Sunday, February 23, 2014


स्कन्ध: २


In the Prathama Skandha प्रथम स्कन्ध,there are 19 chapters.In the first 3 chapters,we saw that the exponent (vaktha) was Sutha maharishi and the listeners (shrotha) were Shaunakadi rishis.Inthe next 3 chapters the vaktha was Narada and the shrotha was Sage Veda Vyasa.In the balance 12 chapters the main and principal listener (shrotha) King Parikshit's life right from his birth till getting cursed and preparing himself mentally to face death were discussed in detail In the last chapter we saw the arrival of a guru Suka to impart the knowledge of this Purana to him.
Thus there are three classes of exponents and three classes of listeners- this was
the the highlight of First Canto;
1) Sutha and the other rishis were engaged in a sacrifice for a long time and they listened to this purana in the spare time after the rituals were over.As their main motto was to follow the path of Karma yoga.Thhey were classified as a class- lowest in order.
2) Sage Narada and Sage Vyasa were the most enlightened souls and had attained mukthi in life time.Their main intention in study of this Purana was only to guide the mankind and ensure their welfare.They had no other motive other than these.So they were classified as of -middle order.
3) In case of King Parikshit, he was cursed and facing an impending death.He had conditioned his mind to the eventuality and beame totally detached from worldly life- he got vairagya. was desirous of knowing the ultimate truth and liberation from births and deaths.
In case of Suka .he was a brahmajnani and also had pure devotion to Krishna.
Thus both were in BHAKTHI MARGA and were classified as -highest in the order of exponents and listeners.

In this 2nd Canto,the subject matters of shravana (listening) are:
1) Dhyana ध्यान 2) Total faith श्रद्धा 3) Contemplation मनन
In vedanta shastra the person desiring moksha-a mumukshu, should concentate and control his mind by shravana,manana and nididhyasana practices of the mind.
In this 2nd Skandha ,
1) 1st and 2nd chapters are devoted for Dhyana
2) 3rd and 4th chapters describe Shraddha
3) The balance 6 chapters from 5th to 10th deal with Manana-contemplation and control of the mind of the listener.
After informing about the qualities of both the exponent and listener in the 1st Canto,this Canto describes as how a listener should condition his mind.
Now we will discuss the Second Canto of Hrasva Bhaghavatham.

राजन्, लोकहितं वचस्तव; वृथा देहादिसक्तिः सतां;

स्मर्तव्यो हरिरेव मृत्युतरणायान्यो न पन्थाः शिवः;।

श्राव्यं भागवतं, चतुर्दशजगद्रूपं विराट्पूरूषं

स्मृत्वा सप्तदिनैर्भवान् परपदं गन्ताƒƒकुलो मा स्म भूः।

Meaning: O Parikshit Raja ! Your questions are for the welfare of the mankind.For the great human beings,the sadhus, the attachment to the body is of no use and therefore you should not be afraid of death.If you want to conquer the death and become fearless ,the only way or solution avalable is the contemplation and constant remembrance of Bhagavan Hari. And there is no other proper way at all. As you have 7 days of life left over, you listen to the Srimad Baghavatham which I will narrate to you,which describes the leelas of the Virat Purusha, who is verly the personification of the entire universe of 14 worlds. You need not have the slightest worry.

Commentary: Parikshit's questions were-1) what a person facing death should do or not do?
2) what every mortal should do regularly or not do? Both these questions are for the welfare of the mankind and were not selfish. So Suka was elated at these questions and praised the king.
As the king had 7 days of life Suka advised him: 1) As death is natural for the mankind,there is no use being afraid of it .So be fearless, 2) The person facing death should detach himself and go to forest ,3) He should contemplate on the physical form of Hari as Virat Svaupa who is the cause of 14 bhuvanas(worlds),4) He should spend the remaining 7 days only fixing his mind on Hari
As the King asked him as how he should do dharana(dhyana) on Hari ,Suka advised him to concentrate on Virat Rupa or form.As a step to remember Him, the dhyana is the best way.Looking as the entire universe as His form there will be samadarshanam in all beings. The devotee will attain a stage where he will see Hari everywhere and in the entire creation.He will become Hari himself.This is the principle af advaita vedanta
Sridharacharya :This Canto describes the benefits of nama samkirthanam,dana.tapas and yoga(meaning ashtanga yoga).. Visvanatha Charavarthi: Narayana's svarupa and the basis of this Purana .Giridhara: The Virat Svarupa is the subject matter of this Canto.
Hrasva Baghavatham in this verse covers the vital subject matter of this Canto as well as this 1st chapter

स्थूलं रूपमिदं हरेर्जगदिदं ध्यायन् क्रमाद् वैष्णवं
सूक्ष्मं पश्यति रूपमन्तरमलं निष्कामयोगी पुनः।
सद्योमुक्तिमुपैति देहपतने योगी सकामो यदि
प्राप्नोति क्रममुक्ति;मेति पतनं कामातिसक्तो जनः।।
Meaning: Continuing Suka told that the entire jagat or prapancham,meaning the entire creation is this physical form स्थूल रूपं of Hari. If a person meditates such form always becomes pure in his heart (meaning that he gets rid of six qualities viz, kama,(desire) krodha (anger ) etc ),gradually in course of time will be able to see the subtle and pure form of Vishnu in the state of nirvikalpa samadhi.,through the practice of yoga(in 8 forms called ashtanga yoga अष्टाङ्ग योग
.). Such yogis are of 2 types -1) totally having no desire at all called (niskama yogi) 2) a yogi having some desire called (sakama yogi). The first type attains mukthi immediately and merges with brahman, called as सद्यो मुक्ति (sadyo muktthi). The second type also attains mukthi मुक्ति but after a prolonged period after the total delusion  प्राकृत प्रलय् takes place- when the entire creation comes to an end. This mukthi is called क्रम मुक्ति (krama mukthi).In case of the yogi or individuals if they are not able to become desireless and have some worldly desires- 1) if the person is having satvik nature सात्विक he goes to heaven or svarga स्वर्ग and on exhausting his punya comes back to this world 2) if the person is of rajasika राजसिक nature h egoes to the heaven and hell depending upon his karma alternately and comes back to this world 3) If the person is of tamasik तामसिक nature meaning commits only sins he goes to hell .
Commentary: The entire universe and creation is Vishnu personified.The person who desires mukthi should practice अष्टाङ्ग योग.In Narayaneeyam नारायणीयम् the 4th chapter (dashaka ) explains the details of this verse more clearly.Please read 2nd chapter of the Purana also.The total liberation of the soul is possible only through the path of devotion or अष्टाङ्ग योग..THE parts of theअष्टान्ङ्गयोग are यम ,नियम ,आसनं ,प्राणायामं ,प्रत्याहारं ,धारणा ,ध्यानं ,समाधि. The धारणा ,ध्यानं -are the importantant parts and they are covered in this chapter.
All the 3 commentaries also stress meditation of physical form,and afterwards the subtle form.Thus Dharana धारण is the crux for getting salvation or mukthi मुक्ति .


तत्तद्देवसमाश्रयेण मनुजस्तत्तद्वरानश्नुते;

सेवन्तेƒखिलकामिनो हरिमकामाश्चापि मोक्षेप्सवः;।

भक्त्या यो मनसेन्द्रियैश्च भजते विष्णुं सदा भाग्यवान्
स ज्ञानं लभते परं; न भजते यस्तस्य धिग् जीवितम्।।
Meaning; The humans propitate different deities with the purpose to fulfil their desires in various forms.Whether the person is having all worldly desires or having no desire at all ,he should propitate and worship Hari in a steadfast manner.If he worships Hari mentally and also through his senses and body with total devotion, then he should be considered as the most fortunate person.Such person will attain liberation.He who does not worship Hari at all is the most unfortunate person and his is life will indeed be worthless.
Commentary: Continuing his narration Suka told Parikshit that if a person has a desire in life,he should worship a particular deity to fulfil a particular desire viz.for long life the Ashwini devatha.for knowledge ,Shiva etc.Irrespective of the fact a person is having desire or not he should worsip Hari the Parama Purusha in order to get( moksham) liberation.For this भक्ति योग through listening to Hari leelas is the appropriate path..
Shaunaka hearing thus ,was happy and keen to hear more about Hari,therefore asked sutha to relate them the HARI KATHA as told by Suka to Parikshit in more detail..
Sridhara : The greatness of Vishnu Bhaktha is the topic. and also the greatness of Bhakthi;
Chakravarthi: For, controlling senses and organs of the body -this is not possible without Hari Bakthi.
Giridhara: The superiority of Hari Bhakthi and also of the bhaktha-On hearing this, Shaunaka with more faith wants to listen Hari leelas and requests sutha maharishi.

राजाƒपृच्छदिदं कथं जगदभूत् सृष्टं? कथं रक्ष्यते?
काले संह्रियते कथं भगवता? काः काश्च तच्छक्तयः?।
श्रुत्वैवं मुनिराट् स्तुवन् मधुरिपुं प्रोद्गीतसारस्वतो
नत्वा व्यासमपीह नारदविधिप्रोक्तं स्मरन्नूचिवान्।।
Meaning: King Parikshit put 4 questions to Suka -1) How does Hari create this universe? 2)How does he protect this universe created? 3) How does he wind up this or destroy this universe? 4) By what means and powers and how does he achieve all these? Hearing these questions Suka mentally remembering (smaranam) of Hrisikesha,the controller of senses and organs , and praising Him started to reply them.The stotra containing 12 verses in this chapter is called as सारस्वत स्तोत्रं (sarasvatha) because Suka invokes Hari and Sarasvathi to enable him to carry on the discourse further.Inthe beginning of the creation Hari,through the Godess of Learning amplified the knowledge in the heart and mind of Brahma not only the knowledge of creation but also the Absolute Truth आत्मन: तत्वं and also appearing before him and made him generate from his mouth.He also prostrated Sage Vyasa from whom he got the knowledge of this Purana.Then he proceededto inform the King that Brahma on being questioned by his son Narada,imparted the knowledge as he was directly spoken by Hari.Narada was impregnated with Vedic Knowledge rigt at the time of his birth.
Commentary:Suka (vide verse no.23 of ch.4) invokes that Bhagavan Hari created 5 maha huthas such as sky air etc, and then the body of all jivas and He resides in these jivas with 16 kalas (5 jnendriyas,5 karmendriyas,5 pranas and manas)and makes jivas active with 16 qualities(5 shabdaadi, 5 vaggadi, 5 pranadi and manas as sankalpa) and He alone will be able to make me speak and reply and narrate further.He prays to Hari to give him strength and knowledge to narrate further. Giridhara Goswami says in his commentary that what Suka has prayed in the stotra is Mangalacharanam for his further discourse. Read the verses in their commentaries given as below:

श्रीधर : तुर्ये परीक्षिता पृष्टं सृष्ट्यादि हरि चेष्टितं ।
          शुकेन ब्रह्म तत्पुत्र सम्वादेनोपवर्ण्यते ॥
चक्रवर्ती : चतुर्थे तु शुक: प्रोक्त: सृष्टिलीलां परीक्षिता ।
             ब्रह्मनारदसंवादेनाह नत्वा गुरुं हरिम् ॥
बालप्रबोधिनी :तुर्ये राज्ञा विपृष्टस्य गुणानुकथने हरे: ।

                    मङ्गलोक्त्या बृहत् श्रद्धा श्रीशुकेन निरूप्यते ॥

पृष्टोƒजः किल नारदेन ""वद मे दृश्यं जगत् कीदृशम्?

सर्वज्ञोƒसि''; विरिञ्चिराह - ""भगवानेवाखिलं तत्त्वतः;।
एतत् सत्वरजस्तमोमय,मिदं चित्तादि शब्दादि च
श्रोत्राद्यं घटितं जलेƒण्डमभवद् यस्माद् विराडुद्भवः।।
Meaning : Narada ,on one occasion asked brahma thus - 1)Please tell me the atma tatva as you are the first born 2)What is the background of this form of the world? 3)How this universe is created? How is it conserved and protected?Who is the controller of all these actions? Since you have the knowledge and you are aware of all about whatever created in the past,whatever being created now and whatever will be created in future I consider that you are the controller of all these and please give the knowledge of all these considering me as a student. Brahma replied that Bhagavan Narayana called Vasudeva is the only entity who created all the 5 ingredients,eternal time (kalah), the nature in all living beings, and there is no truth ( tatvatataha) other than Him. All the 3 gunas viz, satva,rajas and tamaha.the chitta,ahankara buddhi, manas all are mixed (as panchikarana tatva) and the entire universe was created,conserved.He assumed Virat svarupa from the egg shaped seed of creation.
Commentary:In this verse and in 4 th chapter of the Purana Brahma explains the principle of the creation of this universe of 14 worlds (bhuvanani). For a better clarity the verses in the beginning of the 3 commentaries which explain the purport of this chapter is given below;
श्रीधर : पञ्चमे नारदेनाथ पृष्ट: सृष्ट्यादि वक्त्यज: ।

          हरेर्लीलां विराट्सृष्टिं कालकर्मादिशक्तिभि: ॥

चक्रवर्ती : पञ्चमे नारदं प्राह तत्वानां सृष्टिमात्मभू: ।
             तैर्विराजश्च तत् पादाद्यङ्गैर्भूरादिकल्पनाम् ॥

बालप्रबोधिनी: हृत्प्रसादं निरूप्याथ मननं विनिरूप्यते।
                    तत्र तु प्रथमेऽध्याये जननं विनिरूप्यते ॥
They explain that Brahma taught Narada the principle of creation.,Virat Svarupa of Hari ,and the 24 tatvas of creation of भू: भुव: स्व: ( earth, the world above, heaven).Giridhara says that in the earlier 2 chapters smaranam was the topic and in this and next chapters mananam is the topic in addition to the above


यः साहरुाकरांघ्रिशीर्षनयनो गीतो विराट्पूरुषो,
यस्यांगानि चतुर्दशापि च जगन्त्याराध्यते यो मया,।
यः सृष्टिस्थितिसंहृतीश्च कुरुते स्वस्मिन् स्वयं चात्मना
कल्पे कल्प, इदं स एव सकलं, नैवान्यदस्त्यात्मज!॥
Meaning: He who with countless (the number 1000 is only indicative) ,hands,feet ,heads,eyes etc is called Virat Purusha and is very embodiment of 14 worlds.He is the deity whom I (brahma) worship.He is the one who creates,conserves, and destroys all these creations in every kalpa (life of the universe) and remins Himself.Narada, There is nothing else other than Him.
Commentary: In the earlier verse and chapter it was explained as that when the seed of creation - the egg shaped form wherein the 24 ingredients of creation were lifeless till Hari entered into it and the seed of creation then got life. From this egg shaped seed Virat Purusha assumed form with countless organs and limbs . He created the entire universe of 14 worlds and this cycle of creation,conservation and destruction goes for ever.In truth Hari the all pervading.-omnipresent,omniscient ,omnipotent etc..
In the Vedas this Virat svarupa is explained in detail in PURUSHA SUKTHA.All the 3 commentaries also confirm the above.
योƒरूपो भगवान् बहूनि धृतवान् रूपाणि शक्तीर्दधद्
यः कृष्णो भविता विधास्यति मुनिर्वेदं चतुर्धा; यतः।
ज्ञानं लब्धमिदं च मे परमिमं ज्ञातुं च वक्तुं च नो
शक्तः कोƒपि; विधत्स्व नारद! हरौ भÏक्त जनानां हृदि।।

Meaning:Although the Paramatma has no form (as he is formless),He assumes countless forms form only for the sake of creation etc, Sage Vyasa is the avatara of Hari who divided the Veda into 4 parts(Rik,Yajus, Sama, Atharva) .Nobody is capable of understanding His real and complete form from whom I (brahma) got this Cosmic Knowlege of creation.Therefore, Narada,  inculcate Bakthi in the hearts and minds of all human beings with total determination and the manner by which it will be possible for them to develop this Bakthi.
Commentary: In this 7th chapter of the Purana,Brahma explains all the 24 avataras or incarnations -Hari has assumed to protect His devotees . The nature,purpose and the achievements of each incarnation is described 38 verses.Only through Bakthi people will be able to get over Maya or illusion. The names of those who got over this maya also are described. Finally Brahma instructs Narada that the Baghavatham is (veda tulya ) the essence and equivalent of Veda.
He asks Narada to spread this Bhakthi spirit in all human beings so that they also can get over the Maya ,meaning that they also can be liberated with efforts on their 

""पित्रोंक्तं किमु कस्य कस्य तनयेनोक्तं? हरिं संस्मरं-

स्त्यक्ष्ये देहमुपायमस्य वद मे, देहात्मबन्धः कथम्?।
धर्माः के विविधा नृणां? श्रुतिपुराणादिस्वभावः कथम्?
सर्वज्ञोƒसि, वदे''ति भूपतिवचः श्रुत्वाƒƒह स श्रीशुकः।
Meaning:At this point of narration by Suka, Parikshit asked him the following:
1) To whom Narada did spread this knowledge what he got from his father?
2) After hearing from Suka His leelas and stories, he wished to remember Hari constantly and leave the mortal body.
3) What is the connection between jiva (soul ) and paramatma and how a jiva (the living being) gets attached th this universe consequently with repeated births ( bandha) and deaths or how he gets liberated totally i.e. gets moksha .
4)Does the Virat Purusha acquire the body by His own will or by any cause यदृच्छया or  हेतुनाl ?
5) If from Virat Purusha from whom the Lotus -the cause was created and as His figure or body is gigantic,then what is the difference between Him and the other living beings?
6) How the Brahma,the creator ,the unborn , was able to see Him?
7)As it was explained by you that all the planets or worlds are the different parts of His body and as also there are governors or rulers of these,what is the actual position of them?
8) Please also explain as how this Purusha who resides in every one's heart but unaffected by the three fold qualities of creation,conservation and their total annhiliation?
9) What are the different duties (dharma) of humans and the qualities of Vedas, Ithihasas, and Puranas and thei branches/ How does a yogi gets liberated,who also possesses the opulence,and how are they realised by them?
As Suka was Omniscient-All Knowing, Parikshit asked him to narrate further. Suka were pleased to hear these questions and started to reply him.
Commentary:As Parikshit was interested to hear the entire story and leelas of Krishna,he requested Suka to narrate him the entire Bhaghavatham.He informs Suka that listening to Srimad Baghavatham will make him or anybody pure in his heart and mind and will cleanse him from the effects of lust,anger,greed,pride,illusion , and hate etc.Ultimately he will develop pure devotion to the Lotus feet of Krishna and will never relinquish or abandon such devotion to Him.
Thus Parikshit asked Suka about this Purana, and its meaning with all doubts that arose in his mind.
In order to listen Krishna's leelas Parikshit extolls the qualities of Krishna also but at the same time raising doubts,he questions Suka to make him hear and remove those doubts as well.Throughout the narration of this Purana Parikshit maitains this method.
All the three commentaries and HB also say the above in an indirect manner.
ब्राह्मे कल्पे विधाता सुचिरकृततपा दृष्टवैकुण्ठलोकः
सस्नेहं विष्णुनोक्तः - "सृज जगदधुना पूर्वसृष्टं मयैव।
स्रष्टा सृष्टिश्च सृष्टं सकलमहमितो नैव न्नास्ति, 
स्यान्नैव किञ्चित् कमलज! न तु ते कर्म बन्धाय भूयात्।।
Meaning: Suka continued the narration. During Brahma Kalpa ,Brahma aid penance for a long time,lasting 1000 years reckoned as celestial years.At the end of it he was able to have a vision of Vaikunta.Hari informed him to continue the creation which Hari did in the beginning of creation. He informed him that Hari is the only creator, created, the creation also Himself and there is nothing else in this Creation other than Him.He informed Brahma also that he will never be affected by any effect of this and will not be bound by them,meaning that he will be free forever.
Commentary:In the end of last chapter Sutha told the assembly of sages that Shuka was induced by the King to narrate the story of Krishna and was elated and then narrated this Bhaghavatha Puranam equivalent to the Vedas ,as revealed by Hari to Brahma during the beginning of Brahma Kalpa.The King in the last chapter in verse no.7 asked SUKA as to if the jivatma has connection with the body with any reason or motive or not.
In the beginning of this chapter Suka replied him that unless one is influenced by Maya or illusion, there is no meaning of any relationship of jiva the soul with the physical body similar to a person in a dream state has no connection with the happenings in that dream. He then proceeded to narrate the creation in detail.Brahma wanted to create this universe but did not know how to create. He then wanted to know the source of the Lotus in which he was seated.All he heard were the two syllables "ta" and "pa",directing him to do penance or tapas. He did as was directed a penance lasting 1000 celestial years (one celestial year is equal to 360 solar years)). At the end of this penance Hari revealed Himself before Brahma, as He is in Vaikunta.Hari shook his hands and told him and asked him to ask for a boon as He was pleased with his severe penance.Brahma asked Him to give him the knowledge of creation with concentration on Hari and yet not to be affected by the ahankara that he (Brahma) is the sole creator The Bhaghavan Hari then initiated the supreme knowledge ,known as chatushloki baghavatham चतुश्श्लोकी भागवतं.This chatushloki baghavatham is the basis and foundation on which the entire Srimad Baghavatha Puranam containing 18000 verses are composed. The Skandha Purana states in the Bhaghavatha Mahathmya as follows:

ज्ञानविज्ञानभक्त्याङ्गचतुष्टयपरं वच: ।
मायामर्दन्नदक्षं च विद्धि भाग्गवतं च तत् ॥
प्रमाणं तस्य को वेद ह्यनन्तस्याक्षरात्मन: ।

ब्रह्मणे हरिणा तद्दिक् चतु:श्लोक्या प्रदर्शिता ॥ (स्कन्द पुराणं-वैष्णव खण्ड-अध्याय ४ श्लोका: ५&
Meaning; Understand that as the Baghavatham in which the words and sentences, knowledge, the practices, and devotion all these 4 are enlightened and is capable of removing totally the Maya -illusion.This Puranam is the embodiment of countless letters and the indestructible.This was revealed to Brahma by hari in the form of CHATUSHLOKI (IN 4 VERSES).

The verses 30 to 36 of chapter 9 are called CHATUSHLOKI BAGHAVATHAM
Verses 30 and 31 are introduction - Hari says to Brahma that He will impart the knowledge of formless and with formless with form निर्गुण-निराकार एवं सगुण-निराकार of His.Both these 2 knowledge are highly secretive and not known to anybody.They will have to be preserved with care.All these are both Parabrahma form and as well as Pure Bliss.
Verse 32: The ब्रह्म तत्व is explained here.Hari is the only principle and entity -before, during and after annihilation of the entire creation and nothing else. Refer Geetha verse ,37/ch.11.39/ch.10 32/ch.10
Verse 33:माया तत्व - The principle of Maya or illusion, the cause of creation, and how He is covered and uncomprehensible.
Verse 34 जगत् तत्व or   प्रपञ्च तत्व - The princple of this creation .The Paramatma appears as being present in all the beings as the 5 elements sky ,air etc are seen and infact He is also not present in them being nirguna,nirakara and nishkriya and nirlepa meaning unaffected by the 5 elements and being independent of them.
Verse 35 ; The jiva should strive to understand Paramatma by both direct and indirect means.The direct means are such as ; Paramatma is all pervading,equal in all beings and peace personified etc.
The indirect means are such as; Paramatma is formless,not engaged in any activity,beyond the scope of describing in mind and words ,limitless etc.
He can be known by analysis of self and introspection and this can be achieved by pure devotion to Him.Then only liberation or mukthi is possible.
Verse 36; Conclusion.Hari concludes that Brahma can realise the Truth by both nirvkalpa and savikalpa samadhi states. and accept all the above principles.If he takes the above course Brahma will never be confused or affected by the creation and HE WILL BE PEACEFUL ALWAYS.
The above instruction was given on the first day of the creation in Brahma Kalpa( a day of Brahma)
श्रुत्वैवं कमलोद्भवोƒस्य जगतः सृष्टौ हरिप्रेरित-
स्तिर्यङ् मर्त्यसुरासुराद्यमसृजद्; व्यासश्र्व यद् वर्णयन्।
सर्गाद्यैर्दशलक्षणैश्च सहितं श्रीमत्पुराणम् मुनि-
श्चक्रे; यत्र सुवर्णितं विदुरमैत्रेयोक्तमाकण्र्यताम्॥
Meaning:Brahma after listening to the Chatushloki Baghavatham worshipped Hari and undertook this recreation of this universe with all living beings as before.Once upon a time he undertook self control in the interest of wellbeing of all living beings such as men,devas,asuras etc.Narada served him with obedience and as Brahma was satisfied with his service,Brahma instructed and taught Narada about this Srimad Bhaghavatha Puranam as taught by Hari ,which has 10 characteristics or lakshanas. Narada ,in turn, taught this Puranam to Sage Vyasa,who was meditating on Hari on the banks of Sarasvathi river. Suka narrated to Parikshit as he asked about the Virat Purusha and other questions this puranam with 10 lakshanas. They are सर्ग:,विसर्ग:,स्थानं ,पोषणं,ऊतय:,मन्वन्तर ,ईशानुकथय:,निरोध:,मुक्ति: ,आश्रय:. These 10 will be the suject matter of each Canto from 3rd to 12th Canto in sequence and will be explained in extenso.Vyasa composed this Puranam with these 10 charectertistics.They are from 3rd Canto to 12th Canto of this Puranam.In 3rd Canto the meeting of Vidura with Maitreya Rishi is explained.
Commentary: In 10th chapter of 2nd Canto the entire process of creation of Virat Purusha is explained in detail.In spite of the acts ofcreation,conservation, and annihilation being done by Him, Hari is totally unattached and unaffected.Shaunaka,asked Sutha about the meeting of Vidura with Maitreya Rishi,as Sutha in the 1st Canta 13th chapter in the 1st verse informed him that Vidura met Maiterya Rishi and got( atmajnana) enlightenment.
SHAUNAKA requested Sutha ti narrate this incident in detail. IN 3rd Canto and 4th Canto, this will be explained in detail as Shuka narrated it to Parikshit.

In the प्रथम स्कन्ध (1st) the types of both exponents and listeners were explained.In द्वितीय स्कन्ध (2nd) the process by which Hari has to be constantly remembered, meditated and worshipped with total faith and devotion was stressed as a follow up after listening to this Puranam.
Both the exponent and the listener shold develop satvik qualities,Bhakthi and total surrender to Him is the path to realise the self knowledge आत्म ज्ञान.
The प्रथम स्कन्ध द्वितीय स्कन्ध (1st &2nd Cantos) are the basis and foundation of this great samhitha The teachings are to be practised with faith and devotion




Thursday, February 20, 2014


                           SRIMAD BHAGHAVATHAM   - AN OVER VIEW
  Srimad Baghavatha Purana is 5th in the list of 18 Maha Puranas composed by and the great Vyasa Maharishi.This Puranam is popular and its significance is mentioned in various other Puranas  and Upapuranas and Samhitas as well.It is held in high esteem by one and all including Vaishnavas in all parts of India.
The Padma Purana devotes a chapter for worshipping this Purana and extols its greatness (mahatmyam) in six chapters.The Garuda Purana explains the content of this Purana as:
  अर्थोऽयं ब्रह्मसूत्राणां भारतार्थविनिर्णय: ।

गायत्री भाष्यरूपोसौ वेदार्थपरिबृंहित: ॥

ग्रन्थोष्टादशसाहस्रो द्वादशस्क्न्धसंमित: ।

सर्वपापहर: कृष्णरूपी चैव न संशय : ॥
Meaning: The Bhaghavatha Purana is the interpretation and elucidation of Brahma Sutras.It also expounds or explains the meaning of the text Mahabharatha,the epic.of the Gayatri Mantra. and also an explanatory and enlightenining text of Vedas.It contains 12 Cantos and 18000 verses.The very reading of this Purana,any one hearing the reading by others, meditating upon this Purana, a mere touch to it,worshipping it or mere seeing it will ensure total removal of all sins committed by anybody during his or her life time.It is Lord Krishna personified.Nobody need have a doubt about this.
It also says:
धर्मार्थकाममोक्षेषु यद्यदिच्छेत्तु मानव: ।
त्तत्तत्सर्वमाप्नोति श्रीभागवत सेवनात् ॥
Meanining: The worshipping of this Baghavatha Purana w ill surely confer the benefit or benefits of Dharma,Artha,Kama, Moksha whatever desired by the humans.

The Padma Purana expounds that this Purana is Lord Krishna personified and the various Cantos represent the various limbs and organs of Lord Krishna :

पादौ यदीयौ प्रथम द्वितीयौ ।

तृतीय तुरीयौ कथितोदूरू ।।

नाभिस्तथा पञ्चम एव षष्ठौ ।
भुजान्त्तरं दोर्युगलं तथान्यौ ॥
कण्ठस्तु राजन् नवमो यदीयौ ।
मुखारविन्दम् दशमं प्रफुल्लं ।
एकादशं यस्य ललाट फलकं॥
शिरोऽपि यद्वादश एव भाति ।
तमादिदेवं करुणा निधानं ॥
तमालवर्णं सुहितावतारं ।
अपारसंसार समुद्रसेतुं ।
भजामहे भागवतस्वरूपं ॥

Meaning:The 1st and 2nd Cantos represent the feet, 3rd and 4th the two thghs,5th and 6th the navel 7th and 8th the two arms 9th the neck 10th the ever smiling face,11th the fore head 12th the head of Lord Krishna.I worship this Lord Krishna in the form of Baghavatha Purana in order to get rid off repeated cycles of births and deaths.
The Kaushika Samhitha also elaborates the same thing but in a little different manner. with regard to the Cantos representingthe limbs and organs of Lord Krishna..

 ॥ पुराणस्स्य पारायणं व श्रवणं ॥

While the Padma Purana emphasises the " sapthaham " -the parayanam and discourse of this puranam continuously for 7 days,the Skanda Puranam and the Kaushika Samhitha advocate different methods of "shravanam" of this Puranam.
Padma Purana prescribes in ShrimadBaghavatha Mahatmyam -chapter 3 (verses 44 to 48)
as below:
                    दुर्लभैव कथा लोके श्रीमद्भागवतोद्भवा।
                    कोटिजन्मसमुत्थेन पुण्येनैव तु लभ्यते॥
                     तेन योगनिधे धीमन् श्रोतव्या सा प्रयत्नत: ।                                                                            
                      दिनानां नियमो नास्ति सर्वदा श्रवणं मतम् ॥
                     सत्येन ब्रह्मचर्येण सर्वदा श्रवणं मतम् ।
                     अशक्यत्वात्कलौ बोध्यो विशेषोऽत्र शुकाज्ञया॥
                      मनोवृत्तिजयश्चैव नियमाचरणं तथा ।
                      दीक्षां कर्तुमशक्यत्वात्सप्ताहश्रवण्ं मतम् ॥
                    श्रद्धात: श्रव्णे नित्यं माघे तावद्धि यत्फलम् ।
                    तत्फलं शुकदेवेन सप्ताहश्र्वणे कृतम्  ॥                                    

Meaning:The oppurtunity for a human being to read and hear this Srimad Baghavatha Katha 
materialises only when he accumulates virtues (punya) in crores of rebirths.This is very rare.
Therefore this purana has to be heard and listened to with persevearance and care.There is no prescribed period or days for listening to this Purana, but should be read and listened to always.
The requisites for this are - truth, brahmacharya (leading life with speaking and observing truth always as well as controlling of senses and sexual desires)
As this is not practicable in this Kaliyuga by all people along with controlling of mind ,restraining oneself and carrying out tenfold (10) duties prescribed and maintaining the vow undertaken etc. -the rigouros regulation for listening to this Purana, Shuka Maharishi has prescribed a limited period of seven ( 7) days for listening to of this Purana.With complete faith if one listens to this Purana for 7 days ,it will tantamount to his listening for the whole of the sacred month Magha (Kumbha).

The Skandha Purana advocates not only the shravanam for 7 days but also for an extended period of one month or two months (rithu) and even for a year.The Kaushika Samhitha prescribes a longer period of 15,18 or 30 days - a choice is given in preference to 7 day period. According to this Samhitha daily shravanam is the most superior method.The important requirement is that both the listener and exponent is that they should have composure.
Vopadeva in his work -Baghavatha Tatva (Hari Lilamrutham ) in conclusion says the following:

एकादिनियमेनैतानभ्यसेच्छक्तितोऽन्वहम् ।
वक्त्ता श्रोतर्य्यप्यश्रोता वक्तर्य्यन्यत्रा चिन्तक: ॥ 12-10
शास्त्रे स्कन्धे प्रकरणे अध्याये ,वाक्ये पदेऽक्षरे ।
गुरूपदिष्टो योऽर्थस्तं विमृशन् विष्णु तत्पर: ॥ 12-11
Meaning: According to the capacity of the individuals ,this Purana should be listened to (shravanam).
Daily atleast one or two chapters should be listened to and studied as a practice.There should be an exponent (vaktha) and listeners (shrotha).In case more exponents (vakthas) are there, the regular or one who is an exponent should become a listener (shrotha),submitting himself without any pride for his scholarship,if any other opts to be an exponent.In case there is no exponent present there,the individual himself should become both the exponent and listener.He should read the text and concentrate himself on the tatparya and tatva ( the meaning and advice ,the principle) contained in the text.
IN the second verse, it is said that the ardent listener should concentrate and understand himself on what his guru had indicated about the oneness of the jiva and paramatma (the advaita),in all shastra(Purana Canto (Skandha), prakarana ( subject or topic), chapter (adhyaya) ,the sentence(vakya) the word (pada) the letter (akshara) as INDICATING ONE-VISHNU.The first 4 are in the Purana itself, the remaining 3(vakya,pada, akshara) the meaning of which should be understood from the study of commentaries (tikas)

FROM the above it is clear that there should be an exponent (vaktha) and a listener (shrotha) during the study of this Purana.The emphasis is for understanding the meaning of the text and for intospection to understand the Purana and follow the instructions and put them into practice in day to day life.