Monday, February 17, 2014


                                           HRASVA BHAGHAVATHAM  - 2
                                            ह्र्स्स्व भागवतम् -२

In the last blog the 1st and 2nd shlokas of Hrasva Baghavatham were given .
Now we will study them in a more detailed manner.
,जन्माद्यस्य यतो ,यदेव परमंम् ज्ञानम् विधात्रे ददौ

 सर्वम् पश्य्यति ,दृश्यते न यदहॊ ! चक्षुर्यत: पश्यति ।                 

     वाचा नाभ्युदितं यदेव यत एवाभ्युद्यतेवाग्, बहुत्

  स्थूलं सूक्ष्ममनल्पमल्पमपि यत्, तस्मै नमो ब्रह्मणे।।।

धातु निर्देशयोगात् कलिमलरहितं नैमिषारण्यमाप्ता
आसीना दीर्धसत्रं सुहुतहुतभुजः शौनकाद्यामुनीन्द्राः।
सूतं धर्मिष्ठ मुग्रश्रसमुपगतं ज्ञानिवर्यं महान्तं
पृच्छन्ति स्मेश्वरस्य श्रुति सुखमवतारादिगलीलारहस्यम्॥

Both श्रीमद् भागवतम् and ह्र्स्व भागवतम् commences with जन्माद्यस्य यत:,which is 2nd सूत्र) in  ब्रह्म सूत्र. In the taitriya upanishad in anandavalli it is mentioned in उपनिषत्त्सारसङ्ग्रह:

सत्त्यम् ज्ञानमनन्तम् ब्रह्म and this explains the स्वरूप लक्षण of ब्रह्मन्.,and जन्माद्यस्य यत:    explains तटस्थ लक्षण . In Bhruguvalli of taitriya upanishad the तटस्थ लक्षण is explained by the text यत्तोवा इमानि भूतानि जयान्ते । येन जातानि जीवन्ति ।यत्प्रयन्त्त्यभिस्सम्विशन्ति ।तद्विजिज्ञासस्स्व  तद्ब्रह्मेति।
The opening verse of ह्र्स्व भागवतम् not only brings forth the essence of the opening verse of श्रीमद् भागवतम् but also acknowledges the supreme power of ब्रह्मन्  .
The concluding part of the verse तस्मै नमॊ ब्रह्मणे is also a मङ्गलाचरणम् for this kavyam.

The first shloka of   प्रथम स्कन्ध in ह्र्स्वभागवतम्

As explained in the first blog the six questions posed by the sages to sutha maharishi
form the basis of the purana.The essence of these questions is the "leela rahasyam " of lord Vishnu and Krishnavathara in particular.In vayu purana it is stated that where the rim of the wheel of brahma fell is "naimisha" and this place is a sacred one for rishis and brahmanaas and free from the effects of 'kali ".The core of the first chapter is explained.

Shloka -2

नत्वा  व्यासं च देवीं शुकमपि नरनारायणौ चाह सूतः
                          प्रश्ना वो यं प्रतीमे स भवति भगवान् ब्रह्म चात्मेति गीतः।
तत्प्रीत्यर्थं सदा तच्छ्रवणमननसंकीर्तनाद्यानि कुर्वन्
मर्त्यो यस्तस्य भक्तिर्भवति परपदप्राप्तिरानन्दाधात्री ॥

After worshipping and prostrating vyasa maharishi, devi sarasvathi,shuka mahrishi and nara and narayana the sutha maharishi told the assembled sages that brahma is known as atma and bhaghavan as order to get His grace and anugraha the human beings should do shravana (hearing of his leelas ) manana (contemplation and dhyana) and kirthana(singing his glory and names).Thease practices will eventually lead him to the path of devotion of the highest order and he will attain salvation(mukthi) from repeated births and deaths .The supreme devotion is both uninterrupted and without expecting anything in return
The सारार्थदर्शनी commentary of vishvanatha chakravarthi explains the central idea of this chapter
द्वितीये त्वभिधेया श्रीभक्ति प्रेमा प्रयोजनम् ।

विषयॊ भगवानत्रेत्त्त्यर्थम् त्रय निरूपणम् ॥
The 2nd chapter of srimad bhaghavatham thus empasises the core principles andd purpose of the purana viz, 1)the subject matter -the bhagavan2)the connection - bhakthi 3 ) the purpose and prayojanam-mukthi.
The hrasva bhaghavatham also in this shloka incorporates all these three.

लोकक्षेमार्थमेष: ,प्रतिनिमिषमरूपोऽपि रूपाणिधत्ते      

 तल्लीला वर्णयित्वा मुदितह्मदभवत् सत्यवत्यास्तनूजः,।
गंगातीरे परीक्षिन्नरपतिरश्रृणोत् श्रीशुकाद् वर्णितं तत्,
तत्रासीनेन दैवात् श्रुतमपि च मया श्रावये तन्मुनीन्द्राः।।
Meaning: Bhaghavan ,although has no form meaning nirguna,takes different avataras only for the welfare of this prapancha or world as there is no other motive for Him.The sage Vyasa maharishi composed the great bhaghavatha puranam dealing with all his leelas right from the beginning of creation,his protection and looking after the welfare of this world and eventually its destruction -pralaya.He taught this samhitha to his son Shri Suka , who in turn narrated to the King Parikshit on the banks of ganga.Due to my forune I happened to listen to the discourse .O Sages, I will now narrate to you completely as I was taught and learnt it from him.
For this chapter both Sridharacharya and Vishvanatha Chakravarthi in their commentaries for this chapter explain that the various incarnations of Narayana are explained with an empasis for the purpose and his acts in the various avatars. The principal 24 avataras are explained in the 3rd adhyaya-chapter of Srimad Bhaghavatha puranam.HrasvaBaghavatham also says all these in a brief manner in this shloka

Shloka No.-- 4
एकं वेदं चतुर्धा विदघदृषिवरो व्यासनामा चतुर्भ्यो
दत्वा शिष्येभ्य आरादकृत बहुपुराणानि धर्मैकनिष्ठः।
वेदार्थोद्बृंहणार्थं तदनु कृतमहाभारतो नैव तृप्तिम्
प्राप्तश्चिन्ताकुलोƒभूत्; तमिममुपगतो नारदोƒभाषतैवम्।।
Meaning: Sage Vyasa Maharishi created the Veda-which was one and unique into four branches viz,Rik,Yajus,Sama and Athrva.He taught these to his four principal disciples viz.Paila, Vaishampayana,Jaimini and Sumanthu.He also composed the great epic Maha bhaaratha , and also 18 puranas.He faithfully followed the Dharma shastraas .He composed Mahabharatha only to explain the meanings of Vedas to the mankind in general who had no access to vedas,
In spite of all these great efforts by him he did not get the peace of mind or tranquillity
and was restless. Under these circumstances Sage Narada Maharishi came to visit him.

Comments: When the sages under the leadership of Shaunaka heard the various incarnations of Vishnu as explained in the last chapter they were very much inspired and requested the sage Sutha to explain in detail to them the purana as narrated by Suka to Parikshit.They also wanted him to explain as to when this narration took place and how parikshit was cursed,and how and why Sage Vyasa composed this puranam.
Thus Sutha rishi started to narrate the complete purana to the assembled sages in Naimisharanyam.

Sridhara's commentary for this chapter or adhyaya
तुर्ये भागवातारम्भकारणत्त्वेन वर्ण्यते ।
व्यासस्यापरीतॊषस्स्तु त्तप: प्रवचनादिभि: ।
Vishvanatha Chakravarthi's commentary for this chapter is:

त्तुर्ये अस्य शास्त्त्रवर्यस्य वक्तु:श्रोतुश्च्च सर्वत: ।
श्रेष्ठ्यम् व्यासप्रसादस्श्च कथ्यत्ते यद् विनैव हि ॥
Thus the important or chief factors considered in this chapter are;
1) the unhappiness of Vyasa inspite of tapas and composition of puranas and their teachings to the disciple Romaharshana
2)the importance of the vakthaa (narrator) and shrothaa (ardent listeners) of the purana.
Because of this reason Sage Narada came to Sage Vyasa and taught him as a guru

Shloka No. -- 5

धर्माद्यं कीर्तितं ते कृतिषु न तु यशः श्रीहरेः सम्यगेत -
ल्लीला ब्रहृाण्डसर्गस्थितिलयकरणं; वर्णयैतत् प्रजानाम्;।
श्रृण्वन्तस्तद् ब्रुवन्तो महदभिगमतः श्रीपतौ भक्तिभाजो
मुच्यन्ते कर्मबन्धाद्; भवति मम कथाप्यस्य दृष्टान्त एव॥

Meaning: When asked bySage Narada as to why he(Vyasa) is not happy inspite of composing Mahabharatha,Vyasa informed Narada that he is not happy and the mind is not at rest.But he does not know the reason and requested Narada to inform him the reason as Narada was endowed with divine sight.
Sage Narada explained him that although in the epics like Mahabharatha Vyasa had explained Dharma in detail and this likely to be misinterpreted by ordinary mortals.As Vyasa had not explained the leelas of hari his mind is not at rest.IF Vyasa composed a work wherein the leelas of bhagavan viz. creation,protection and destruction (srushti, sthithi samhara) of this universe and various leelas of hari it will induce prema bhakthi to both the narrators and listeners and this will lead to mukthi of the souls.Narada asked Vyasa to contemplate leelas of hari in deep meditation (samadhi) and reminds him the chatushloki baghavatham
As an example he referred to him his own previous birth when he was attracted by hari katha due to tha association of great devotees(satsangam)and he was fortunate to get the darshanam of hari purely by devotion.

Shloka No. --- 6

दासीपुत्रत्वमाप्तो द्विजवरनिलये पूर्वजन्मन्यकार्षं

दास्यं कर्माƒƒत्तमोदं परिचरितयतीन्द्राप्तगोविन्दभक्तिः।
ध्यानस्थोƒपश्यमादौ हृदि हरि,मथ तच्छब्दमात्रेण तुष्टो
जन्मैतत् प्राप्य पश्यन्सकलदिशि हरिं सेवमानश्चरामि।।

Meaning:Sage Narada informed Vyasa that in his previous birth he was born in a poo family and his mother was a servant maid in a learned brahmin's house. He had an opurtunity to serve sages and mendicants and had the fortune of association with great men (sat sangam)
Due to this the hari bhakthi (devotion) was cultivated gradually. As on one occasion his mother was bitten by a snake and died.He considered his mother's death as a god sent fortune so that he could pursue the devotion in full measure.He left the house and went to the forest and deeply meditated Hari.Due to this he got a glimpse of Hari's vision in his heart.He continued the devotion with more faith and on death he got the birth and position as Narada. This could happen only due to a)sajjana sangamam(association of great devotees) ,b)their influence and blessings ,c) continuous and uninterrupted bhakthi -and these alone will lead a mortal to the mukthi or moksham (salvation).
Narada said that he sees Hari every where and in all beings and continously engaged in singing Hari's glory.He advised Vyasa thus and went in celestial way

Comments: In the work भागवत तत्व ( हरि लीलामृतम् ) Vopadeva details the 18 chapters of  प्रथम स्कन्ध: as follows:

प्रथमे अष्टादशाध्यायास्तत्र प्रकरण त्रयम् ।
त्रित्रिद्वादशभिर्लक्ष्यहीनमध्योत्तमत्वत: ॥
श्रोतार: शौनको व्यास: परीक्षिच्चोत्तमा: क्रमात् ।
वक्तारो अपि तथा सूतो नारद: शुक इत्यमी ॥
The first three chapters refer to the narrator -sutha mahrshi and the listeners-shaunakadi rishis as of a lower order.In the next three chapters the vaktha is narada maharishi and the shrotha (listener) is Vyasa maharishi and they are of medium order.In the next 12 chapters the vaktha is Shuka maharishi and the shrotha is Parikshit and they are of highest order.
The 3 parts of the First Skandha are classified as lower,medium and highest order with respect to the narrator(vaktha) and the listener(shrotha)

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