we could say about our welfare and the welfare of all about whom you had asked. Udhdhava had informed Vidura that Krishna had left this world.Udhdhava also told him about the ignorance of Yadavas in not recognising Krishna as a paramatma but in thinking him as an ordinary human being similar to the fish in the water in not knowing about the moon.
Further he told Vidura about the bala leelas (his acts as a child) of KRISHNA in the Gokulam and Vrindavanam and also about the Rasakreeda with gopis .In describing all these Udhdhava could not control himself his grief in the separation of Krishna.This is the purport of this chapter.
संगाद् येन यथाकथञ्चन नृणां मृत्योश्च मुक्तिर्भवेद्,
यः केनापि जितः क्वचिन्न च, कृपासिन्धुश्च यः सर्वदः।
तस्य ज्ञातिजनो मुनीन् परिहसन् शप्तश्च ""मोक्षाय किम्

कर्तव्यं न'' इति स्म पृच्छति न तं मृत्यून्मुखोƒभूच्च सः।।
Meaning: As Krishna was Baghavan himself,those who had approached him in any manner whatsoever and had a contact with him thereby,they were rid of the fear of death and got moksha .Krishna could never be conquered by any body and anywhere,but was capable of granting all asked for and who was the embodiment of mercy.This being so, the Yadavas who were his relations were cursed by the sages on one occasion when they tried to indulge in jokes in an indecent manner with the sages.The curse was that there would be total destruction of Yadu race.The Yadavas did not ask Krishna about as to how they could get over the ill-effects of the curse -the destruction of the race but they were prepared to face death, on the contrary.
Commentary: In this chapter 3 of Canto 3, Udhdhava continued to narrate Krshna's leelas in Mathura and Dwaraka in brief.He informed Vidura that as Krishna himself began to detach himself from this worldly desires,and attained total vairagya,any devotee who follow Him with Bhakti yoga will also get such vairagya from the worldly desires.As a result of this vairagya He wanted the the total destruction of His own race and the curse of the sages was due to His will.The Kurukshetra war also due to His will.


एकान्ते ƒनुगताय मे हरिरदाद् ज्ञानं परं "याम्यहं

त्यक्त्वा मानुषदेहमाशु यदवो नंक्ष्यन्ति चैषा पुरी।

गच्छ त्वं बदरीमितीशवचनाद् यातोƒस्मि; मित्रासुत-

स्तत्त्वं भागवतं प्रदास्यति च ते यत् तन्नियुक्तोƒत्र सः।।

Meaning: Udhdhava informed Vidura that as he followed Krishna and as requested by him.Krishna gave him the Atma Jnana(the transcendental knowledge of Self enlightenment),before Krishna left this material world to Vaikunta after ensuring of the destruction of His own race.Krishna instructed Udhdhava to go to Badarikashrama as Dwaraka will be submerged in the sea and will face destruction.Therefore Udhdhava was proceeding to Badarikashrama as per Krishna's instructions.Vidura then requested Udhdhava to impart him the Atma Jnana and he told him that Krishna instructed Maitreya to impart this knowledge to Vidura and also the Bhaghavatha Tatva and directed Vidura to meet Maitreya. Having told Vidura thus, Udhdhava left for Badri. Vidura also went to Haridwar to meet Maitrya.

Commentary: As instructed by Krishna all the Yadavas went to Prabhasa Kshetra and gave away cows gold clothes ,silver,woolen clothes etc. to the brahmins there. .then they were intoxicated and began to quarrel among themselves and eventually all of them died.Krishna, Balarama also left this world As requested by Udhdhava,Krishna gave him the Supreme Knowledge known as Udhdhava Geetha.Krishna instructed Maitreya who was present there to impart the knowledge of Baghavatham.Hence Udhdhava asked Vidura to approach Maitreya Rishi who was at Haridwar on the banks of Ganges.

मैत्रेयं विदुरोƒब्रवीन् "मम मुने ज्ञानं परं दीयताम्;
सृष्टं केन जगत्? किमर्थमिति स प्रत्याह शिष्यं गुरु:।

आसीत् सौम्य सदेकमद्वयमिदं त्वग्रेƒथ तत्त्वं। महज्-

जातं सत्त्वरजस्तमोमयमहङ्कारत्रयं वै ततः।
Meaning: As instructed by Udhdhava, Vidura reached Haridwaram and met Maitreya Maharishi. and requested him to impart him with atma jnana and also to tell him as to how this universe was created. Realising that these questions were for the welfare of the man kind,Maitreya informed him that there was Only Brahman in the beginning. As He wanted to create this universe He woke up the kala and maya to create the mahat,ahankara and threefold gunas- satva,rajas and tamo gunas.

Commentary: After meeting Maitreya and paying respects to him, Vidura asked him thus:

विदुर उवाच
सुखाय कर्माणि करोति लोको
न तै: सुखं वान्यदुपारमं वा।
विन्देत भूयस्तत एव दु:खं
यदत्र युक्तं भगवान् वदेन्न: ॥ 3-5-2
जनस्य कृष्णाद्विमुखस्य  दैवा -
दधर्मशीलस्य सुदु:खितस्य ।
अनुग्रहायेव चरन्ति नूनं
भूतानि भव्यानि जनार्दनस्य॥ 3-5 -3

तत्साधुवर्यादिश वर्त्म शं न:
संराधितो भगवान् येन पुंसां ।
हृदि स्थितो यच्छति भक्तिपूते

ज्ञानं सतत्वाधिगमं पुराणम् ॥ 3-5-4
Vidura said to Maitreya: People ,in general,undertake various tasks and karma to get happiness in their lives.But in stead of getting happiness they get unhappiness and sorrows only in a great measure.What appropriate action should be done by us in such case ?,please instruct us.Due to their misfortune there are people who are averse to Bhagavan Krishna and do things quite contrary to the Dharmic tenets and principles.With a sense of mercy towards such people mahatmas and saints like you are travelling on this earth. O Great Sadhu ! please show us the path by which people can worship Krishna and become devoted to Him by Bhakthi , sothat He is permanently seated in the hearts and impart the knowledge of Absolute Truth अनादि वेद प्रमाणकं ज्ञानं
On hearing this Maitrya was very much pleased as the knowledge Vidura asked for was for the welfare of the world. He narrated the principles of creation ,as a first step.
                                  ।                       ।
                                महत् तत्व             सत्व रजस् तमस्
                                                                     अहंकार तत्व
                                                 सात्विक राजसीक तामसीक -अहंकार
                                                ।                ।                ।
   इन्द्रियदेवता:& अन्त:करण:
                                                   ज्ञान & कर्म            पञ्च भूतानि & तन्मात्राणि

पञ्चभूतानि -आकाश ,वायु ,अग्नि: ज़लं ,पृथ्वी

ज्ञानेन्द्रियाणि -श्रोत्रं,त्वक् ,चक्षु: ,जिह्वा ,घ्राण:

कर्मेन्द्रियाणि  -वाक् ,पाणी ,पाद ,पायु ,उपस्थ

तन्मात्राणि -शब्द ,स्पर्श ,तेज, रस ,गन्ध

इन्द्रिय देवता  -कर्मेन्द्रिय -: दिग्देवता ,वायु ,सूर्य ,वरुण ,अश्विनी देवता

                     ज्ञानेन्द्रिय  ---                        अग्नि: ,इन्द्र: ,विष्णु: ,मित्र ,प्रजापति

अन्त: करण:

चित्त     -क्षेत्रज्ञ:

अहङ्कार: -रुद्र:

बुद्धि:   -ब्रह्मा

मन: -चन्द्र:

AS all these could not create by themselves, they prayed to Him to guide them.Paramatma then entered into each one of them and after "panchikarana" ,the Virat Purusha appeared as from a golden egg and the creation commenced then

For a further reading please see 5TH DASHAKA OF NARAYANEEYAM


तन्मात्रेन्द्रियभूतजालमभवत्, तत्त्वानि भिन्नानि नो

संयुक्तान्यमरैः स्तुतो हरिरिमान्याविश्य संयोजयन्।

सर्वप्राणिसमेत आस्त सलिले ब्रह्माण्डतो वत्सरान्

साहरुां च तः समष्टिपुरुषो जातो जगद्रूपकः।।

Meaning: The 5 physical elements from the sky to earth. 5 matras, and all the subelements as described above could not create by themselves. SO they prayed to Him.Then Hari entered into each of them and mixing them a golden egg appeared and remained in the water for 1000 years.Then the Virat Purusha called Hiranyagarbha appeared and the entire creation commenced and appears in the form of 14 regions.
Commentary:Please see the commentary of verse no.5
चिन्मात्रो भगवान्, य एव रमते स्वस्मिन्, परापेक्षता
नास्त्यस्य क्वचिदेष भाति सततं मुक्तोƒजया बद्धवत्,।
यः स्तौत्येनममोघवागयमतो
ब्रूमस्तस्य विभूतिजालमिह ते; देवो हरिः प्रीयताम्।।

Meaning: The Paramatma is ज्ञानस्वरूपी- Knowledge Personified.He is also a आत्माराम -dwells and happy in self: He expects nothing.He is not at all affected by Maya.Because of 3 qualities-satva,rajas and tamas ,He appears as to have been bound by them.He who worships Him and pray will have his vak -sayings purified and is satisfied.He gets all the 4 purusharthas-पुरुषार्था:(धर्म अर्थ काम मोक्ष) in his life time fulfilled .I will tell His great qualities and presence Let Hari be pleased.

Commentary: As Maitreya was narrating the creation सर्ग: ,Vidura in a humble and pleasing manner asked him the following:

1) When Bhagavan is शुद्ध ज्ञानस्वरूपी ,निर्विकार ,& निर्गुण ( Absolute self,Knowledgeble,Formless,and
and beyond the 3 modes of nature ) and Changeless, then how come He has with 3 qualities(satva,rajas and tamas) and how is he related to the कर्म & गुण of the creation.?
2) As He is also नित्यतृप्त ,पूर्ण काम ,असङ्ग: ( Self Satisfied,Having no desires, and Totally detached),
then why does he engage Himself in activities like mortals?
3) Why this repeated cycles of creation,maintenance and dissolution of this universe again and
again ?
4) If He controls Time काल  & अवस्था then how does He get connected with Maya?
5) If He is present in every soul and living beings -as अन्तर्यामि then why these living beings engage themselves in activities ,that result in misfortunes and misery. (जीव:ब्रह्मस्वरूप: -then why misery to them?)
Vidura also requested him to dispel his ignorance and doubts.
Maitreya then remembered Hari and replied him.:
1) If the jivatmas or living beings get attached to the material world then it is only due to their ignorance called Maya..
2) He is totally unaffected and changeless as the moon in the sky is unaffected by the movements of its reflection in water.Jivas only are affected. What happens to a person in dream state does not affect him on waking up.
3) If through a selfless service and devotion to Him is undertaken by the jivas or living beings they can realise His presence.
4) If the jivas develop total detachment of their sense organs and fix their minds on Hari they can get rid of the bad effects of raga dwesha etc.
5) They can get rid of their miseries and misfortunes by constant कृष्णा कथा -लीला गुण वर्णनं.The mind will get of Hari and purified by the dust of the feet of Hari and will develop प्रॆम भक्ति - devotion.
Thus the doubts of Vidura were replied by the sage. Vidura was satisfied and asked Maitreya to narrate in detail about the other aspects of creation ,manvantaras ,and various dharmas. Vidura
requested Maitreya to explain more about VIRAT PURUSHA - as to how when He is in every thing in this creation, He is not affected by the acts of creation, maintenance and annhilation.Further as explained by Maitreya that all the planets and 14 worlds are parts of Virat Purusha -where every one of them is situated?

This motivated Maitreya Rishi to narrate the BHAGAVATHA PURANAM -the suject matter of 3rd and 4th Cantos of this Purana by him and also the remaining 8 Cantos -complete 10 qualities of this Purana

ब्रूमो भागवतं पुराणमृषये संकर्षणेनोदितं;
वर्ण्यन्तेƒत्र विभूतयो भगवतः; पाद्मे च कल्पे त्वजः।
स्वाधारांबुजनालतश्चिरमटन् दृष्ट्वा न किञ्चित्, तपः
कृत्वा दीर्धमपश्यदन्तरमलं वैकुण्ठमस्तौच्च तम्।।  
Meaning: Sage Maitreya informed Vidura that we will narrate the Bhaghavatha Puranam,as was revealed and taught by Sankarshana to Sanakadi rishis.In this Puranam the entire qualities and the greatness of Bhaghavan Hari is described in detail.
In the Padma Kalpa a lotus was sprouted from the abdomen of Hari and Brahma was created and he wanted to know the source of the lotus. So he went down into the stem of that lotus and inspite of all efforts he could not find out the source. As was directed by a divine voice he undertook penance and meditated for a long period of 100 human years.At the end of this period Hari revealed His form and Vaikunta lokam to him. On seeing Hari ,Brahma praised Him with pure devotion.
Commentary: In this chapter the narration of Srimad Bhaghavatha Puranam with all 10 qualities begins. Sage Maitreya begins the narration with praising the lineage of Vidura who is the listener ( shrotha) and that it is more proper that he is ready to listen to this Puranam in as much as Vidura in the previous birth was Dharma Raja (Yama ) himself and had to be born in the Kuru race due to the curse of Mandavya Maharishi. There were great devotees of Hari in the Kuru race.
Sage Maitreya who is the exponent (vaktha ) further informed him as to how this was taught to him by Sage Parashara . Originally Sankarshana or Adisesha taught this Puranam to the Sankadi (4) rishis who went to the pathala loka to visit Sankarshana all the way from Satyaloka. Sanakadi rishis taught this to Sankhyayana, who in turn taught to Sage Parashara and Brihaspathi (deva guru). Parashara taught this to Maitreya and Sage Pulastya.
Brihaspathi taught this to Udhdhava,
Sage Maireya then said that he would narrate this great Purana to Vidura who with pure faith and devotion wanted to hear this.
In this chapter what Brahma did before undertaking creation is explained in detail.He could have the vision of Hari only through penance meditation and attaining samadhi state, with pure devotion.
The guru-shishya parampara and the vaktha-shrotha requirements are once again emphasised.

ज्ञातोƒसि त्वं प्रभो मे वपुरिदमवतारैकमूलं तवास्मा-
ज्जातोƒहं; त्वां गृणन्तो भवभयरहिताः; रुाष्टुकामोƒस्मि लोकान्।
तच्छक्तं मां कुरु त्वं, प्रणतिमिह करोमी''ति धात्रा स्तुतोƒजः

प्रोवाचा''हं प्रसन्नः; सृज जगदिह, ते स्वस्ति भूयात् सदे''ति।।
Meaning: " Oh Lord (Prabho) ! Since you know me very well,I realise that it is Your Form which is the source of creation. I am interested in the act of creation of this world.Those who utter and praise You and call your names become totally free from fear of this samsara (meaning that they are free from repeated births and deaths). You will have to give me the strength and make me capable to create this universe. I prostrate before You and surrender myself totally." When Hari heard Brahma speaking in this manner and told him - " I am very much pleased .You can now create this universe. You will always have all welfare"

COMMENTARY: In this chapter out of 44 verses 25 of them constitute Brahma's stuthi. 15 verses contain Hari's reply and response to the sthuthi of Brahma. The स्तुति: of Brahma is the description of निर्गुण Nirguna form of ब्रह्मन्. and also सगुण saguna form as well and full of भक्ति. Bhaghavan Hari ,informs the फलश्रुति of this hymn thus:

य एतेन पुमान्नित्यं स्तुत्वा स्तोत्रेण मां भजेत्।

तस्याशु सम्प्रसीदेयं सर्वकामवरॆश्वर:  ॥    (४०) (40)
As I can grant all the desires to all, any person who recites this hymn of yours with devotion daily and also does services to me will get My Grace and also fulfilment of all his desires.
This also means that if an ordinary person can get his desires fulfilled by reciting this hymn it is needless to say that Brahma's desire to create this universe will be fulfilled.
All the 3 commentaries also convey the purport of this chapter as detailed in this verse.
श्रुत्वेदं कमलोद्भवः कृततपाः सर्गैकचित्तोƒभवत्;
सर्गाः प्राकृतवैकृता नवविधाः कौमारसर्गोƒपि च।
उद्भिज्जाण्डजरायुजा बहुविधाः स्वेदोद्भवा; सन्त्यमी

जीवास्तत्र रजोधिकास्तु मनुजा रागादिसंसारिणः।।
Meaning: On hearing the words of Hari Brahma was very much pleased and Hari disappeared thereafter. Brahma did penance for 100 long divine or celestial years (36000 human years) and also engaged himself in devotional service to Hari.Thereafter he saw both the lotus in which he was seated and also the encircling water. The lotus was trembling due to a strong wind. Because of long penance and the knowledge he gained he drank the wind completely along with water.Then he could see the lotus wherein he was seated was spread throughout the entire universe and also contemplated on the creation of the universe which is in hidden form now and merged in that lotus.He entered into the whorl of the lotus and he divided the universe into 3 divisions first and later into 14 divisions.
The creations are of 9 kinds. and there is a deva sarga or creation also.In this creation there are 1) those born through wombs 2) those born from eggs 3) those born through sweat etc. 4) those born from seeds and from earth. Further the humans are influenced by rajo guna and get attached to this world through desires .

COMMENTARY: The 9 nine kinds in this creation are:  प्राकृता:  -ईश्वर सृष्टा:

1 )महत् सृष्टि: Due to the imbalance of 3 gunas

2) अहंकार सर्ग: The source of creation of 5 basic elements-sky etc. and jnana and karma indriyani

3)  भूत सर्ग: The creation of 5 basic elements-sky,air, fire ,water and earth and 5 basic qualities in them

4)इन्द्रिया: 5 ज्ञानेन्द्रियाणि and 5    कर्मेन्द्रियाणि and ज्ञान and क्रिया शक्ति

5)सात्विक अहंकार: The presiding deities or     देवता: of all 10 organs and mind मनस

6 अविद्या-ignorance consisting of characteristics (    तामिस्र ,अन्धतामिस्र ,तम: ,मोह: ,महामोह:) and illusion -माया with covering and imaginary powers - आवरण and विक्षेप शक्ति
These six areप्राकृता:  -ईश्वर सृष्टा: .There are 3 वैकृता: ब्रह्म सृष्टा: -They are:

7) Stationary - स्थावर such as trees, shrubs and hills etc.
8) Lower species of animals- they are of 28 varieties and 4 legged with a quality of knowing their desirables by smell and unable to remember any thing.
9) Human beings- They have the mode of passion- रजोऽधिक: and engaging themselves in activities -   कर्मपरा: and indeed they lead miserable lives but they think that they are happy

In addition to the above there is देव सृष्टि: the creation of 4 rishis viz.Sanaka ,Sananda, Sanathana and Sanathkumara -called Kaumara sarga and 8 types of devathas or deities such as devas,pitrus,gandharvas,apsaras,yakshas ,rakshasas,sidhdha charanas,vidhyadharas,bhutha, pretha pishachas,kinnaras.kimpurushas, etc.

Thus Hari although a  निर्गुण: gets connected with रजो गुण:- for the purpose of creation and manifests Himself as this universe-    जगत् and He himself in the form of Brahma,the creator manifests Himself in the beginning of every cycle of creation -called as कल्प and creates this universe as well.
The creation also are classified as -- 1) those born in wombs (जरायुज ) 2)those born from eggs (अण्डज ) 3) those born from sweat or moisture (स्वेदज ) 4) those born from seeds and through the earth (उद्भिज ) These are mentioned in the above verse of Hrasva Bhaghavatham. The entire process of creation is described in this chapter.


कालः श्रीहरिशक्तिरेव; बहुधा वेधो लवो नाडिका

यामो रात्रिदिनानि पक्षयुगलम् मासश्च संवत्सरः।

एवं कालविभाग; एष कुरुते बाल्याद्यवस्थान्तरम्;

तस्मै वत्सरपञ्चकाय हरये कुर्यात् प्रणामँ सदा।
Meaning: The Time factor- काल: - present in the creation is described in this chapter.The Time factor also is the Power of Hari. The Time manifests in various forms such as seconds, minutes, hour, and a yama- 3 hour period, night, day ,week,month,year in minute form and yuga ,kalpa in macro form. It also shows in form of childhood, youth, and old age in all forms of creation.The year is reckoned as-संवत्सर : ,परिवत्सर: ,इडावत्सर: ,अनुवत्सर; ,वत्सर: in 5 forms. We prostrate always Hari in these 5 forms of years.

Commentary: Parikshit requested Shuka to narrate to him the Time and its course Shuka then informed him that he will explain to him later. Now the Time and its course is explained in this chapter and verse.

The Time is both in सूक्ष्म   - in minute or micro form and also in स्थूल - in macro form. In this chapter the details are given .They are given in tabular form for reference.
The base is paramanu -परमाणु -
 सूक्ष्म - minute or micro form of time    
5 x 10^-5 seconds   = 1 anu
   2 परमाणु: =   1 अणु:        2 paramanu =  1 anu
    3  अणु:      =   1   त्रिसरणु:  3 anu =  1 trisaranu
    3 त्रिसरणु:   =     1 त्रुटि:      3 trisaranu = 1 truti  =48 x10^-5 seconds
 100     त्रुटि:      =  1  वेध:   100 truti = 1 vedha  = 48 x10^ -3 seconds
    3 वेध:     =   1  लव:          3vedha = 1 lava  = 0.143 seconds
    3 लव:    =   1  निमेष:   3 lava  = 1 nimesha  = 0.43 seconds
    3निमेष:  = 1   क्षण:   3 nimesha  = 1 kshana = 1.28 seconds
    5 क्षण:   =   1काष्ठा   5  kshana  = 1 kashtaa = 6.4 seconds
   15  काष्ठा  =1लघु:      15 kashtaa = 1 laghu =96 seconds
   15   लघु :   = 1  घटिका  15 laghu = 1 ghatikaa  =  24 minutes
2 घटिका  = 1  मुहूर्त:      2 ghatikaa = 1 muhurtha  =  48 minutes
    3 3/4  मुहूर्त:     = 1  प्रहर   3 ¾ muhurtha = 1 prahara  = 3 hours
    8प्रहर:       =1दिनं       8 prahara = 1 day  = 24 hours
  15 दिनानि    =    1 पक्ष:  15 days = 1 paksha
   2 पक्ष:    =  1   मास:      2 paksha = 1 month
  2मासा :  1ऋतु:             2 months = 1 ritu
6 ऋतौ   =  1अयनं   6 ritus =  1 ayana

  2  अयनानि  =  1 वत्सर:  = 12  मासा:   2 ayanas = 1 year =12 months

The year also is measured or known in 5 forms
1) संवत्सर : -samvatsara - based on the movements of Sun, called as one solar year having 365.25 days
2) ,परिवत्सर: - parivatsara - based on the movement of the planet Jupiter (guru ) -372 days
3),इडावत्सर: , idavatsara-based on the movement of the planet Moon
4) ,अनुवत्सर; - ending in every New moon ( Amavasya )
5) ,वत्सर: - vatsara - 324 days a year based on the movement of 27 stellar or stars (nakshatras) 27x12
In the verse 15 of chapter 11 of Purana , Shuka prays to Hari who is in the form of 5 modes of measurement of the year. In Hrasva Bhaghavatham also the poet prays in a similar manner.

Now Macro form:
The human year is of 12 months.
One year for पितृ लोक -the world of manes is 30 human years. One year for     दॆव लोक celestials is 360 human years.
सत्य युग - 4800 celestial years - 17,28,000 human years
त्रेता यूग - 3600 " -do - - 12,96,000 -do -
 द्वापर युग   -2400 -do - -8,64,000 -do-
कलि युग - 1200 -do- 4,32,000 -do -
--------- -------------------------------
Total 12,000 43,20,000
---------- --------------------------------
The celestial years are inclusive of 10% of sandhya and 10% of sandhyaamsa of the respective yuga. The Brahma's day constitutes 1000 चतुर्युगानि -1000 chaturyugas =43.20 lakhs x1000 = 432 crores years. The duration of Brahma's night also is 432 crores years.Thus the entire day and night of Brahma is 864 crores years.
In the day of Brahma there are 14 manvantharas - 14 मन्वन्तराणि - each of these are ruled by a Manu.. The day of Brahma is also called a kalpa कल्प . 2 kalpas constitute a day and night of Brahma. The year of Brahma is 720 kalpas. 100 such years 72000 kalpas constitute the Brahma's life cycle. After this cycle a new Brahma appears and carries out creation. Already 2 kalpas- Brahma kalpa and Padma Kalpa are over. Now Varaha kalpa is in progress.In Varaha kalpa also half the life of Brahma ,meaning 50 years called as Purvardha is over and the second half life called as Parardha of 50 years is in progress.
AS of now in the Varaha Kalpa - 6 Manus' life cycles are over and the 7th Manu's life cycle is in progress.
All these are explained in the 11 th chapter of Canto3 of Srimad Bhaghavatham.


सृष्ट्वा सोƒज्ञानवृत्तीर्विधिरथ सनकादींश्च चित्तेन भूयो

रुद्रं भ्रूमध्यतश्च क्रतुपुलहपुलस्त्यादिकान् नारदं च।
वाणीं वेदेतिहासानपि विविधपुराणानि यज्ञान् विचित्रां-
श्चक्रे; द्वेधा विभक्तान्नरमिथुनमभूदस्य देहादजस्य।।
Meaning: After explaining the Time (kala ) and its dimensions and course, Sage Maitreya continues to narrate the subsequent creation in detail. Brahma then created the 5 qualities of अज्ञान वृत्त्ति - (अज्ञान वृत्त्ति  अन्धतामिस्रं ,तामिस्रं ,महामोहं ,मोहं , तम: - andhatamisram, tamisram, mahamoham, moham, tamaha ). As a conequence of this creation Brahma saw that the creation tended towards sin and therefore was of no use. He then meditated upon Hari and then became pure in his mind and continued the creation.First the 4 Sankadi rishis were created. They became ascetics and were not inclined to indulge in creation as directed by Brahma,- their creator. So Brahma became angry as His instructions were not followed. However He controlled His anger. As a result of this Shankara appeared as Rudra between His eye brows. He then created His like forms. Brahma was not satisfied with such creation. He stopped Him to create further and asked Him to do penance.
Brahma then created 10 sons -Marici, Atri, Angiras, Pulastya, Pulahaha, Krathu,Bhrugu,
Vashishta and Daksha. and the 10 th son Narada.Then Dharma and Adharma. From His shadow Kardama emerged. Then He created His daughter Vani. As he became infatuated seeing her, His sons prevented Him from such an action. Thus instructed by His sons He became wise and avoided and controlled Himself. He then did further meditation on Hari and became pure in His mind. Brahma then created the Vedas, Ithihasas, Puranas, Sacrifices .
In order to create further He divided Himself and created a Male- called Swayambhuva Manu and also a Female called Shatharupa . He then directed them to create. They procreated - 2 sons called Priyavratha and Uttanapada, and 3 daughters called Akuthi, Devahuthi and Prasuthi.
He gave in marriage to Ruchi Prajapathi,-akuthi, to Kardama Prajapathi -Devahuthi and to Daksha Prajapathi -Prasuthi. They carried on further creation.

Commentary: अज्ञान वृत्त्ति  अन्धतामिस्रं ,तामिस्रं ,महामोहं ,मोहं , तम: are explained in Vishnu Purana as मरणं ,क्रोध: ,ग्राम्यभोगसुखैषिण: ,अन्त्:करण व्विभ्रम: ,अविवेक: -- they are also known as death, anger, desire towards worldly affairs, the agitation and restlessness in mind, and ignorance. These are the products of अज्ञान . REFER to the verse 2 of Dashaka 10 of SrimanNarayaneeyam also.


कालेƒस्मिन् भुवमब्धिमग्नविवशामुद्धर्तुकामो हरि
र्नासातो निरगादजस्य किटिपोतोƒयं महीध्राकृतिः।
गर्जन्नब्धितरंगतः क्षितिमिमां पोत्रे ॥निधायोद्धरन्
रुन्धानं दनुजं निपात्य विबुधैर्यज्ञस्वरूपः स्तुत:
Meaning:Brahma then instructed Swayambhuva Manu to start the creation of human race.Swayambhuva Manu noticed that the Earth was immersed in water and there was no trace of it. He then requested his creator Brahma that,as the earth was immersed in water .he should be shown a place to start the creation.The immersion of Earth was due to the Will of Bhaghavan Hari. So Brahma meditated upon Hari. Hari appeared as a small and a young one of a Pig, from the nostrils of Brahma. The Pig form immediately assumed a very huge form and entered into the ocean and lifted the Earth from his nostrils and placed it in postion. Hari as Yagna Varaha form killed a demon called Hiranyaksha who stopped Him from bringing the earth from the deep waters of the ocean. Hari was praised by Brahma and all the rishis such as Sanath kumaras and Marichi and others
Commentary: Hari wanted to commence his leelas or incarnations in various forms So He commenced with यज्ञ वराह अवतार .As a first step He appeared in a Pig Form and restored the Earth in the original place, which was otherwise hidden by the demon Hiranyaksha in the deep waters of the ocean. In the process He killed him who prevented Him and waged a war.
Consequent to the killing of the demon, Brahma and others praised Hari asयज्ञ वराह अवतार.
The hymn is in verses from 34 to 45 of chapter no 13 of the Purana.
क्षत्रा पृष्टेन "कोƒयं हत' इति मुनिना चोक्तमेतस्य माता
सन्ध्यायां कामतप्ता दितिरमलमतिं कश्यपं प्राप मुग्धा;।
तेनोक्तं - ते जनिष्यत्सुतयुगममलान् पीडये त्; पुत्रकौ ते
विष्णुर्हन्याल्लोकार्तिहारी तव तनयसुतो भक्तवर्यो भवेच्च।।
Meaning: Vidura asked Maitreya as to who was Hiranyaksha,the demon and what was the reason for waging a war by him and getting killed by Hari. Thus Vidura motivated Maitreya rishi to describe the story in detail. The reason for the births of the demons as twins from Dithi ,Daksha Prajapathi's daughter forced her husband Kashyapa Prajapathi out of infatuation and a desire to get progeny.Although Kashyapa was pure in his mind adhering to Dharma,he yielded to her desire in a most inopportune time and in an improper manner. Consequently Kashyapa told her as a result of her act , two demons will be born as twins and will get killed by Hari as they will harass the virtuous persons and rishis. She realised the mistake and requested that Hari should not get angry.Kashyapa said that her grandson will be a devotee of Hari who will become famous for his devotion to Him and the foremost of His Bakthas.
Commentary: Maitreya informed Vidura that due to the improper act of Dithi the demon twins were born. However when she repented for her sin Kashyapa told her that her grandson will become a great devotee of Hari. The reason for the killing of Hiranyaksha, the demon by Vishnu is explained in this chapter.
पश्यन्तो दिव्यदृश्यान्युरुकुतुकहृदो योगिवर्याः कुमारा
वैकुण्ठं द्रष्टुकामा जयविजयहतस्वेच्छयात्राल्पकोपाः।
शेपुस्तौ - "नीचयोनिं प्रविशत'मिति तत्राƒƒगतं श्रीद्वितीयं
दृष्ट्वा भक्त्या च नत्वा सुविमलमनसस्तुष्टुवुः पद्महस्तम्।।
Meaning: How the two demons were born to Dithi- is explained in this chapter and verse.
These two demons -Hiranyakashipu and Hiranyaksha were in their previous births as the gatekeepers in Vaikunta-the abode of Hari. Having got such a superior position in Vaikunta by the meritorious deeds and virtues they were intoxicated with pride. They prevented the Sanakadi-4 rishis from entering into Vaikunta and whose sole purpose was to have a darshan of Hari in an improper manner The 4 rishis out of some inexplicable anger cursed them that they will be born as demons.Then Hari accompanied by his consort Lakshmi appeared before them and the 4 rishis offered their prayer to Him by prostrating before Him with Bhakthi.
Commentary: When Jaya and Vijaya the servants of Hari saw the four rishis entering Vaikunta should have had a restraint and respected them But on the contrary they disrespected them by stopping with a stick to prevent their entry. The 2 gatekeepers should have composure but instead they were proud.It is this impropriety on their part was the reason for the anger of the Sanakadi rishis and their curse.Please read the dashaka 11 of Narayaneeyam.
विलोक्य सदयं प्रियौ हरिरुवाच बद्धाञ्जली
भवेतमसुरौ युवां, मुनिवचो न मिथ्या भवेत्;।
विवृद्धतरमन्युना स्मरतमेव मां जन्मभिभिर्,
स्त्रिभिर्  व्रजतमत्र, वां सकलबन्धमुक्तिर्भवेत्।।
Meaning: Noticing His devotees Jaya and Vijaya with the folded hands and after repenting their act to the rishis,Hari informed them that the curse of the rishis will take effect and they will be born as demons for 3 times and will attain Mukthi at the end of 3rd birth.They also will worship Him with Anger as a path of devotion to Him as the trait. and as a result of this will be rid of all attachments and obstructions in getting salvation.
Commentary:It was the will of Hari that these two devotees of His should be born as demons for 3 consecutive births and He should begin His avatara leela or incarnate Himself for the welfare of this universe,Hence all these happened at His will. He did not redeem the curse although capable to do so. He wanted that the curse of the rishis to become true. In fact the curse was only to shower His grace on the two devotees.
नत्वोभौ हरिमात्तभक्तिविनयं प्राप्तौ दितेः पुत्रतां
ज्येष्ठश्चाप्यनुजो हिरण्यकशिपुर् नाम्ना हिरण्याक्षकः।
स प्राप्तो वरुणं युयुत्सुरनुजः प्रोक्तोƒमुना प्राप्यतां
विष्णुर् युद्धविदग्ध; एषि यदि तं नूनं श्वभक्ष्यो भवेः।।
Meaning: Both of them worshipped Hari and prostrating before Him and accepting the curse with all humility left Vaikunta.As a result of the curse they were born as Hiranyakashipu and Hiranyaksha to Dithi.It is the younger brother Hiranyaksha who was proud of his strength and wanted to wage a war with Varuna, who controlling his anger directed him to wage a war with Vishnu who is equal to him and in the end of that war will become a food for dogs ,meaning that he would be killed.
Commentary: It is Brahma who explained to the celestials the reason for the embryos in the Dithi's womb causing the hardships to the world was due to the curse of the Sanakadi rishis.
Both of them had enormous strength and made all the worlds suffer. Hiranyaksha became proud of his strength and wanted to wage war equal to him.As Varuna had conducted the Rajasuya yagna by defeating all his enemies Hiranyaksha thought that he was a proper opponent to him So he went to wage a war with him, as he had conquerred all the leaders of 10 directions. But Varuna directed him to go to Vishnu who was his equal.
श्रुत्वेदं विष्णुमन्विष्य स भुवनमटन् योद्धुकामो न पश्यन्
क्रीडालोलः समुद्रेप्यथ
                       किटिवपुषं चोद्धरन्तं धरित्रीं।
तं दृष्ट्वाहार्पितेयं मृगहतक! जगत् सृष्टिकर्ता पुरा नो

नेया ते सा कथं स्यादिति हरिरवदज्जल्पनं ते वृथा स्यात्।।
Meaning: On hearing from Varuna to wage a war with Vishnu, he went in search of Him throughout all the 14 worlds and saw Vishnu in a Varaha (pig ) form lifting the Earth from the deep ocean which was hidden by the demon. On seeing Vishnu he laughed at him and scolded Him as a "wretched animal" and told him that the creator had already given the Earth to the demons and how he was taking it away. Hari told him - " your words are of no use".
Commentary: When Hiranyaksha was searching Vishnu, he met Narada maharishi who directed him to the deep ocean from where Vishnu was lifting the Earth and informed him that Hari was lifting the Earth hidden by him. So he followed Vishnu and on seeing Him taking the earth and coming out became angry and scolded Him.Hari told him that there is no use of uttering meaningless words. His meeting Narada indicates that whenever any body happens to meet a saintly person he will be in a position to have darshan of Hari.

विष्णुर्दैत्येन लीलारणमकृत,गदाशूलहस्तेन ,भीमं
क्रुध्यन्तं मायिनं तं निजकरतलतः कर्णमूले जघान;।
पोत्रेणोद्धृत्य भूमिं किटितनुमभिगच्छन्तमारान्मुनीन्द्रा

देवाः सन्तुष्टुवुस्तं हरिममलधियो यज्ञमूर्तिं विनम्राः।।
Meaning: On seeing the demon having the mace and trident in his hands and trying to engage in war, Vishnu in Varaha form engaged him in war in a playful manner. The demon then used unfair means of magic to mislead his opponent.But they were of no use. Because Hari was able to remove the effects of the magic by illusion easily.Then Hari killed him by hitting him at the base of his ears. Brahma and other sages with purity at heart praised Hari -in YAGNA VARAHA form coming out from the ocean with the earth after killing the demon.
Commentary: As Hiranyaksha met with his death while he was looking at Hari ,he got sayujya - the moksha easily. Hari kept His promise to Jaya and Vijaya that they would be liberated by Him. One of them got liberated now, as he could have the view of Hari in full form. He will become Kumbhakarna in next birth. This is in reply to the question of Vidura.
Those who hear this episode,or reads it will be rid of all sins such as Brahmahatya-killing of a brahmin etc.He will be bestowed with all prosperity. a long life etc and will get salvation at the end of his life
यक्षान् रक्षांसि धाताऽसृजदसुरगणान् कामभोगैकसक्तान्
भूतान्येवं पिशाचान् विविधपितृगणान् साध्यसंघानदृश्यान्।
एवं सृष्ट्वा बहूनप्यथ कमलभवः सर्गवृद्धिम् न पश्यन्
क्रुद्धस्तत्याज देहं पुनरसृजदृषीन् लोकभर्त्तृन् मनूंश्च।।
Meaning: After hearing the Varaha avatara leela of Hari, Vidura asked Maitreya to describe as to what Brahma did afterwards and whatelse was created by him.Maitreya replied that Brahma created the races of yakshas,rakshasa, asuras who indulged in enjoyment of worldly affairs, bhutas, pishachas,various manes or pitrus ,sadhyas etc. When he saw that the creation was not multiplying and there was no increase in the creations he became angry and left his body volountarily. He then created the various manus to carry on with the creation further , after he became calm . He also created the rishis .
Commentary: When the celestials saw that the manus carried on with further creation they praised Brahma and the manus







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