Wednesday, February 19, 2014


                  HRASVA BHAGAVATHAM - 3

एवं देवर्षिणोक्तो हरिमहिमकथामग्नचित्तो मुनीन्द्र-
श्चक्रे सद्ग्रन्थमेवं नियतिकृतकुरुक्षेत्रयुद्धावशिष्टः।
कृष्णापुत्रान् प्रसुप्तान् निशि कठिनमहन् द्रौणिरेषोƒथ बद्धो
वीराग्रण्यार्जुनेन प्रकटितमति यन्मौलिरत्नं च  च जह्रे।।।

Meaning :Thus advised by Narada ,Sage Veda Vyasa after deep meditation of Krishna, composed this great samhitha or puranam which explains elaborately the leelas of Hari. He taught this puranam to his son Sri Shuka Brahnarishi who was a brahmajnan iब्रह्मज्ञानी and a more fit and qualified to be taught of shrimad baghghavatham
     This is explained in the first line of the verse,
From 2nd to 4th lines the poet describes as to what happened after Kurukshetra war.As Ashwaththama the son of Dronacharya killed the innocent 5 sons of Draupadi called upapandavas in a cruel manner -this being unbefitting of a both a warrior and a brahmana ,Arjuna to fulfil the promise he gave to Draupadi to punish the murderer of her sons, went after him and caught him and presented him before Draupadi and Krishna.As advised by Krishna to follow Dharma Arjuna cut the tuft of Ashwaththama as a punishment and let him off .
Comments:To the question as to what Vyasa did after the departure of Narada,sutha replied that Vyasa composed Srimad Baghavatham-a great samhitha and taught it to Shuka brahmam.Shaunaka asked as to how a brahmajnani was attracted towards this purana samhitha inspite of the fact being totally desireless and a jeevan muktha Sutha replied that the brahmajnanis also develop total para bhakthi towards Hari , अहैतुकी अप्रतिहता bhakthi as they are also influenced by Hari's qualities (verse no.10 of chapter 7) Sutha continued the narration of the birth of Parikshit ,the incidents that took place after Kurukshetra war.
On the last day ,being 18th day of the war after the fall of Duryodhana, Ashwaththaama in order to please his master killed the upapandavas who were sleeping and unarmed and also innocent. He used Brahmastra when cornered but did not know upasamhara of it.Krishna asked Arjuna to do the upasamhara of the astra as he knew both. On doing so and after he was caught and presented before Draupadi, she overcame with compassion on him and asked Arjuna and others to release him because 1)he was the son of Dronacharya, Pandava's Guru and thus a guru and brahmana 2) she felt that by killing him his mother Krupi also will be overcome with grief simlar to that of hers and this is not righteous.As Bheema wanted him to be killed and Arjuna was undecided Krishna suggested to Arjuna to to a righteous act by which both Bheema and Draupadi will be pleased .
Taking the clue,Arjuna cut the tuft of Ashwaththama which is equivalent to killing a culprit who is a brahmin as well and then released him.Thus both Bheema and Draupadi were satisfied.
This act on the part of Draupadi brings out a rare quality on her part that she never wanted any retribution,but was full of compassion.Vyasa thus highlighted the highest virtue in Draupadi, the grandmother of Parikshit in this chapter and the virtuous and noble nature of Parikshit's lineage.
In all the three commentaries of viz. Sridhara,Viswanatha Chakravarthi, and GiridharaGoswami the cruel act of Ashwathama in using brahmastra when its use was not needed and his killing of sleeping upapandavas and the subsequent punishment to him are highlighted.Hrasva Baghavatham also highlights these .
"गर्भों मे नाश्यतेƒस्त्रैरिममवतु भवान्' उत्तरावाक्यमेवम्
श्रुत्वा तद्रक्षकः सन् जिगमिषुरभवद् द्वारकाम् वासुदेवः।
त्वत्पादे मे रतिः स्या,दखिलद, विपदः सन्तु नः शश्वदेवं
कुन्तीस्त्रोत्रं च शृण्वन् नगरमाधिवसन् सांत्वयामास पार्थान्।॥
Meaning: Uttara approached Krishna with grief that the embryo in her womb (she was pregnant then ) be protected as the brahmastra was tormenting both her and the child in her womb.Krishna knew the reason and protected both Uttara and her womb immediately.When Krishna was ready to depart for Dwaraka , Kunti approached Krishna with a prayer,well known as Kunthi Stotra,.Accepting her request to remain in Hastinapuram for some more time Krishna remained there.He also consoled Yudhistra and others.
Comments: Krishna after the funeral ceremonies of the dead in the war were over wanted to return to Dwaraka and commenced the journey thereof.At that point of time Uttara( ,Abhimanyu's wife) , Arjuna's daughter in law came before his chariot and cried with fear that an arrow was tormenting her and her child in her womb.and entreated Krishna to protect her womb and the embryo from the calamity.Her request was selfless in that she did not care about her life but that of the only progeny of Pandavas and Kuru race.Krishna immediately knew the reason-the unrighteous act of Ashwathama in using brahmastra to destroy the only surviving progeny of pandavas and Kuru race.With Sudarshana chakra he protected both Uttara and the child in her womb.
Knowing this ,Kunthi along with Draupadi and others came before Krishna and prayed Him.Kunthi stotra is unique in that she welcomes hardships and calamities ,which will make her constantly contemplate and meditate on Krishna and also expressed her gratitude to Him for having protected her and her family always in difficulties the latest being Uttara's case. She also requested him to stay back.Krishna acceded to her request and stayed back.He consoled all of them for their grief in the loss of dear and near.Yudhistira overcame with the grief for the war and consequent loss of lives.
The Kunthi stuthi is full of philosophical import(vedantic) and regular parayanam of this stotra will confer all benefits.
All the 3 commentaries and HB also highligt all the above.In this chapter the nobility of Uttara and Kunthi are seen..The great virtues of Parikshit's mother and great grand mother(    प्रपितामही) are highlighted by Vyasa in this chapter

भीष्मः स्वच्छन्दमृत्युर्निजजनकमुदे त्यक्तसर्वार्थकामो
धर्मौघम् धर्मसूनो रणभुवि शरशय्यावलंबी प्रकाश्य।
सन्तुष्टः पार्थसूतं मृदुहसितमुखं वीक्षमाणः पुरस्तात्
स्तुत्वा सर्वात्मकं तं परमपदमवापास्तसंसारबन्धः।॥
Meaning:Bhishma who sacrificed all the worldly desires to satisfy his father's desires,who opted for
स्वच्छन्दमृत्यु -to embrace death at his will and who had no desires at all but cgot complete satisfaction was lying in the bed of arrows.When Yudhishtira approached him.he enlightened him with all the dharma shastras.Then he saw Krishna who was all smiling.He prayed Krishna with a stotram (Bhishma stuti).He cast of his mortal body seeing Krishna and meditating on Him.He attained mukthi with the total bhakthi.
Comments:Bhishma pratijna (भीष्म प्रतिज्ञा ) is well known.He abdicated the throne ,chose celibacy for the entire life in order to ensure that his father Shantanu could marry fisherman's daughter.He got a boon to embrace death at will.In the Kurukshetra war he led Kaurava army in order to keep his promise.He was defeated by Arjuna on the 10 th day of the war.He was lying on a bed of arrows to embrace death at will.He was expecting the darshana of Krishna for this purpose.Knowing this Krishna induced Yudhishtira and Pandavas and all others to visit him.He also went along with them.
At the request of Yudhishtira Bhishma taught him all the dharmas and their nuances.As Uttarayana
set in he wanted to cast off his mortal body in the presence of Krishna duly meditating on Him.For this he controlled all his senses and prayed with known as भीष्म स्तुति . He cast off his body meditaing on Krishna. All celestials showered flowers on that occasion.
All the 3 commentaries and HB highlight these .
धर्मिष्ठो भीष्मवाक्यश्रवणहृतमहापापशङ्कः स्वराज्यम्
चक्रे धर्मात्मजन्मा विधिवदथ हरिर्द्वारकाम् गन्तुकामः।
सर्वानापृन्छ्य पौरान् रथवरमधिरुह्ह्याƒƒत्तमोदं पुरस्त्री-
गीतं श्रृण्वन् जगाम प्रकटितकरुणः शीघ्रमानर्तदेशान्।।।
Meaning: On learning from Bhishma about the Shastras Yudhishtira got rid of all his doubts about his having incurred sins in his life because of war. He being the embodiment of Dharma accepted the kingdom and ruled as per Dharma.,advised by Krishna as well. After installing Yudhishtira on the throne Krishna wanted to go back to Dwaraka as His mission was over.For this he consulted all the subjects as well . When all of them bade farewell , all the ladies of Kuru race sang His praises(controlling their grief for His separation) he left for Dwaraka and quickly reached the Aanartha Desha and blessed both the king and subjects there..All these reflect Krishna's mercy or karuna for His devotees.
Comments: The 3 commentaries highlight the the stuthi of the ladies of Hastinapuram (verses 21 to 30 of chapter 10 of the puranam) which reflect their bhakthi towards Krishna.This stuthi brings out the nirguna  and saguna nature of SriKrishna .
संप्राप्तो द्वारकां श्रीहरिरुरुविरहक्लिष्टपौराक्षिपीतो
नत्वा पित्रोः पुरस्तात् शिशिरिततनयज्ञातिवर्गः कटाक्षैः।
पत्नी: संभावयामास च मदनशराबाधितो निर्विकारः;
स्त्रैणं यं मन्यते यः स भवति पशुबुद्धिश्च मूढाग्रगण्यः।॥
Meaning: After visiting Aanartha desha and blessing the subjects and their king who sang His praises ,Krishna reached Dwaraka. As all the subjects were unhappy because of long separation from Him, all of them felt so happy on seeing Him,and fixed their gazes on Him alone and did not want to look any thing else.All of them were longing to see Him and they were intent upon at looking Him alone for a long time and did not want further separation.
Krishna went to his palace . He prostrated before His parents and all elders.All His 16008 wives were unable to bear their separation from Him .They looked at Him with eyes full of tears. out of their love towards Him. .He also looked at them with love in reciprocation and made them happy.He did this with total detatchment and was unaffected by worldly desires.Krishna conquerred all the desires and yet he made his wives also happy.
He who consider him as an ordinary human being who is affected by and conquerred by women is totally ignorant .Krishna is not a mortal but Nirvikara..He can not be influenced by any desires. So their wives having influence on Him and controlling Him does not arise.He is Ishwara inspite of his association with His wives. He was totally unaffected although His wives were.
Comments:All 3 commentaries say Krishna is Nirvikara
द्रौण्यस्त्रप्लुष्टगर्भं जठरगतगदापाणिरंगुष्ठमात्रः
कृष्णस्तं जीवयित्वा पुनरपि परितो बालकं सञ्चचार;
पश्यन् गर्भस्थ एवं हरिमथ दशमे मासि भुव्युत्तराया
जातो नाम्ना परीक्षित् सकलगुणनिधिर्लालितोƒभूदजेन।॥
Meaning: Due to the aiming of brahmastra by Ashwaththamaa, the embryo in the womb of Uttara was almost destroyed.In order to save the embryo Krishna entered the womb of Uttara shrinkinig his form to the extent of a human thumb and protected with kaumodaki the mace (it is said elsewhere that he protected with Sudarshana Chakra).He was moving in all directions to protect the child . The child had the vision of Krishna in the womb.On completion of 10 months the child was born and was well known as Parikshit.He was endowed with all good, sathvik qualities.He was looked after well by Yudhishtira as he was the only surviving progeny of Pandavas and Kuru race.
Comments: In the 12 th chapter of Prathama Skandha, the protection of Parikshit in the womb of his mother is described in detail.Yudhishtira celebrated his birth with the rituals connected with it and gave daanas or donations of different kinds as per shastras to many brahmins.He was named by the brahmins as Vishnuratha as he was protected by Vishnu.He got the horoscope cast by the brahmins and they made prophecy that Parikshit will have all the good qualities which a king is expected to possess (verses19 to 29 of the chapter).But he was well known as Parikshit, because having seen Krishna's form in the womb I and he was examining (pariksha) as to who in this world will be similaro Him
He grew well looked after by Yudhishitira and others.After his birth Yudhishitra perfomed 3 Ashwameda yagnas.Arjuna accompanied Krishna to Dwaraka.
मैत्रेयोपात्तविद्यो विदुरयतिवरो भ्रातरं चाƒम्बिकेयम्
गान्धारीं चार्धरात्रे वनमनयदहो! ते तपश्चक्रुरुच्चैः,
तान् स्मृत्वा धर्मजन्मा व्यथितहृदभवन्नारदोƒबोधयत् तं
"मा मा चिन्ताकुलो भूः; कुरु 'हरिभजनं; यस्य लीला हि सर्वम्।॥
Meaning: Vidura as a sanyasi got atmavidya from the meeting he had with Maitreya Rishi came to Hastinapuram after the war.He was welcomed by one and all.Yudhishtira asked him about the welfare of Krishna and his relatives.Vidura informed him about the welfare except destruction of Yadu race and Krishna's disappearance from this world.He advised Dritharashtra about the futility of life and advised him to go to the forest with complete detatchmement and do penance to get mukthi.Accordingly Dritharashtra goes to the forest accompanied by Gandhari Vidura and others.
Yudhishtira not findinding them had overcome with grief.Narada came and advised him about the leelas of Hari and not to worry about Dritharashtra and Gandhari who had gone to Himalaya to do tapas and within a short time will leave the world ,and therefore surrender himself to Him.
धर्मात्मा धर्मसूनुः सकलहितकरः सर्वतो दुर्निमित्तम्
पश्यन् पप्रच्छ भीतोƒर्जुनमपि कुशलं द्वारवत्यां यदूनाम्?
आस्ते कृष्णः सुखं वा पितृसहजकलत्रात्मजाद्यैः समेतो
यद्दोर्दण्डेन गुप्तं यदुपुरमकुतश्चिद्भया यादवाश्च?''।॥
Meaning:As Arjuna who had gone to Dwaraka had not returned Yudhishtira seeing the ill effects of Kaliyuga which had set in by then worried himself about the safety of Krishna and other relatives.As he had observed bad omens he expressed his worry to Bhima.Arjuna returned by then .Finding Arjuna crestfallen Yudhishtira became more worried and asked about the welfare of all.and also as to why Arjuna was depressed with worry as if he had committed a big sin.
एवं पृष्टोƒश्रुनेत्रो यदुकुलमृषिशापाग्निदग्धं धरित्री-
भारं संहृत्त्य कृष्णस्य च दिवि गमनं बोधयामास पार्थः।
कृष्णं स्मृत्वा पृथाƒप्ता परमपद,मथो धर्मजस्त्वौत्तरेयम्
भूपं चक्रेƒथ पार्था अमृतपदमगुर् द्रौपदी चेशभक्ताः।।
Meaning: To the questions posed by his elder brother ,Arjuna could not reply forthwith as he became emotional with grief. Slowly composing himself he informed about the destruction of Yadu race and Krishna's final departure from this world. Arjuna recounted his association with Krishna and as to how he and Pandavas were protected by His Grace.(verses 5 to 27 of chapter 15 ) and how in Krishna's absence he felt as good as dead.Yudhishtira on hearing this installed Parikshit in the throne and left for Himalayas totally detatched and got salvation All his brothers followed him to the end. Kunthi.Draupadi and others also contemplated on Krishna and got mukthi.accordingly.
The svargarohanam of Pandavas is described in detail in this chapter.The benefit for reading this chapter is that the dovotee will develop Hari bhakthi.
राज्यं कुर्वन् परीक्षिन्नरपतिरशृणोत् पाण्डवान् कृष्णभक्तान्
आत्मानं चास्त्रदग्धं पुनरपि हरिदत्तायुषं भक्तवर्यः।
कुर्वाणो दिग्जयं स प्रभुरमितबलः पर्यटन् शस्त्रपाणि-
र्गोरूपौ भूमिधर्मौ कृशतरवपुषौ दृष्टवान् दुःखचित्तौ।।
Meaning: When Parikshit became the king he was a child. He grew up and ruled the kingdom in a just manner as a king should .He heard from the subjects and elders that Panadavas and his forefathers were Krishna's ardent devotees.He also heard that Krishna protected him from destruction in his mother;s womb due to aiming of brahmastra by Ashwaththama.He then undertook a digvijaya (conqerring of the portions not under his rule).During this sojourn he saw the mother earth in the form of a emaciated cow and the Dharma in the form a bull with one leg(meaning that the other 3 legs were broken) .Both Dharma and the Earth were discussing their plight and difficulties and sorrow as Kaliyuga had set in .He heard their plight and overcame with compassion

दीनां गामेकपादं वृषमपि हतपादत्रयं हन्तुकामं
पापं घोरं कलिं स प्रभुरवददरे मुञ्च राज्यं मदीयम्।
नोचेद्धन्मी''ति भीतः स तु नृपतिपदं चाश्रितः, सोƒथ हिंसाद्यूत
स्त्रीमद्यहेमस्वपि वसतु भवान् मेतरत्रे'त्यमुञ्चत्।।
Meaning: The Dharma in the form of bull had only one leg.The Kali purusha was near and beat them with a stick adding more injury and difficulty to them. Parikshit took pity on them who were troubled by Kali. He threatenedKali to leave his kingdom failing with he will be punished with death.Kali fell at his feet with fear.and requested the king to parden him and show some places where he will reside.Parikshit then indicated him 5 places viz.himsa (violence), places where liquor is conumed,, gambling dens.brothels, and gold.. Out of pity Parikshit did not kill Kali. He restored the 3 legs for Dharma and then left.
एवं जित्वा कलिं स प्रभुरधिवनमाखेटलीलां प्रकुर्वन्
शान्तोƒगच्छत् किमप्याश्रमपदमकृतातिथ्यतारुष्टचित्तः।
अंसे राजा मृताहिं न्यधित मुनिवरस्या,स्य पुत्रेण कोपाद्
"धृष्ट! स्यास्तक्षकाहिप्रवरविषहतः सप्तमेƒ ह्नी।' ति शप्तः।।
Meaning: Thus conquering Kali,Parikshit went on a hunting expedition on one occasion.During hunting he was tired and was hungry and thirsty as well.He was on the look out for water and some food.He went to the ashram of one sage.The sage was in deep meditation.He did not respond to Parikshit's call.In view if that Parikshit became angry and felt that the sage was ignorant of his presence wantonly.He saw a dead serpant lying nearby.He lifted it by the end portion of his bow and placed it on the skoulders of the sage and returned to his palace.
As the son of the sage was away from the hermitage when all these took place,on return he noticed the dead serpant on his father's shoulders.He could not control his grief and beame angry.He got to know that it was the act of the King Parikshit.He cursed him that on the 7th day Parikshit will be bitten by the snake Takshaka will die.
Comments: In spite of the fact having good qualitis Parikshit could not control his anger.The act of hunting is” himsa”-injuring animals.As this is a place where Kali was residing,he came under its influence and thus commited a sin.The sage was innocent as he was in deep meditation,
Parikshit thought that the sage ignored him intentionallyand did not offer him water.He got angry contraary to his nature.As a rare act with an impulse,he placed the dead serpant on the sage only to awaken him.Thus he crossed his limits as a king and punished an innocent sage.The sage'son thought that the King did all these because of his pride . He cursed him as a punishment.
The 3 commentaries viz, Sridhara,Chakravarthi and Giridhara state that the” brahmana shaapa”(the curse of a brahmin) was only to inculcate total detatchment (वैराग्य )in Parikshit and thus अनुग्रह of Krishna on the king to enable him to attain मुक्ति -cessation of births and deaths.and salvation
पश्चात्तापेन शुद्धीकृतमहितमतिस्त्यक्तसर्वैहिकार्थो
राजा प्रायोपविष्टः सुरसरितमुपेत्याƒस्त नत्वा मुनीन्द्रान्।
तत्राƒप्तान् व्यासपुत्रं शुकमपि विनयेनाह "मृत्यून्मुखः सन्
किं कुर्यात्, किं न कुर्याद्, वदतु हित'मिति श्रीशुकस्त्वाबभाषे।।
Meaning:On return King Parikshit contemplated his act and realised his mistake and repented .Due to repentance his mind became pure.He also came to know about the curse.He abdicated his throne and installed his son as a king.As a penance he resorted to प्रायोपवेशम् (volountary penance till death ) on the banks of river ganga..He wanted to expatiate his sin.Having heard that Parikshit has entered “prayopavesha” all the sages assembled there.He requested them to guide him to develop( भक्ति )-total devotion on Krishna and all the mahathmas ,his bhakthas(devotees) and sing glory of Vishnu till his death.At this point of time Sage Shuka Brahmarishi appeared before all of them.When all worshipped Shuka and offered him a seat King Parikshit posed 2 questions to him.They were -1) what a person who is expecting his death should do 2) what every person is expected to do in his life time.
Comments:Repentance(पश्चात्ताप ) is the ultimate and an appropriate act to expatiate one's sins (प्रायश्चित्त)).Parikshit repented for his rash act.When he came to know about the curse of शृङ्गी -the rishi's son he accepted it with good faith and without any rancour.As a penance for his sin he developed total detatchment  वैराग्ग्य and opted प्रायोपवेशम् . The sageशमीक - on whose shoulders the king placed the dead serpant,on the contrary did not approve his son's act in cursing the king which is unbefitting a brahmana.When all the sages (according to chapter 19 verses 9 and 10-the great sages and brahmarishis assembled are 25 ) and other devaririshis ,rajarishis etc assembled the king requested them to gude him till his death with stories and leelas of Vishnu.
Shuka brahmam came there as directed by Krishna to guide Parikshit to getमुक्ति .Contrary to his nature of not staying at one place more than few minutes ,he stayed there for 7days and taught श्रीमद् भागवतम् to all those assembled there , to Parikshit in particular.
Parikshit's two questions are:
अन्यथा ते अव्यक्तगतेर्दर्शनम् न: कथम् नृणाम् ।
नितराम् म्रियमाणानाम् सम्सिद्धस्य वनीयस: verse 36 (ch.19)
अत: पृच्छामि सम्सिद्धिम्  योगिनाम् परमम् गुरुम् ।
पुरुषस्येह यत्कार्यम् म्रियमाणस्य सर्वथा ॥ verse 37 (ch.19)
Meaning that the presence of Shuka is fortune as a liberated soul he could not be seen ordinary human beings .This could not happen unless inspired by Lord Krishna , and the voluntary appearance of one who is unseen to a person facing death is only due to the Grace of Lord Krishna.As you are the supreme guru of all sages and saints I request yoy to enlighten me (us) the perfect way to get liberated for all of us, and especially for one who is to die( facing impending death).
यच्छ्रोतव्यमथो जप्यम् यत्कर्तव्यम् नृभि: प्रभो ।
स्मर्तव्यम्म् भजनीयम् वा ब्रूहि यद्वा विपर्ययम्  ॥  (38) (ch.19)
Please explain as to what men should listen,chant ,remember and worship( do service),in general always or what they should not do.
Hearing the request and the questions posed by King Parikshit with all humility and in entreating way SHRI SHUKA BRAHMAM ,who is a धर्मज्ञ: ( who was all knowing about righteousness(dharma) began to reply.
All the three commentaries say that the arrival of SHUKA is the highlight of this chapter.
Sri Vallabhacharya in his commentary सुबोधिनी says that although several rishis were present,including Parashurama and Vyasa who are also incarnations of Hari they were not inclined to impart knowledge ज्ञानदानान्न व्रतदृता: .Shuka was well qualified to impart the knowledge of Bhaghavatham.
द्वत्रिम्शल्लक्षणोपेत: शुक एव ततो गुरु:
एतदर्थम् हि भगवानवतीर्णो वृषध्व्ज:
गर्भाधानोत्तरम् रक्षा विष्णोरन्ते शिवात्मना ॥
Shri Shuka Brahmam alone was endowed with 32 qualities (lakshana) of a guru . Please see verses 25 to 28 of chapter 19 for the samudrikalakshna of Shuka. He was the avatara of Parameshwara (Shiva-a complete embodiment and personification of jnana).Therefore he was well qualified to be the guru of Parikshit for imparting the knowledge of Srimad Bhaghavatham,after he was protected by Vishnu in his mother's womb.As both had vairagya they were more qualified to be a preceptor and a disciple.
Hrasva Bhaghavatham succintly brings out all the unexplained factors in a brief but effective manner.


                  HRASVA BHAGAVATHAM  -  3

एवं देवर्षिणोक्तो हरिमहिमकथामग्नचित्तो मुनीन्द्र-
श्चक्रे सद्ग्रन्थमेवं नियतिकृतकुरुक्षेत्रयुद्धावशिष्टः।
कृष्णापुत्रान् प्रसुप्तान् निशि कठिनमहन् द्रौणिरेषोƒथ बद्धो
वीराग्रण्यार्जुनेन प्रकटितमति यन्मौलिरत्नं च  च जह्रे।।।

Meaning :Thus advised by Narada ,Sage Veda Vyasa after deep meditation of Krishna composed this great samhitha or puranam which explains elaborately the leelas of Hari. He taught this puranam to his son Sri Shuka Brahnarishi who was a brahmajnani and a fit person to be taught. This is explained in the first line of the verse,
From 2nd to 4th lines the poet describes as to what happened after Kurukshetra war.As Ashwaththama the son of Dronacharya killed yhe innocent 5 sons of Draupadi called upapandavas in a cruel manner -this being unbefitting of a both a warrior and a brahmana ,Arjuna to fulfil the promise he gave to Draupadi to punish the murderer of her sons, went after him and caught him and presented him before Draupadi and Krishna.As advised by Krishna to follow Dharma Arjuna cut the tuft of ashwaththama as a punishment and let him off .
Comments:To the question as to what Vyasa did after the departure of Narada,sutha replied that Vyasa composed Srimad Baghavatham-a great samhitha and taught it to Shuka brahmam.Shaunaka asked as to how a brahmajnani was attracted towards this purana samhitha inspite of the fact being totally desireless and a jeevan muktha Sutha replied that the brahmajnanis also develop total para bhakthi towards Hari , अहैतुकी  अप्रतिहता  bhakthi as they are also influenced by Hari's qualities (verse no.10 of chapter 7) Sutha continued the narration of the birth of Parikshit ,the incidents that took place after Kurukshetra war.
On the last day ,being 18th day of the war after the fall of Duryodhana, Ashwaththaama in order to please his master killed the upapandavas who were sleeping and unarmed and also innocent. He used Brahmastra  when cornered but did not know upasamhara of it.Krishna asked Arjuna to do the upasamhara of the astra as he knew both. On doing so and after he was caught and presented before Draupadi, she overcame with compassion on him and asked Arjuna and others to release him because 1)he was the son of Dronacharya, Pandava's Guru and thus a guru and brahmana 2) she felt that by killing him his mother  Krupi also will be overcome with grief simlar to that of hers and this is not righteous.As Bheema wanted him to be killed and Arjuna was undecided Krishna suggested to Arjuna to to a righteous act by which both Bheema and Draupadi will be pleased .
Taking the clue,Arjuna cut the tuft of Ashwaththama which is equivalent to killing a culprit who is a brahmin as well and then released him.Thus both Bheema and Draupadi were satisfied.
This act on the part of Draupadi brings out a rare quality on her part that she never wanted any retribution,but was full of compassion.Vyasa thus highlighted the highest virtue in Draupadi, the grandmother of Parikshit in this chapter and the virtuous and noble nature of Parikshit's lineage.
In all the three commentaries  of viz. Sridhara,Viswanatha Chakravarthi, and GiridharaGoswami the cruel act of Ashwathama in using brahmastra when its use was not needed and his killing of sleeping upapandavas and the subsequent punishment to him are highlighted.Hrasva Baghavatham also highlights these .
"गर्भों मे नाश्यतेƒस्त्रैरिममवतु भवान्' उत्तरावाक्यमेवम्
श्रुत्वा तद्रक्षकः सन् जिगमिषुरभवद् द्वारकाम् वासुदेवः।
त्वत्पादे मे रतिः स्या,दखिलद, विपदः सन्तु नः शश्वदेवं
कुन्तीस्त्रोत्रं च शृण्वन् नगरमाधिवसन् सांत्वयामास पार्थान्।॥
 Meaning: Uttara approached Krishna  with grief that the embryo in her womb (she was pregnant then ) be protected as the brahmastra was tormenting both her and the child in her womb.Krishna knew the reason and protected both Uttara and her womb immediately.When Krishna was ready to depart for Dwaraka , Kunti approached Krishna with a prayer,well known as Kunthi Stotra,.Accepting her request to remain in Hastinapuram for some more time Krishna remained there.He also consoled Yudhistra and others.
Comments: Krishna after the funeral ceremonies of the dead in the war were over wanted to return to Dwaraka and commenced the journey thereof.At that point of time Uttara ,Abhimanyu's wife and Arjuna's daughter in law  came before his chariot and cried with fear that an arrow was tormenting her and her child in her womb.and entreated Krishna to protect her womb and the embryo from the calamity.Her request was selfless in  that she did not care about her life but that of the  only progeny of Pandavas and Kuru race.Krishna immediately knew the reason-the unrighteous act of Ashwathama in using brahmastra to destroy the only surviving progeny of pandavas and Kuru race.With Sudarshana chakra he protected both Uttara and the child in her womb.
Knowing this ,Kunthi along with Draupadi and others came before Krishna and prayed Him.Kunthi stotra is unique in that she welcomes hardships and calamities ,which will make her constantly contemplate and meditate Krishna and also expressed her gratitude to Him for having protected her and her family always in difficulties the latest being Uttara's case. She also requested him to stay back.Krishna acceded to her request and stayed back.He consoled all of them for their grief in the loss of dear and near.Yudhistira overcame with the grief for the war and consequent loss of lives.
The Kunthi stuthi is full of philosophical import(vedantic) and regular parayanam of this stotra will confer all benefits.
All the 3 commentaries and HB also  highligt all the above.In this chapter the nobility of Uttara and Kunthi are seen.

भीष्मः स्वच्छन्दमृत्युर्निजजनकमुदे त्यक्तसर्वार्थकामो
धर्मौघम् धर्मसूनो रणभुवि शरशय्यावलंबी प्रकाश्य।
सन्तुष्टः पार्थसूतं मृदुहसितमुखं वीक्षमाणः पुरस्तात्
स्तुत्वा सर्वात्मकं तं परमपदमवापास्तसंसारबन्धः।॥
Meaning:Bhishma who sacrificed all the worldly desires to satisfy his father's desires,who opted for
स्वच्छन्दमृत्यु    -to embrace death at his will and who had no desires at all but cgot complete satisfaction was lying in the bed of arrows.When Yudhishtira approached him.he enlightened him with all the dharma shastras.Then he saw Krishna who was all smiling.He prayed Krishna with a stotram (Bhishma stuti).He cast of his mortal body seeing Krishna and meditating on Him.He attained mukthi with the total bhakthi.
Comments:Bhishma pratijna (भीष्म प्रतिज्ञा  ) is well known.He abdicated the throne ,chose celibacy for the entire life in order to ensure that his father Shantanu could marry fisherman's daughter.He got a boon to embrace death at will.In the Kurukshetra war he led Kaurava army in order to keep his promise.He wasdefeated by Arjuna on the 10 th day of the war.He was lying to embrace death at will.He was expecting the darshana of Krishna for this purpose.Knowing this Krishna induced Yudhishtira and Pandavas and all others to visit him.He also went along with them.
At the request of Yudhishtira Bhishma taught him all the dharmas and their nuances.As Uttarayana
set in he wanted to cast off his mortal body in the presence of Krishna duly meditating on Him.For this he controlled all his senses and prayed with known as भीष्म स्तुति  . He cast off his body meditaing on Krishna. All celestials showered flowers on that occasion.
All the 3 commentaries and HB highlight these .
  धर्मिष्ठो भीष्मवाक्यश्रवणहृतमहापापशङ्कः स्वराज्यम्
चक्रे धर्मात्मजन्मा विधिवदथ हरिर्द्वारकाम् गन्तुकामः।
सर्वानापृन्छ्य पौरान् रथवरमधिरुह्ह्याƒƒत्तमोदं पुरस्त्री-
गीतं श्रृण्वन् जगाम प्रकटितकरुणः शीघ्रमानर्तदेशान्।।।
Meaning: On learning from Bhishma about the Shastras Yudhishtira got rid of all his doubts about his having inurred sins in his life because of war. He being the embodiment of Dharma accepted the kingdom and ruled as per Dharma.,advised by Krishna as well. After installing Yudhishtira on the throne Krishna wanted to go back to Dwaraka as His mission was over.For this he consulted all the subjects as well . When all of them bade farewell , all the ladies  of Kuru race sang His praises(controlling their grief for His separation) he left for Dwaraka and quickly reached the Aanartha Desha.All these reflect Krishna,s mercy  or karuna  for His devotees.
Comments: The 3 commentaries highlight the the stuthi of the ladies of Hastinapuram (verses 21 to 30 of chapter 10 of the puranam) which reflect their bhakthi towards Krishna.
संप्राप्तो द्वारकां श्रीहरिरुरुविरहक्लिष्टपौराक्षिपीतो
नत्वा पित्रोः पुरस्तात् शिशिरिततनयज्ञातिवर्गः कटाक्षैः।
पत्नी: संभावयामास च मदनशराबाधितो निर्विकारः;
स्त्रैणं यं मन्यते यः स भवति पशुबुद्धिश्च मूढाग्रगण्यः।॥
Meaning: After visiting Aanartha desha and blessing the subjects and their king who sang His praises ,Krishnareached Dwaraka. As all the subjects were unhappy because of long separation from Him, all of them felt so happy on seeing Him and fixed their gazes on Him alone and did not want to look any thing else.All of them were longing to see Him and they were intent upon at looking Him alone for a long time and did not want further separation.
Krishna went to his palace . He prostrated before His parents and all elders.All His 16008 wives were unable to bear their separation from Him .They looked at Him with eyes full of tears. .He also looked at them with love in reciprocation and made them happy.He did this with total detatchment and was unaffected by worldly desires.Krishna conqerred all the desires and yet he made his wives also happy.
He who consider him as an ordinary human being who is affected by and conquerred by women is totally ignorant .Krishna is not a mortal but Nirvikara..He can not be influenced by any desires. So their wives having influence on Him and controlling Him does not arise.He is Ishwara inspite of his association with His wives. He was totally unaffected although His wives were.
Comments:All 3 commentaries say Krishna is Nirvikara
द्रौण्यस्त्रप्लुष्टगर्भं जठरगतगदापाणिरंगुष्ठमात्रः
कृष्णस्तं जीवयित्वा पुनरपि परितो बालकं सञ्चचार;।
पश्यन् गर्भस्थ एवं हरिमथ दशमे मासि भुव्युत्तराया
जातो नाम्ना परीक्षित् सकलगुणनिधिर्लालितोƒभूदजेन।॥
Meaning: Due to the aiming of brahmastra by Ashwaththamaa, the embryo in the womb of Uttara was almost destroyed.In order to save the embryo Krishna entered the womb of Uttara shrinkinig his form to the extent of a human thumb and protected with kaumodaki the mace (it is said elsewhere that he protected with Sudarshana Chakra).He was moving in all directions to protect the child .  The child had the vision of Krishna in the womb.On completion of 10 months the child was born and was well known as Parikshit.He was endowed with all good, sathvik qualities.He was looked after well by Yudhishtira as he was the only surviving progeny of Pandavas and Kuru race.
Comments: In the 12 th chapter of Prathama Skandha, the protection of Parikshit in the womb of his mother is described in detail.Yudhishtira  celebrated his birth with the rituals connected with it and gave danas of different kinds as per shastras.He was named by the brahmins as Vishnuratha as he was protected by Vishnu.He got the horoscope cast by the brahmins and they made  prophecy that Parikshit will have all the good qualities which a king is expected to possess (verses19 to 29 of the chapter).But he was well known as Parikshit, because having seen Krishna's form in the womb I and he was examining  (pariksha) as to who in this world will be similar.
He grew well looked after by Yudhishitira and others.After his birth Yudhishitra perfomed 3 Ashwameda yagnas.Arjuna accompanied Krishna to Dwaraka.
मैत्रेयोपात्तविद्यो विदुरयतिवरो भ्रातरं चाƒम्बिकेयम्
गान्धारीं चार्धरात्रे वनमनयदहो! ते तपश्चक्रुरुच्चैः,।
तान् स्मृत्वा धर्मजन्मा व्यथितहृदभवन्नारदोƒबोधयत् तं
"मा मा चिन्ताकुलो भूः; कुरु 'हरिभजनं; यस्य लीला हि सर्वम्।॥
Meaning: Vidura as a sanyasi got atmavidya from the meeting he had with Maitreya Rishi came to Hastinapuram after the war.He was welcomed by one and all.Yudhishtira asked him about the welfare of Krishna and his relatives.Vidura informed him about the welfare except destruction of Yadu race and Krishna's disappearance from this world.He advised Dritharashtra about the futility of life and advised him to go to the forest with complete detatchmement and do penance to get mukthi.Accordingly Dritharashtra goes to the forest accompanied by Gandhari Vidura and others.
Yudhishtira not findinding them had overcome with grief.Narada came and advised him  about the leelas of Hari and not to worry about Dritharashtra and Gandhari who had gone to Himalaya to do tapas and within a short time will leave the world ,and  therefore surrender himself to Him.
धर्मात्मा धर्मसूनुः सकलहितकरः सर्वतो दुर्निमित्तम्
पश्यन् पप्रच्छ भीतोƒर्जुनमपि कुशलं द्वारवत्यां यदूनाम्?।
आस्ते कृष्णः सुखं वा पितृसहजकलत्रात्मजाद्यैः समेतो
यद्दोर्दण्डेन गुप्तं यदुपुरमकुतश्चिद्भया यादवाश्च?''।॥
Meaning:As Arjuna who had gone to Dwaraka had not returned Yudhishtira seeing the ill effects of Kaliyuga which had set in by then worried himself about the safety of Krishna and other relatives.As he had observed bad omens he expressed his worry to Bhima.Arjuna returned by then .Finding Arjuna crestfallen Yudhishtira became more worried and asked about the welfare of all.and also as to why Arjuna was depressed with worry as if he had committed a big sin.
एवं पृष्टोƒश्रुनेत्रो यदुकुलमृषिशापाग्निदग्धं धरित्री-
भारं संहृत्त्य कृष्णस्य च दिवि गमनं बोधयामास पार्थः।
कृष्णं स्मृत्वा पृथाƒप्ता परमपद,मथो धर्मजस्त्वौत्तरेयम्
भूपं चक्रेƒथ पार्था अमृतपदमगुर् द्रौपदी चेशभक्ताः।।
Meaning: To the questions posed by his elder brother ,Arjuna could not reply forthwith as he became emotional with grief. Slowly composing himself he informed about the destruction of Yadu race and   Krishna's  final departure from this world. Arjuna recounted his association with Krishna and as to how he and Pandavas were protected by His Grace.(verses 5 to 27 of chapter 15 ) and how in Krishna's absence he felt as good as dead.Yudhishtira on hearing this installed Parikshit in the throne and left for Himalayas totally detatched and got salvation All his brothers followed him to the end. Kunthi.Draupadi and others also contemplated on Krishna and got mukthi.accordingly.
The svargarohanam of Pandavas is described in detail in this chapter.The benefit for reading this chapter is that the dovotee will develop Hari bhakthi.
राज्यं कुर्वन् परीक्षिन्नरपतिरशृणोत् पाण्डवान् कृष्णभक्तान्
आत्मानं चास्त्रदग्धं पुनरपि हरिदत्तायुषं भक्तवर्यः।
कुर्वाणो दिग्जयं स प्रभुरमितबलः पर्यटन् शस्त्रपाणि-
र्गोरूपौ भूमिधर्मौ कृशतरवपुषौ दृष्टवान् दुःखचित्तौ।।
Meaning: When Parikshit became the king he was a child. He grew up and ruled the kingdom in a just manner as a king should .He heard from the subjects and elders that Panadavas and his forefathers were Krishna's ardent devotees.He also heard that Krishna protected him from destruction in his mother;s womb due to aiming of brahmastra by Ashwaththama.He then undertook a digvijaya (conqerring of the portions not under his rule).During this sojourn he saw the mother earth in the form of a emaciated cow and the Dharma in the form a bull with one leg(meaning that the other 3 legs were broken) .Both Dharma and the Earth were discussing their plight and difficulties and sorrow as Kaliyuga had set in .He heard their plight and overcame with compassion

दीनां गामेकपादं वृषमपि हतपादत्रयं हन्तुकामं
पापं घोरं कलिं स प्रभुरवददरे मुञ्च राज्यं मदीयम्।
नोचेद्धन्मी''ति भीतः स तु नृपतिपदं चाश्रितः, सोƒथ हिंसाद्यूत
स्त्रीमद्यहेमस्वपि वसतु भवान् मेतरत्रे'त्यमुञ्चत्।।
Meaning: The Dharma in the form of bull had only one leg.The Kali purusha was near and  beat them with a stick adding more injury and difficulty to them. Parikshit took pity on them who were troubled by Kali. He threatenedKali to leave his kingdom failing with he will be punished with death.Kali fell at his feet with fear.and requested the king to parden him and show some places where he will reside.Parikshit  then indicated him 5 places viz.himsa (violence), places where liquor  is conumed,, gambling dens.brothels, and gold.. Out of pity Parikshit did not kill Kali. He restored the 3 legs for Dharma and then left.
एवं जित्वा कलिं स प्रभुरधिवनमाखेटलीलां प्रकुर्वन्
शान्तोƒगच्छत् किमप्याश्रमपदमकृतातिथ्यतारुष्टचित्तः।
अंसे राजा मृताहिं न्यधित मुनिवरस्या,स्य पुत्रेण कोपाद्
"धृष्ट! स्यास्तक्षकाहिप्रवरविषहतः सप्तमेƒ ह्नी।' ति शप्तः।।
Meaning: Thus conquering Kali,Parikshit went on a hunting expedition on one occasion.During hunting he was tired and was hungry and thirsty as well.He was on the look out for water and some food.He went to the ashram of one sage.The sage was in deep meditation.He did not respond to Parikshit's call.In view if that Parikshit became angry and felt that the sage was ignorant of his presence wantonly.He saw a dead serpant lying nearby.He lifted it by the end portion of his bow and placed it on the skoulders of the sage and returned to his palace.
As the son of the sage was away from the hermitage when all these took place,on return he noticed the dead serpant on his father's shoulders.He could not control his grief and beame angry.He got to know that it was the act of the King Parikshit.He cursed him that on the 7th day Parikshit will be bitten by the snake Takshaka will die.
Comments: In spite of the fact having good qualitis Parikshit could not control his anger.The act of hunting is” himsa”-injuring animals.As this is a place where Kali was residing,he came under its influence and thus commited a sin.The sage was innocent as he was in deep meditation,
Parikshit thought that the sage ignored him intentionallyand did not offer him water.He got angry contraary to his nature.As a rare act with an impulse,he placed the dead serpant on the sage only to awaken him.Thus he crossed his limits as a king and punished an innocent sage.The sage'son thought that the King did all these because of his pride . He cursed him as a punishment.
The 3 commentaries viz, Sridhara,Chakravarthi and Giridhara state that the” brahmana shaapa”(the curse of a brahmin) was only to inculcate total detatchment (वैराग्य  )in Parikshit and thus अनुग्रह  of Krishna on the king to enable him to attain मुक्ति  -cessation of births and deaths.and salvation
पश्चात्तापेन शुद्धीकृतमहितमतिस्त्यक्तसर्वैहिकार्थो
राजा प्रायोपविष्टः सुरसरितमुपेत्याƒस्त नत्वा मुनीन्द्रान्।
तत्राƒप्तान् व्यासपुत्रं शुकमपि विनयेनाह "मृत्यून्मुखः सन्
किं कुर्यात्, किं न कुर्याद्, वदतु हित'मिति श्रीशुकस्त्वाबभाषे।।
Meaning:On return King Parikshit contemplated his act and realised his mistake and repented .Due to repentance his mind became pure.He also came to know about the curse.He abdicated his throne and installed his son as a king.As a penance he resorted to प्रायोपवेशम्  (volountary penance till death ) on the banks of  river ganga..He wanted to expatiate his sin.Having heard that Parikshit has entered “prayopavesha” all the sages assembled there.He requested them to guide him to develop( भक्ति  )-total devotion on Krishna and all the mahathmas ,his bhakthas(devotees) and sing glory of Vishnu till his death.At this point of time Sage Shuka Brahmarishi appeared before all of them.When all worshipped Shuka and offered him a seat King Parikshit posed 2 questions to him.They were -1) what a person who is expecting his death should do 2) what every person is expected to do in his life time.
Comments:Repentance(पश्चात्ताप   ) is the ultimate act to expatiate one's sins (प्रायश्चित्त  ).Parikshit repented for his rash act.When he came to know about the curse of शृङ्गी  -the rishi'son he accepted it with good faith.As a penance for his sin he developed total detatchment and opted प्रायोपवेशम्  ..
The sageशमीक  - on whose shoulders the king placed the dead serpant.on the contrary did not approve his son's act in cursing the king which is unbefitting a brahmana.When all the sages (according to chapter 19 verses 9 and 10-the great sages and brahmarishis assembled are 25 ) and other devaririshis ,rajarishis etc assembled the king requested them to gude him till his death with stories and leelas of Vishnu.
Shuka brahmam came there as directed by Krishna to guide Parikshit to getमुक्ति  .Contrary to his nature of not staying at one place more than few minutes ,he stayed there for 7days and taught श्रीमद् भागवतम्    to all those assembled there , to Parikshit in particular.
Parikshit's two questions are:
अन्यथा ते अव्यक्तगतेर्दर्शनम् न: कथम् नृणाम् ।
नितराम् म्रियमाणानाम् सम्सिद्धस्य वनीयस: ॥      verse 36 (ch.19)
अत: पृच्छामि सम्सिद्धिम्  योगिनाम् परमम् गुरुम् ।
पुरुषस्येह यत्कार्यम् म्रियमाणस्य सर्वथा ॥       verse 37 (ch.19)
Meaning that the presence of Shuka is fortune as a liberated soul he could not be seen ordinary human beings .This could not happen unless inspired by Lord Krishna , and the voluntary appearance of one who is unseen to a person facing death is only due to the Grace of Lord Krishna.As you are the supreme guru  of all sages and saints I request yoy to enlighten me (us) the perfect way to get liberated for all of us, and especially for one who is to die( facing impending death).
यच्छ्रोतव्यमथो जप्यम् यत्कर्तव्यम् नृभि: प्रभो ।
स्मर्तव्यम्म् भजनीयम् वा ब्रूहि यद्वा विपर्ययम्  ॥  (38) (ch.19)
Please explain as to what men should listen,chant ,remember and worship( do service),in general always or what they should not do.
Hearing the request and the questions posed by King Parikshit with all humility and in entreating way SHRI SHUKA BRAHMAM ,who is a धर्मज्ञ: ( who was all knowing about righteousness(dharma) began to reply.
All the three commentaries say that the arrival of SHUKA is the highlight of this chapter.
Sri Vallabhacharya in his commentary सुबोधिनी   says that although several rishis were present,including Parashurama and Vyasa who are also incarnations of Hari they were not inclined to impart knowledge ज्ञानदानान्न व्रतदृता: .Shuka was well qualified to impart the knowledge of Bhaghavatham.
द्वत्रिम्शल्लक्षणोपेत: शुक एव ततो गुरु: ।
एतदर्थम् हि भगवानवतीर्णो वृषध्व्ज: ॥
गर्भाधानोत्तरम् रक्षा विष्णोरन्ते शिवात्मना ॥
Shri Shuka Brahmam alone was endowed with 32 qualities (lakshana) . Please see verses 25 to 28 of chapter 19  for the samudrikalakshna of Shuka. He was the avatara of Parameshwara (Shiva-a complete embodiment and personification of jnana).Therefore he was well qualified to be the guru of Parikshit for imparting the knowledge of Srimad Bhaghavatham,after he was protected by Vishnu in his mother's womb.As both had vairagya they were more qualified to be a preceptor and a disciple.
Hrasva Bhaghavatham succintly brings out all the unexplained factors in a brief but effective manner.


                  HRASVA BHAGAVATHAM - 3

एवं देवर्षिणोक्तो हरिमहिमकथामग्नचित्तो मुनीन्द्र-
श्चक्रे सद्ग्रन्थमेवं नियतिकृतकुरुक्षेत्रयुद्धावशिष्टः।
कृष्णापुत्रान् प्रसुप्तान् निशि कठिनमहन् द्रौणिरेषोƒथ बद्धो
वीराग्रण्यार्जुनेन प्रकटितमति यन्मौलिरत्नं च  च जह्रे।।।

Meaning :Thus advised by Narada ,Sage Veda Vyasa after deep meditation of Krishna composed this great samhitha or puranam which explains elaborately the leelas of Hari. He taught this puranam to his son Sri Shuka Brahnarishi who was a brahmajnani and a fit person to be taught. This is explained in the first line of the verse,
From 2nd to 4th lines the poet describes as to what happened after Kurukshetra war.As Ashwaththama the son of Dronacharya killed yhe innocent 5 sons of Draupadi called upapandavas in a cruel manner -this being unbefitting of a both a warrior and a brahmana ,Arjuna to fulfil the promise he gave to Draupadi to punish the murderer of her sons, went after him and caught him and presented him before Draupadi and Krishna.As advised by Krishna to follow Dharma Arjuna cut the tuft of ashwaththama as a punishment and let him off .
Comments:To the question as to what Vyasa did after the departure of Narada,sutha replied that Vyasa composed Srimad Baghavatham-a great samhitha and taught it to Shuka brahmam.Shaunaka asked as to how a brahmajnani was attracted towards this purana samhitha inspite of the fact being totally desireless and a jeevan muktha Sutha replied that the brahmajnanis also develop total para bhakthi towards Hari , अहैतुकी अप्रतिहता bhakthi as they are also influenced by Hari's qualities (verse no.10 of chapter 7) Sutha continued the narration of the birth of Parikshit ,the incidents that took place after Kurukshetra war.
On the last day ,being 18th day of the war after the fall of Duryodhana, Ashwaththaama in order to please his master killed the upapandavas who were sleeping and unarmed and also innocent. He used Brahmastra when cornered but did not know upasamhara of it.Krishna asked Arjuna to do the upasamhara of the astra as he knew both. On doing so and after he was caught and presented before Draupadi, she overcame with compassion on him and asked Arjuna and others to release him because 1)he was the son of Dronacharya, Pandava's Guru and thus a guru and brahmana 2) she felt that by killing him his mother Krupi also will be overcome with grief simlar to that of hers and this is not righteous.As Bheema wanted him to be killed and Arjuna was undecided Krishna suggested to Arjuna to to a righteous act by which both Bheema and Draupadi will be pleased .
Taking the clue,Arjuna cut the tuft of Ashwaththama which is equivalent to killing a culprit who is a brahmin as well and then released him.Thus both Bheema and Draupadi were satisfied.
This act on the part of Draupadi brings out a rare quality on her part that she never wanted any retribution,but was full of compassion.Vyasa thus highlighted the highest virtue in Draupadi, the grandmother of Parikshit in this chapter and the virtuous and noble nature of Parikshit's lineage.
In all the three commentaries of viz. Sridhara,Viswanatha Chakravarthi, and GiridharaGoswami the cruel act of Ashwathama in using brahmastra when its use was not needed and his killing of sleeping upapandavas and the subsequent punishment to him are highlighted.Hrasva Baghavatham also highlights these .
"गर्भों मे नाश्यतेƒस्त्रैरिममवतु भवान्' उत्तरावाक्यमेवम्
श्रुत्वा तद्रक्षकः सन् जिगमिषुरभवद् द्वारकाम् वासुदेवः।
त्वत्पादे मे रतिः स्या,दखिलद, विपदः सन्तु नः शश्वदेवं
कुन्तीस्त्रोत्रं च शृण्वन् नगरमाधिवसन् सांत्वयामास पार्थान्।॥
Meaning: Uttara approached Krishna with grief that the embryo in her womb (she was pregnant then ) be protected as the brahmastra was tormenting both her and the child in her womb.Krishna knew the reason and protected both Uttara and her womb immediately.When Krishna was ready to depart for Dwaraka , Kunti approached Krishna with a prayer,well known as Kunthi Stotra,.Accepting her request to remain in Hastinapuram for some more time Krishna remained there.He also consoled Yudhistra and others.
Comments: Krishna after the funeral ceremonies of the dead in the war were over wanted to return to Dwaraka and commenced the journey thereof.At that point of time Uttara ,Abhimanyu's wife and Arjuna's daughter in law came before his chariot and cried with fear that an arrow was tormenting her and her child in her womb.and entreated Krishna to protect her womb and the embryo from the calamity.Her request was selfless in that she did not care about her life but that of the only progeny of Pandavas and Kuru race.Krishna immediately knew the reason-the unrighteous act of Ashwathama in using brahmastra to destroy the only surviving progeny of pandavas and Kuru race.With Sudarshana chakra he protected both Uttara and the child in her womb.
Knowing this ,Kunthi along with Draupadi and others came before Krishna and prayed Him.Kunthi stotra is unique in that she welcomes hardships and calamities ,which will make her constantly contemplate and meditate Krishna and also expressed her gratitude to Him for having protected her and her family always in difficulties the latest being Uttara's case. She also requested him to stay back.Krishna acceded to her request and stayed back.He consoled all of them for their grief in the loss of dear and near.Yudhistira overcame with the grief for the war and consequent loss of lives.
The Kunthi stuthi is full of philosophical import(vedantic) and regular parayanam of this stotra will confer all benefits.
All the 3 commentaries and HB also highligt all the above.In this chapter the nobility of Uttara and Kunthi are seen.

भीष्मः स्वच्छन्दमृत्युर्निजजनकमुदे त्यक्तसर्वार्थकामो
धर्मौघम् धर्मसूनो रणभुवि शरशय्यावलंबी प्रकाश्य।
सन्तुष्टः पार्थसूतं मृदुहसितमुखं वीक्षमाणः पुरस्तात्
स्तुत्वा सर्वात्मकं तं परमपदमवापास्तसंसारबन्धः।॥
Meaning:Bhishma who sacrificed all the worldly desires to satisfy his father's desires,who opted for
स्वच्छन्दमृत्यु -to embrace death at his will and who had no desires at all but cgot complete satisfaction was lying in the bed of arrows.When Yudhishtira approached him.he enlightened him with all the dharma shastras.Then he saw Krishna who was all smiling.He prayed Krishna with a stotram (Bhishma stuti).He cast of his mortal body seeing Krishna and meditating on Him.He attained mukthi with the total bhakthi.
Comments:Bhishma pratijna (भीष्म प्रतिज्ञा ) is well known.He abdicated the throne ,chose celibacy for the entire life in order to ensure that his father Shantanu could marry fisherman's daughter.He got a boon to embrace death at will.In the Kurukshetra war he led Kaurava army in order to keep his promise.He wasdefeated by Arjuna on the 10 th day of the war.He was lying to embrace death at will.He was expecting the darshana of Krishna for this purpose.Knowing this Krishna induced Yudhishtira and Pandavas and all others to visit him.He also went along with them.
At the request of Yudhishtira Bhishma taught him all the dharmas and their nuances.As Uttarayana
set in he wanted to cast off his mortal body in the presence of Krishna duly meditating on Him.For this he controlled all his senses and prayed with known as भीष्म स्तुति . He cast off his body meditaing on Krishna. All celestials showered flowers on that occasion.
All the 3 commentaries and HB highlight these .
धर्मिष्ठो भीष्मवाक्यश्रवणहृतमहापापशङ्कः स्वराज्यम्
चक्रे धर्मात्मजन्मा विधिवदथ हरिर्द्वारकाम् गन्तुकामः।
सर्वानापृन्छ्य पौरान् रथवरमधिरुह्ह्याƒƒत्तमोदं पुरस्त्री-
गीतं श्रृण्वन् जगाम प्रकटितकरुणः शीघ्रमानर्तदेशान्।।।
Meaning: On learning from Bhishma about the Shastras Yudhishtira got rid of all his doubts about his having inurred sins in his life because of war. He being the embodiment of Dharma accepted the kingdom and ruled as per Dharma.,advised by Krishna as well. After installing Yudhishtira on the throne Krishna wanted to go back to Dwaraka as His mission was over.For this he consulted all the subjects as well . When all of them bade farewell , all the ladies of Kuru race sang His praises(controlling their grief for His separation) he left for Dwaraka and quickly reached the Aanartha Desha.All these reflect Krishna,s mercy or karuna for His devotees.
Comments: The 3 commentaries highlight the the stuthi of the ladies of Hastinapuram (verses 21 to 30 of chapter 10 of the puranam) which reflect their bhakthi towards Krishna.
संप्राप्तो द्वारकां श्रीहरिरुरुविरहक्लिष्टपौराक्षिपीतो
नत्वा पित्रोः पुरस्तात् शिशिरिततनयज्ञातिवर्गः कटाक्षैः।
पत्नी: संभावयामास च मदनशराबाधितो निर्विकारः;
स्त्रैणं यं मन्यते यः स भवति पशुबुद्धिश्च मूढाग्रगण्यः।॥
Meaning: After visiting Aanartha desha and blessing the subjects and their king who sang His praises ,Krishnareached Dwaraka. As all the subjects were unhappy because of long separation from Him, all of them felt so happy on seeing Him and fixed their gazes on Him alone and did not want to look any thing else.All of them were longing to see Him and they were intent upon at looking Him alone for a long time and did not want further separation.
Krishna went to his palace . He prostrated before His parents and all elders.All His 16008 wives were unable to bear their separation from Him .They looked at Him with eyes full of tears. .He also looked at them with love in reciprocation and made them happy.He did this with total detatchment and was unaffected by worldly desires.Krishna conqerred all the desires and yet he made his wives also happy.
He who consider him as an ordinary human being who is affected by and conquerred by women is totally ignorant .Krishna is not a mortal but Nirvikara..He can not be influenced by any desires. So their wives having influence on Him and controlling Him does not arise.He is Ishwara inspite of his association with His wives. He was totally unaffected although His wives were.
Comments:All 3 commentaries say Krishna is Nirvikara
द्रौण्यस्त्रप्लुष्टगर्भं जठरगतगदापाणिरंगुष्ठमात्रः
कृष्णस्तं जीवयित्वा पुनरपि परितो बालकं सञ्चचार;
पश्यन् गर्भस्थ एवं हरिमथ दशमे मासि भुव्युत्तराया
जातो नाम्ना परीक्षित् सकलगुणनिधिर्लालितोƒभूदजेन।॥
Meaning: Due to the aiming of brahmastra by Ashwaththamaa, the embryo in the womb of Uttara was almost destroyed.In order to save the embryo Krishna entered the womb of Uttara shrinkinig his form to the extent of a human thumb and protected with kaumodaki the mace (it is said elsewhere that he protected with Sudarshana Chakra).He was moving in all directions to protect the child . The child had the vision of Krishna in the womb.On completion of 10 months the child was born and was well known as Parikshit.He was endowed with all good, sathvik qualities.He was looked after well by Yudhishtira as he was the only surviving progeny of Pandavas and Kuru race.
Comments: In the 12 th chapter of Prathama Skandha, the protection of Parikshit in the womb of his mother is described in detail.Yudhishtira celebrated his birth with the rituals connected with it and gave danas of different kinds as per shastras.He was named by the brahmins as Vishnuratha as he was protected by Vishnu.He got the horoscope cast by the brahmins and they made prophecy that Parikshit will have all the good qualities which a king is expected to possess (verses19 to 29 of the chapter).But he was well known as Parikshit, because having seen Krishna's form in the womb I and he was examining (pariksha) as to who in this world will be similar.
He grew well looked after by Yudhishitira and others.After his birth Yudhishitra perfomed 3 Ashwameda yagnas.Arjuna accompanied Krishna to Dwaraka.
मैत्रेयोपात्तविद्यो विदुरयतिवरो भ्रातरं चाƒम्बिकेयम्
गान्धारीं चार्धरात्रे वनमनयदहो! ते तपश्चक्रुरुच्चैः,
तान् स्मृत्वा धर्मजन्मा व्यथितहृदभवन्नारदोƒबोधयत् तं
"मा मा चिन्ताकुलो भूः; कुरु 'हरिभजनं; यस्य लीला हि सर्वम्।॥
Meaning: Vidura as a sanyasi got atmavidya from the meeting he had with Maitreya Rishi came to Hastinapuram after the war.He was welcomed by one and all.Yudhishtira asked him about the welfare of Krishna and his relatives.Vidura informed him about the welfare except destruction of Yadu race and Krishna's disappearance from this world.He advised Dritharashtra about the futility of life and advised him to go to the forest with complete detatchmement and do penance to get mukthi.Accordingly Dritharashtra goes to the forest accompanied by Gandhari Vidura and others.
Yudhishtira not findinding them had overcome with grief.Narada came and advised him about the leelas of Hari and not to worry about Dritharashtra and Gandhari who had gone to Himalaya to do tapas and within a short time will leave the world ,and therefore surrender himself to Him.
धर्मात्मा धर्मसूनुः सकलहितकरः सर्वतो दुर्निमित्तम्
पश्यन् पप्रच्छ भीतोƒर्जुनमपि कुशलं द्वारवत्यां यदूनाम्?
आस्ते कृष्णः सुखं वा पितृसहजकलत्रात्मजाद्यैः समेतो
यद्दोर्दण्डेन गुप्तं यदुपुरमकुतश्चिद्भया यादवाश्च?''।॥
Meaning:As Arjuna who had gone to Dwaraka had not returned Yudhishtira seeing the ill effects of Kaliyuga which had set in by then worried himself about the safety of Krishna and other relatives.As he had observed bad omens he expressed his worry to Bhima.Arjuna returned by then .Finding Arjuna crestfallen Yudhishtira became more worried and asked about the welfare of all.and also as to why Arjuna was depressed with worry as if he had committed a big sin.
एवं पृष्टोƒश्रुनेत्रो यदुकुलमृषिशापाग्निदग्धं धरित्री-
भारं संहृत्त्य कृष्णस्य च दिवि गमनं बोधयामास पार्थः।
कृष्णं स्मृत्वा पृथाƒप्ता परमपद,मथो धर्मजस्त्वौत्तरेयम्
भूपं चक्रेƒथ पार्था अमृतपदमगुर् द्रौपदी चेशभक्ताः।।
Meaning: To the questions posed by his elder brother ,Arjuna could not reply forthwith as he became emotional with grief. Slowly composing himself he informed about the destruction of Yadu race and Krishna's final departure from this world. Arjuna recounted his association with Krishna and as to how he and Pandavas were protected by His Grace.(verses 5 to 27 of chapter 15 ) and how in Krishna's absence he felt as good as dead.Yudhishtira on hearing this installed Parikshit in the throne and left for Himalayas totally detatched and got salvation All his brothers followed him to the end. Kunthi.Draupadi and others also contemplated on Krishna and got mukthi.accordingly.
The svargarohanam of Pandavas is described in detail in this chapter.The benefit for reading this chapter is that the dovotee will develop Hari bhakthi.
राज्यं कुर्वन् परीक्षिन्नरपतिरशृणोत् पाण्डवान् कृष्णभक्तान्
आत्मानं चास्त्रदग्धं पुनरपि हरिदत्तायुषं भक्तवर्यः।
कुर्वाणो दिग्जयं स प्रभुरमितबलः पर्यटन् शस्त्रपाणि-
र्गोरूपौ भूमिधर्मौ कृशतरवपुषौ दृष्टवान् दुःखचित्तौ।।
Meaning: When Parikshit became the king he was a child. He grew up and ruled the kingdom in a just manner as a king should .He heard from the subjects and elders that Panadavas and his forefathers were Krishna's ardent devotees.He also heard that Krishna protected him from destruction in his mother;s womb due to aiming of brahmastra by Ashwaththama.He then undertook a digvijaya (conqerring of the portions not under his rule).During this sojourn he saw the mother earth in the form of a emaciated cow and the Dharma in the form a bull with one leg(meaning that the other 3 legs were broken) .Both Dharma and the Earth were discussing their plight and difficulties and sorrow as Kaliyuga had set in .He heard their plight and overcame with compassion

दीनां गामेकपादं वृषमपि हतपादत्रयं हन्तुकामं
पापं घोरं कलिं स प्रभुरवददरे मुञ्च राज्यं मदीयम्।
नोचेद्धन्मी''ति भीतः स तु नृपतिपदं चाश्रितः, सोƒथ हिंसाद्यूत
स्त्रीमद्यहेमस्वपि वसतु भवान् मेतरत्रे'त्यमुञ्चत्।।
Meaning: The Dharma in the form of bull had only one leg.The Kali purusha was near and beat them with a stick adding more injury and difficulty to them. Parikshit took pity on them who were troubled by Kali. He threatenedKali to leave his kingdom failing with he will be punished with death.Kali fell at his feet with fear.and requested the king to parden him and show some places where he will reside.Parikshit then indicated him 5 places viz.himsa (violence), places where liquor is conumed,, gambling dens.brothels, and gold.. Out of pity Parikshit did not kill Kali. He restored the 3 legs for Dharma and then left.
एवं जित्वा कलिं स प्रभुरधिवनमाखेटलीलां प्रकुर्वन्
शान्तोƒगच्छत् किमप्याश्रमपदमकृतातिथ्यतारुष्टचित्तः।
अंसे राजा मृताहिं न्यधित मुनिवरस्या,स्य पुत्रेण कोपाद्
"धृष्ट! स्यास्तक्षकाहिप्रवरविषहतः सप्तमेƒ ह्नी।' ति शप्तः।।
Meaning: Thus conquering Kali,Parikshit went on a hunting expedition on one occasion.During hunting he was tired and was hungry and thirsty as well.He was on the look out for water and some food.He went to the ashram of one sage.The sage was in deep meditation.He did not respond to Parikshit's call.In view if that Parikshit became angry and felt that the sage was ignorant of his presence wantonly.He saw a dead serpant lying nearby.He lifted it by the end portion of his bow and placed it on the skoulders of the sage and returned to his palace.
As the son of the sage was away from the hermitage when all these took place,on return he noticed the dead serpant on his father's shoulders.He could not control his grief and beame angry.He got to know that it was the act of the King Parikshit.He cursed him that on the 7th day Parikshit will be bitten by the snake Takshaka will die.
Comments: In spite of the fact having good qualitis Parikshit could not control his anger.The act of hunting is” himsa”-injuring animals.As this is a place where Kali was residing,he came under its influence and thus commited a sin.The sage was innocent as he was in deep meditation,
Parikshit thought that the sage ignored him intentionallyand did not offer him water.He got angry contraary to his nature.As a rare act with an impulse,he placed the dead serpant on the sage only to awaken him.Thus he crossed his limits as a king and punished an innocent sage.The sage'son thought that the King did all these because of his pride . He cursed him as a punishment.
The 3 commentaries viz, Sridhara,Chakravarthi and Giridhara state that the” brahmana shaapa”(the curse of a brahmin) was only to inculcate total detatchment (वैराग्य )in Parikshit and thus अनुग्रह of Krishna on the king to enable him to attain मुक्ति -cessation of births and deaths.and salvation
पश्चात्तापेन शुद्धीकृतमहितमतिस्त्यक्तसर्वैहिकार्थो
राजा प्रायोपविष्टः सुरसरितमुपेत्याƒस्त नत्वा मुनीन्द्रान्।
तत्राƒप्तान् व्यासपुत्रं शुकमपि विनयेनाह "मृत्यून्मुखः सन्
किं कुर्यात्, किं न कुर्याद्, वदतु हित'मिति श्रीशुकस्त्वाबभाषे।।
Meaning:On return King Parikshit contemplated his act and realised his mistake and repented .Due to repentance his mind became pure.He also came to know about the curse.He abdicated his throne and installed his son as a king.As a penance he resorted to प्रायोपवेशम् (volountary penance till death ) on the banks of river ganga..He wanted to expatiate his sin.Having heard that Parikshit has entered “prayopavesha” all the sages assembled there.He requested them to guide him to develop( भक्ति )-total devotion on Krishna and all the mahathmas ,his bhakthas(devotees) and sing glory of Vishnu till his death.At this point of time Sage Shuka Brahmarishi appeared before all of them.When all worshipped Shuka and offered him a seat King Parikshit posed 2 questions to him.They were -1) what a person who is expecting his death should do 2) what every person is expected to do in his life time.
Comments:Repentance(पश्चात्ताप ) is the ultimate act to expatiate one's sins (प्रायश्चित्त ).Parikshit repented for his rash act.When he came to know about the curse of शृङ्गी -the rishi'son he accepted it with good faith.As a penance for his sin he developed total detatchment and opted प्रायोपवेशम् ..
The sageशमीक - on whose shoulders the king placed the dead serpant.on the contrary did not approve his son's act in cursing the king which is unbefitting a brahmana.When all the sages (according to chapter 19 verses 9 and 10-the great sages and brahmarishis assembled are 25 ) and other devaririshis ,rajarishis etc assembled the king requested them to guide him till his death with stories and leelas of Vishnu.
Shuka brahmam came there as directed by Krishna to guide Parikshit to getमुक्ति .Contrary to his nature of not staying at one place more than few minutes ,he stayed there for 7days and taught श्रीमद् भागवतम् to all those assembled there , to Parikshit in particular.
Parikshit's two questions are:
अन्यथा ते अव्यक्तगतेर्दर्शनम् न: कथम् नृणाम् ।
नितराम् म्रियमाणानाम् सम्सिद्धस्य वनीयस: verse 36 (ch.19)
अत: पृच्छामि सम्सिद्धिम्  योगिनाम् परमम् गुरुम् ।
पुरुषस्येह यत्कार्यम् म्रियमाणस्य सर्वथा ॥ verse 37 (ch.19)
Meaning that the presence of Shuka is fortune as a liberated soul he could not be seen ordinary human beings .This could not happen unless inspired by Lord Krishna , and the voluntary appearance of one who is unseen to a person facing death is only due to the Grace of Lord Krishna.As you are the supreme guru of all sages and saints I request yoy to enlighten me (us) the perfect way to get liberated for all of us, and especially for one who is to die( facing impending death).
यच्छ्रोतव्यमथो जप्यम् यत्कर्तव्यम् नृभि: प्रभो ।
स्मर्तव्यम्म् भजनीयम् वा ब्रूहि यद्वा विपर्ययम्  ॥  (38) (ch.19)
Please explain as to what men should listen,chant ,remember and worship( do service),in general always or what they should not do.
Hearing the request and the questions posed by King Parikshit with all humility and in entreating way SHRI SHUKA BRAHMAM ,who is a धर्मज्ञ: ( who was all knowing about righteousness(dharma) began to reply.
All the three commentaries say that the arrival of SHUKA is the highlight of this chapter.
Sri Vallabhacharya in his commentary सुबोधिनी says that although several rishis were present,including Parashurama and Vyasa who are also incarnations of Hari they were not inclined to impart knowledge ज्ञानदानान्न व्रतदृता: .Shuka was well qualified to impart the knowledge of Bhaghavatham.
द्वत्रिम्शल्लक्षणोपेत: शुक एव ततो गुरु:
एतदर्थम् हि भगवानवतीर्णो वृषध्व्ज:
गर्भाधानोत्तरम् रक्षा विष्णोरन्ते शिवात्मना ॥
Shri Shuka Brahmam alone was endowed with 32 qualities (lakshana) . Please see verses 25 to 28 of chapter 19 for the samudrikalakshna of Shuka. He was the avatara of Parameshwara (Shiva-a complete embodiment and personification of jnana).Therefore he was well qualified to be the guru of Parikshit for imparting the knowledge of Srimad Bhaghavatham,after he was protected by Vishnu in his mother's womb.As both had vairagya they were more qualified to be a preceptor and a disciple.
Hrasva Bhaghavatham succintly brings out all the unexplained factors in a brief but effective manner.


एवं देवर्णिकि हरोमहहमकथिमगहाति मचनतनत-
शके सदनथमेवं हनयहमकवमकचरकेतयचदिवहुष्।
कवषणिपचतिनर पसचपिनर हनहु करननमहनर तनहणोे्िƒ थ बदि
वतोिगणयिरच6नेन पकर7ममहम यनमनह8ोतं ा ा रहे।।।
Meaning :Thus advised by Narada ,Sage Veda Vyasa after deep meditation of Krishna composed this
great samhitha or puranam which explains elaborately the leelas of Hari. He taught this puranam to his
son Sri Shuka Brahnarishi who was a brahmajnani and a fit person to be taught. This is explained in the
first line of the verse,
From 2nd to 4th lines the poet describes as to what happened after Kurukshetra war.As Ashwaththama
the son of Dronacharya killed yhe innocent 5 sons of Draupadi called upapandavas in a cruel manner
-this being unbefitting of a both a warrior and a brahmana ,Arjuna to fulfil the promise he gave to
Draupadi to punish the murderer of her sons, went after him and caught him and presented him before
Draupadi and Krishna.As advised by Krishna to follow Dharma Arjuna cut the tuft of ashwaththama as
a punishment and let him off .
Comments:To the question as to what Vyasa did after the departure of Narada,sutha replied that Vyasa
composed Srimad Baghavatham-a great samhitha and taught it to Shuka brahmam.Shaunaka asked as
to how a brahmajnani was attracted towards this purana samhitha inspite of the fact being totally
desireless and a jeevan muktha Sutha replied that the brahmajnanis also develop total para bhakthi
towards Hari , अहैमचकी अपहमहमि bhakthi as they are also influenced by Hari's qualities (verse no.10 of
chapter 7) Sutha continued the narration of the birth of Parikshit ,the incidents that took place after
Kurukshetra war.
On the last day ,being 18th day of the war after the fall of Duryodhana, Ashwaththaama in order to
please his master killed the upapandavas who were sleeping and unarmed and also innocent. He used
Brahmastra when cornered but did not know upasamhara of it.Krishna asked Arjuna to do the
upasamhara of the astra as he knew both. On doing so and after he was caught and presented before
Draupadi, she overcame with compassion on him and asked Arjuna and others to release him because
1)he was the son of Dronacharya, Pandava's Guru and thus a guru and brahmana 2) she felt that by
killing him his mother Krupi also will be overcome with grief simlar to that of hers and this is not
righteous.As Bheema wanted him to be killed and Arjuna was undecided Krishna suggested to Arjuna
to to a righteous act by which both Bheema and Draupadi will be pleased .
Taking the clue,Arjuna cut the tuft of Ashwaththama which is equivalent to killing a culprit who is a
brahmin as well and then released him.Thus both Bheema and Draupadi were satisfied.
This act on the part of Draupadi brings out a rare quality on her part that she never wanted any
retribution,but was full of compassion.Vyasa thus highlighted the highest virtue in Draupadi, the
grandmother of Parikshit in this chapter and the virtuous and noble nature of Parikshit's lineage.
In all the three commentaries of viz. Sridhara,Viswanatha Chakravarthi, and GiridharaGoswami the
cruel act of Ashwathama in using brahmastra when its use was not needed and his killing of sleeping
upapandavas and the subsequent punishment to him are highlighted.Hrasva Baghavatham also
highlights these .
"गर् मे निशयमेƒसैरोममवमच रविनर' उतोिविकयमेवमर
शचतवि मतकक् सनर हरगहम्चोरवदर दिोकिमर विसचदेव्।
तवतपिदे मे ोहम् सयि,दहि8द, हवपद् सनमच न् ुशदेवं
कचनमतसितं ा ुवणवनर नगोमिह्वसनर सिंतवयिमिस पिथि6नर।॥
Meaning: Uttara approached Krishna with grief that the embryo in her womb (she was pregnant then )
be protected as the brahmastra was tormenting both her and the child in her womb.Krishna knew the
reason and protected both Uttara and her womb immediately.When Krishna was ready to depart for
Dwaraka , Kunti approached Krishna with a prayer,well known as Kunthi Stotra,.Accepting her request
to remain in Hastinapuram for some more time Krishna remained there.He also consoled Yudhistra and
Comments: Krishna after the funeral ceremonies of the dead in the war were over wanted to return to
Dwaraka and commenced the journey thereof.At that point of time Uttara ,Abhimanyu's wife and
Arjuna's daughter in law came before his chariot and cried with fear that an arrow was tormenting her
and her child in her womb.and entreated Krishna to protect her womb and the embryo from the
calamity.Her request was selfless in that she did not care about her life but that of the only progeny of
Pandavas and Kuru race.Krishna immediately knew the reason-the unrighteous act of Ashwathama in
using brahmastra to destroy the only surviving progeny of pandavas and Kuru race.With Sudarshana
chakra he protected both Uttara and the child in her womb.
Knowing this ,Kunthi along with Draupadi and others came before Krishna and prayed Him.Kunthi
stotra is unique in that she welcomes hardships and calamities ,which will make her constantly
contemplate and meditate Krishna and also expressed her gratitude to Him for having protected her and
her family always in difficulties the latest being Uttara's case. She also requested him to stay
back.Krishna acceded to her request and stayed back.He consoled all of them for their grief in the loss
of dear and near.Yudhistira overcame with the grief for the war and consequent loss of lives.
The Kunthi stuthi is full of philosophical import(vedantic) and regular parayanam of this stotra will
confer all benefits.
All the 3 commentaries and HB also highligt all the above.In this chapter the nobility of Uttara and
Kunthi are seen.
रतषम् सवचवनदमवतयचरनररनकमचदे तयकसवि6थ6किमि
्म्घमर ्म6स्नि ोणरचहव ुोुययिव8ंबत पकिशय।
सनमचष् पिथ6स्मं मवदचहहसममचिं वतकमिण् पचोसमिमर
समचतवि सवि6तमकं मं पोमपदमविपिसमसंसिोबन््।॥
Meaning:Bhishma who sacrificed all the worldly desires to satisfy his father's desires,who opted for
सवचवनदमवतयच -to embrace death at his will and who had no desires at all but cgot complete satisfaction
was lying in the bed of arrows.When Yudhishtira approached him.he enlightened him with all the
dharma shastras.Then he saw Krishna who was all smiling.He prayed Krishna with a stotram (Bhishma
stuti).He cast of his mortal body seeing Krishna and meditating on Him.He attained mukthi with the
total bhakthi.
Comments:Bhishma pratijna (रतषम पहमजि ) is well known.He abdicated the throne ,chose celibacy for
the entire life in order to ensure that his father Shantanu could marry fisherman's daughter.He got a
boon to embrace death at will.In the Kurukshetra war he led Kaurava army in order to keep his
promise.He wasdefeated by Arjuna on the 10 th day of the war.He was lying to embrace death at
will.He was expecting the darshana of Krishna for this purpose.Knowing this Krishna induced
Yudhishtira and Pandavas and all others to visit him.He also went along with them.
At the request of Yudhishtira Bhishma taught him all the dharmas and their nuances.As Uttarayana
set in he wanted to cast off his mortal body in the presence of Krishna duly meditating on Him.For this
he controlled all his senses and prayed with known as रतषम समचहम . He cast off his body meditaing on
Krishna. All celestials showered flowers on that occasion.
All the 3 commentaries and HB highlight these .
्रमषि रतषमविकयशवणहममहिपिपुङक् सवोिजयमर
ाके ्मि6तमरनमि हवह्वदथ हरोदि6ोकिमर गनमचकिम्।
सवि6निपवनन पनोिनर ोथवोमह्रहधिƒƒ तमिदं पचोसत-
गतमं शवणवनर रगिम पकर7मकरण् ुतघमिनम6देुिनर।।।
Meaning: On learning from Bhishma about the Shastras Yudhishtira got rid of all his doubts about his
having inurred sins in his life because of war. He being the embodiment of Dharma accepted the
kingdom and ruled as per Dharma.,advised by Krishna as well. After installing Yudhishtira on the
throne Krishna wanted to go back to Dwaraka as His mission was over.For this he consulted all the
subjects as well . When all of them bade farewell , all the ladies of Kuru race sang His
praises(controlling their grief for His separation) he left for Dwaraka and quickly reached the Aanartha
Desha.All these reflect Krishna,s mercy or karuna for His devotees.
Comments: The 3 commentaries highlight the the stuthi of the ladies of Hastinapuram (verses 21 to 30
of chapter 10 of the puranam) which reflect their bhakthi towards Krishna.
संपिपि दिोकिं शतहरोररहवोहहक8षपनोिहकपतमि
नतवि हपति् पचोसमिमर हुहुरोममनयजिहमवग6् क7िकै्।
पतत: संरिवयिमिस ा मदनुोिबिह्मि हनरवकिो्;
सैणं यं मनयमे य् स रवहम पुचबचहदश म्ढिगगणय्।॥
Meaning: After visiting Aanartha desha and blessing the subjects and their king who sang His
praises ,Krishnareached Dwaraka. As all the subjects were unhappy because of long separation from
Him, all of them felt so happy on seeing Him and fixed their gazes on Him alone and did not want to
look any thing else.All of them were longing to see Him and they were intent upon at looking Him
alone for a long time and did not want further separation.
Krishna went to his palace . He prostrated before His parents and all elders.All His 16008 wives were
unable to bear their separation from Him .They looked at Him with eyes full of tears. .He also looked at
them with love in reciprocation and made them happy.He did this with total detatchment and was
unaffected by worldly desires.Krishna conqerred all the desires and yet he made his wives also happy.
He who consider him as an ordinary human being who is affected by and conquerred by women is
totally ignorant .Krishna is not a mortal but Nirvikara..He can not be influenced by any desires. So their
wives having influence on Him and controlling Him does not arise.He is Ishwara inspite of his
association with His wives. He was totally unaffected although His wives were.
Comments:All 3 commentaries say Krishna is Nirvikara
तनणयसप8चषगरर रनोगमगदिपिहणोंगचषमित्
कवषणसमं रतवहयतवि पचनोहप परोमि बि8कं सञािो;।
पशयनर गर6सथ एवं हरोमथ दुमे मिहस रचवचतोियि
रिमि निमि पोतहकमर सक8गचणहनह्8ि6ह8मिƒ र्दरेन।॥
Meaning: Due to the aiming of brahmastra by Ashwaththamaa, the embryo in the womb of Uttara was
almost destroyed.In order to save the embryo Krishna entered the womb of Uttara shrinkinig his form
to the extent of a human thumb and protected with kaumodaki the mace (it is said elsewhere that he
protected with Sudarshana Chakra).He was moving in all directions to protect the child . The child had
the vision of Krishna in the womb.On completion of 10 months the child was born and was well known
as Parikshit.He was endowed with all good, sathvik qualities.He was looked after well by Yudhishtira
as he was the only surviving progeny of Pandavas and Kuru race.
Comments: In the 12 th chapter of Prathama Skandha, the protection of Parikshit in the womb of his
mother is described in detail.Yudhishtira celebrated his birth with the rituals connected with it and
gave danas of different kinds as per shastras.He was named by the brahmins as Vishnuratha as he was
protected by Vishnu.He got the horoscope cast by the brahmins and they made prophecy that Parikshit
will have all the good qualities which a king is expected to possess (verses19 to 29 of the chapter).But
he was well known as Parikshit, because having seen Krishna's form in the womb I and he was
examining (pariksha) as to who in this world will be similar.
He grew well looked after by Yudhishitira and others.After his birth Yudhishitra perfomed 3
Ashwameda yagnas.Arjuna accompanied Krishna to Dwaraka.
मैतेयिपितहवदि हवदचोयहमवोि भिमों ािƒ ह्बकेयमर
गिन्िोर ाि्6ोिते वनमनयदहि! मे मपशकचरचै्,।
मिनर समवतवि ्म6रनमि वहथमहदरवनिोदिƒ बि्यमर मं
"मि मि हानमिकच8ि र््; कचर 'हरोररनं; यसय 8त8ि हह सव6मर।॥
Meaning: Vidura as a sanyasi got atmavidya from the meeting he had with Maitreya Rishi came to
Hastinapuram after the war.He was welcomed by one and all.Yudhishtira asked him about the welfare
of Krishna and his relatives.Vidura informed him about the welfare except destruction of Yadu race and
Krishna's disappearance from this world.He advised Dritharashtra about the futility of life and advised
him to go to the forest with complete detatchmement and do penance to get mukthi.Accordingly
Dritharashtra goes to the forest accompanied by Gandhari Vidura and others.
Yudhishtira not findinding them had overcome with grief.Narada came and advised him about the
leelas of Hari and not to worry about Dritharashtra and Gandhari who had gone to Himalaya to do tapas
and within a short time will leave the world ,and therefore surrender himself to Him.
्मि6तमि ्म6स्नच् सक8हहमको् सव6मि दचरनहमतमर
पशयनर पपचव रतमिƒ रच6नमहप कचु8ं दिोवतयिं यद्निमर?।
आसमे कवषण् सचिं वि हपमवसहरक8तितमरिदै् समेमि
यदिद6ण्ेन गचपं यदचपचोमकचमहशदयि यिदविश?''।॥
Meaning:As Arjuna who had gone to Dwaraka had not returned Yudhishtira seeing the ill effects of
Kaliyuga which had set in by then worried himself about the safety of Krishna and other relatives.As he
had observed bad omens he expressed his worry to Bhima.Arjuna returned by then .Finding Arjuna
crestfallen Yudhishtira became more worried and asked about the welfare of all.and also as to why
Arjuna was depressed with worry as if he had committed a big sin.
एवं पवषिƒ शचनेति यदचकच8मवह्ुिपिहगदग्ं ्रोतत-
रिों संहतय कवषणसय ा ददहव गमनं बि्यिमिस पिथ6्।
कवषणं समवतवि पवथिƒ पि पोमपद,मथि ्म6रसतवनतोेयमर
र्पं ाकेƒ थ पिथि6 अमवमपदमगचोर तनपदत ाेुरकि्।।
Meaning: To the questions posed by his elder brother ,Arjuna could not reply forthwith as he became
emotional with grief. Slowly composing himself he informed about the destruction of Yadu race and
Krishna's final departure from this world. Arjuna recounted his association with Krishna and as to how
he and Pandavas were protected by His Grace.(verses 5 to 27 of chapter 15 ) and how in Krishna's
absence he felt as good as dead.Yudhishtira on hearing this installed Parikshit in the throne and left for
Himalayas totally detatched and got salvation All his brothers followed him to the end.
Kunthi.Draupadi and others also contemplated on Krishna and got mukthi.accordingly.
The svargarohanam of Pandavas is described in detail in this chapter.The benefit for reading this
chapter is that the dovotee will develop Hari bhakthi.
ोिजयं कचव6नर पोतहकनोपहमोुवणिमर पिण्विनर कवषणरकिनर
आतमिनं ािसदग्ं पचनोहप हरोदतियच्ं रकवय6्।
कचवि6णि ददगरयं स परचोहममब8् पय67नर ुसपिहण-
ग्रपन र्हम्म् कवुमोवपच्न दवषविनर दच्िहातन।।
Meaning: When Parikshit became the king he was a child. He grew up and ruled the kingdom in a just
manner as a king should .He heard from the subjects and elders that Panadavas and his forefathers were
Krishna's ardent devotees.He also heard that Krishna protected him from destruction in his mother;s
womb due to aiming of brahmastra by Ashwaththama.He then undertook a digvijaya (conqerring of the
portions not under his rule).During this sojourn he saw the mother earth in the form of a emaciated cow
and the Dharma in the form a bull with one leg(meaning that the other 3 legs were broken) .Both
Dharma and the Earth were discussing their plight and difficulties and sorrow as Kaliyuga had set in
.He heard their plight and overcame with compassion
दतनिं गिमेकपिदं वव्महप हमपिदतयं हनमचकिमं
पिपं घिों कल8 स परचोवददोे मचञ ोिजयं मदतयमर।
निाेदनमत''हम रतम् स मच नवपहमपदं ािहशम्, सिƒ थ लहसिद्म
सतमदहेमसवहप वसमच रविनर मेमोते'तयमचञमर।।
Meaning: The Dharma in the form of bull had only one leg.The Kali purusha was near and beat them
with a stick adding more injury and difficulty to them. Parikshit took pity on them who were troubled
by Kali. He threatenedKali to leave his kingdom failing with he will be punished with death.Kali fell at
his feet with fear.and requested the king to parden him and show some places where he will
reside.Parikshit then indicated him 5 places viz.himsa (violence), places where liquor is conumed,,
gambling dens.brothels, and gold.. Out of pity Parikshit did not kill Kali. He restored the 3 legs for
Dharma and then left.
एवं हरतवि कल8 स परचोह्वनमििे78त8िं पकचव6नर
ुिनमिƒ गचवमर दकमपयिशमपदमकवमिहमथयमिरषहात्।
अंसे ोिरि मवमिलह नयह्म मचहनवोसयि,सय पचतेण किपिदर
"्वष! सयिसमककिहहपवोहव्हम् सपमेƒ हनत।' हम ुप्।।
Meaning: Thus conquering Kali,Parikshit went on a hunting expedition on one occasion.During
hunting he was tired and was hungry and thirsty as well.He was on the look out for water and some
food.He went to the ashram of one sage.The sage was in deep meditation.He did not respond to
Parikshit's call.In view if that Parikshit became angry and felt that the sage was ignorant of his presence
wantonly.He saw a dead serpant lying nearby.He lifted it by the end portion of his bow and placed it on
the skoulders of the sage and returned to his palace.
As the son of the sage was away from the hermitage when all these took place,on return he noticed the
dead serpant on his father's shoulders.He could not control his grief and beame angry.He got to know
that it was the act of the King Parikshit.He cursed him that on the 7th day Parikshit will be bitten by the
snake Takshaka will die.
Comments: In spite of the fact having good qualitis Parikshit could not control his anger.The act of
hunting is” himsa”-injuring animals.As this is a place where Kali was residing,he came under its
influence and thus commited a sin.The sage was innocent as he was in deep meditation,
Parikshit thought that the sage ignored him intentionallyand did not offer him water.He got angry
contraary to his nature.As a rare act with an impulse,he placed the dead serpant on the sage only to
awaken him.Thus he crossed his limits as a king and punished an innocent sage.The sage'son thought
that the King did all these because of his pride . He cursed him as a punishment.
The 3 commentaries viz, Sridhara,Chakravarthi and Giridhara state that the” brahmana shaapa”(the
curse of a brahmin) was only to inculcate total detatchment (वैोिगय )in Parikshit and thus अनचगह of
Krishna on the king to enable him to attain मचहक -cessation of births and deaths.and salvation
पशितिपेन ुचदतकवममहहममहमसतयकसवसहहकिथ्
ोिरि पियिपहवष् सचोसरोममचपेतयिƒ सम नतवि मचनतनतिनर।
मतिƒ पिनर विसपचतं ुचकमहप हवनयेनिह "मवतय्नमचि् सनर
कक कचयि6मर, कक न कचयि6दर, वदमच हहम'हमहम शतुचकसतविबरि्े।।
Meaning:On return King Parikshit contemplated his act and realised his mistake and repented .Due to
repentance his mind became pure.He also came to know about the curse.He abdicated his throne and
installed his son as a king.As a penance he resorted to पियिपवेुमर (volountary penance till death ) on
the banks of river ganga..He wanted to expatiate his sin.Having heard that Parikshit has entered
“prayopavesha” all the sages assembled there.He requested them to guide him to develop( रहक )-total
devotion on Krishna and all the mahathmas ,his bhakthas(devotees) and sing glory of Vishnu till his
death.At this point of time Sage Shuka Brahmarishi appeared before all of them.When all worshipped
Shuka and offered him a seat King Parikshit posed 2 questions to him.They were -1) what a person
who is expecting his death should do 2) what every person is expected to do in his life time.
Comments:Repentance(पशितिप ) is the ultimate act to expatiate one's sins (पियहशत ).Parikshit
repented for his rash act.When he came to know about the curse of ुवङगत -the rishi'son he accepted it
with good faith.As a penance for his sin he developed total detatchment and opted पियिपवेुमर ..
The sage ुमतक - on whose shoulders the king placed the dead serpant.on the contrary did not approve
his son's act in cursing the king which is unbefitting a brahmana.When all the sages (according to
chapter 19 verses 9 and 10-the great sages and brahmarishis assembled are 25 ) and other devaririshis
,rajarishis etc assembled the king requested them to gude him till his death with stories and leelas of
Shuka brahmam came there as directed by Krishna to guide Parikshit to get मचहक .Contrary to his
nature of not staying at one place more than few minutes ,he stayed there for 7days and taught शतमदर
रिगवममर to all those assembled there , to Parikshit in particular.
Parikshit's two questions are:
अनयथि मे अवकगमेद6ु6नमर न: कथमर नवणिमर ।
हनमोिमर ह्यमिणिनिमर सह्सदसय वनतयस: ॥ verse 36 (ch.19)
अम: पवचविहम सह्सहदमर यिहगनिमर पोममर गचरमर ।
पचर्सयेह यतकिय6मर ह्यमिणसय सव6थि ॥ verse 37 (ch.19)
Meaning that the presence of Shuka is fortune as a liberated soul he could not be seen ordinary human
beings .This could not happen unless inspired by Lord Krishna , and the voluntary appearance of one
who is unseen to a person facing death is only due to the Grace of Lord Krishna.As you are the
supreme guru of all sages and saints I request yoy to enlighten me (us) the perfect way to get liberated
for all of us, and especially for one who is to die( facing impending death).
यच्िमवमथि रपयमर यतकम6वमर नवहर: परि ।
समम6व्मर ररनतयमर वि ब्हह यदि हवपय6यमर ॥ (38) (ch.19)
Please explain as to what men should listen,chant ,remember and worship( do service),in
general always or what they should not do.
Hearing the request and the questions posed by King Parikshit with all humility and in
entreating way SHRI SHUKA BRAHMAM ,who is a ्म6ज: ( who was all knowing about
righteousness(dharma) began to reply.
All the three commentaries say that the arrival of SHUKA is the highlight of this chapter.
Sri Vallabhacharya in his commentary सचबिह्नत says that although several rishis were
present,including Parashurama and Vyasa who are also incarnations of Hari they were not
inclined to impart knowledge जिनदिनिन वमदवमि: .Shuka was well qualified to impart the
knowledge of Bhaghavatham.
दहत्ुल8कणिपेम: ुचक एव ममि गचर: ।
एमदथ6मर हह रगविनवमतण् वव्धृर: ॥
गरि6्िनितोमर ोकि हवषणिोनमे हुवितमनि ॥
Shri Shuka Brahmam alone was endowed with 32 qualities (lakshana) . Please see verses 25 to 28 of
chapter 19 for the samudrikalakshna of Shuka. He was the avatara of Parameshwara (Shiva-a complete
embodiment and personification of jnana).Therefore he was well qualified to be the guru of Parikshit
for imparting the knowledge of Srimad Bhaghavatham,after he was protected by Vishnu in his mother's
womb.As both had vairagya they were more qualified to be a preceptor and a disciple.
Hrasva Bhaghavatham succintly brings out all the unexplained factors in a brief but effective manner.

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