PART - 2
Therefore this suggestion of Shukracharya could have been from a source much more powerful and much more knowledgeable. That source should be Bhagavan Vishnu Himself,- who is the repositorv of Dharma.
Normally people confront conflicting situations and points of view. To do or Not to do- we face this situations some times more often. This is explained in the management parlance as- a Catch 22 situation.In such dichotomous situations,the appropriate action or response has to conform to the principles of the moral code.
Keeping this in mind only Shukracharya advised Bali not to accede to the charity asked for.
It was the intention of Bhagavan Hari to make every body know the the firm faith of Bali in adherence to Dharma. So he tried to test this by his own Guru instructing him by asking him not to accede to the demand , which is also as per Dharma in a difficult situation .
Hence Narayana Bhatta had come to a conclusion that this advice of Shukracharya should be due to Hari's inducement or encoragement to do so .
युद्धे शक्रहतो बलिर्भृगुसुतेनाƒƒजीवितो दैत्यराड्
भक्त्याƒƒराध्य भृगून् गुरूनयजत श्रीमान् जिगीषुर्दिवं।
यज्ञं विश्वजितं; रथाद्यनलतो लब्ध्वा नतो भार्गवं
प्रह्लादं च युयुत्सुराप च दिवं भीताः सुराः धाविताः।।
Meaning: After Bali- the king of daityas (demons )was killed in the war, Shukracharya , who was the son Bhrigu Rishi made him regain his life. He worshipped the sages in Bhrigu's descendants and became wealthy.He wanted to occupy the paradise (svarga).For this purpose he performed a sacrifice called -VISHVAJIT. From the sacrificial fire he got a chariot and horses, bow and armour , an unfading garland etc.Then he after prostrating Shukracharya -his Guru , and Prahlada-his grandfather started to go to the paradise to wage a war. But hearing him coming, Indra and other devas deserted the paradise and ran away from there.
Commentary: Parikshit asked Suka as to why Hari begged for the ground of earth - just enough to cover His three paces like a poor man when He is the Master of this Universe and why after getting the gift he begged from Bali why he arrested him by binding with the ropes and that Parikshit wanted to know the reasons. Suka then narrated the story.Bali was brought back to life by his Guru- Shukracharya. By performing Vishvajit sacrifice Bali got many things and wealth. He went to to the paradise in the chariot to occupy it. But Indra and the devas came to know about his strength and felt that they can not fight him in the war. Indra consulted his Guru Brihaspathi , who advised them to leave the svarga , as they could not fight Bali who has become strong by the worship of Brughu's descendants and great brahmins. He could be defeated only when he loses the Grace of them Brihaspathi advised Indra and others to wait for an opportune time. Bali occupied the paradise and enjoyed the luxury there. He performed 100 ASHVAMEDHA sacrifices and became the master of all the three worlds.
भ्रष्टश्रीषु सुरेषु देवजननीं खिन्नां भृशं कश्यपः
प्रोचे-देवि! पयोव्रतेन विधिवत् श्रीवासुदेवं भज;।
पूजातर्पणहोमदाननिरता ध्यानेन मंत्रं जपे-
रेतत् प्रोक्तमजेन मे; भवतु ते भद्रं; हरिः प्रीयताम्।।
Meaning:Seeing the plight of her sons in having lost all their wealth , Adithi ,-the mother of devas lamented , as if she had no protector. When Kashyapa came and visited her, she asked him protection from the enemies of devas - the demons as the devas are deprived of the opulence and also their residences. Seeing her worried Kashyapa told Adithi -" O Devi ! Observe the Payovratha according to the prescribed rules and procedures.With this vow (vratha ) worship Sri Vasudeva. With proper puja, tarpana, and homa and dana and also with meditation on Hari chant the mantra regularly during the observance of this ritual.This was advised to me by Brahma.Let there be welfare for you always. Let Hari be satisfied "
Commentary : Kashyapa's instructions to observe the ritual of PAYOVRATHA for 12 days commencing from 1st day after New Moon ( Shukla Paksha ) to 12 days in the month of Phalguna. And on the 13th day a Puja should be performed on a very grand scale. For details of this ritual see verses 24 to 62 of chapter 16. Kashyapa assured her that if this ritual was perfomed by her with faith Bhagavan Hari would grant the fulfilment of her wishes.
इत्युक्ता व्रतमन्वतिष्ठददितिः सा द्वादशाहं; हरिः
प्रत्यक्षः स्तुत आह - ""देवि! सकलं जाने तवाƒƒकांक्षितं।
भूत्वा ते तनयो ददामि सकलं कालं प्रतीक्षस्व भोः
प्रीताƒƒस्मी''ति तिरोदधेƒथ भगवान् गर्भं प्रविष्टोƒदितेः।।
Meaning: Adithi followed Kashyapa's advice faithfully and observed the ritual for 12 days. Bhagavan Vishnu appeared before her and she prayed to Him. Then Vishnu told her - " O Devi ! I know all of your wishes towards your sons. I will incarnate Myself as your son and ensure that all of your wishes are fulfilled.Wait for that Time. I am very much satisfied "
Commentary: Adithi's prayer is in verses 8 to 11 of this chapter 17. Hari's reply is in verses 12 to 20. Brahma's prayer is in verses 25 to 28 . Adithi prayed to Bhagavan that if He is satisfied one can get a very long life and immeasurable wealth , a healthy body and Dharma, Artha Kama- all easily and superior knowledge Jnanam - which will laed one to moksham. So getting the wealth for her sons or win over their enemies -these all are very small compared to His Grace and Anugraha. Hari replied to her that He knew her wishes but the demons could not be won as both Eashwara and Brahmanas are in their favour - Bali in particular and a war withem is not a good option.So HARI said that by some other means the restoration of devas to the paradise will have to be achieved and for this purpose He will incarnate as an Amshavatara and be born as her son and will protect all of them. Hari disappeared. Adithi became pregnant. Brahma came and prayed to Hari by reciting transcendental names.
श्रण्वन् धातृनुतिं हरिः समजनि प्रीतस्तयोः पश्यतोः
पित्रोर्विप्रकुमारकोƒभवदयं छत्री वटुर्वामनः।
तेजस्वी हयमेधवाटमविशद् भक्यादरात् पूजितः
प्रोक्तोƒभूद् बलिना ""ददामि सकलम् यद्यद् भवानिच्छति।।
Meaning: Bhagavan Hari heard the prayer and sthuthi of Brahma ( Hari who has no birth and capable of giving moksha ) , VISHNU incarnated Himself. As His mother and father were just looking at Him,He assumed the Form of a Brahmin boy. He became a Brahmachari and shone like a sun and He had an umbrella in hand and reached the place where Bali was performing Ashwamedha sacrifice.Bali with utmost devotion to the Brahmachari received Him with respect and after worshipping Him asked Him -" Whatever you demand and want to ask me I will gift it to you ".
Commentary: Hari appeared in the form of Vishnu in the month of Shravana and on the day Shravana nakshatra was ruling , and in ABHIJIT muhurtha and on the Dwadashi Thithi.All the celestials showered flowers and celebrated His birth. As His parents were having a look at Him , He became a small brahmin boy short in height (Vamana ). All the sages performed the rites as per shastras to Him as a Brahmachari and HE was initiated with Gayatri Mantra with other paraphernalia . He- Vamana - held an umbrella in his one hand,a dandam,and a kamandalu with waterin the other.Hearing that Bali was performing a great sacrifice - an Ashwamedha Yagnam on the north bank of Narmada and at the place called Brugukachcha., He went there. When the rishis belonging to Bhrugu race saw Him they were surprised at His Glowing look as a Brahmachari and expressed a doubt whether Sanathkumara had come or Agni Himself had come there. Bali with all due respect received Him as he was a great devotee towards Brahmins and a believer in Shastras. He washed His feet and sprikled the wash water on his head. Then Bali addressed Him - " Welcome to you and my prostrations to you.I and this place has become pure by your visit and presence at this time of my sacrifice. You tell me whatever you want in the form -whether cows, gold, a house, or any good food and drinks or a bride or villages or horses or elephants - choose any one or all . I will and can give it to you as gift on this occasion. I notice and consider that you are a brahmin boy who has come to ask for some thing from me. "
इत्युक्तो हरिराह - ""ते नृप! कुलं जानेƒत्र नो भीरवो
नादाताƒर्थिषु; देहि भूमिमिह र्मे पादैस्त्रिभिः सम्मितांम्।
"लोकेशो वितरामि ते हित'मिति प्रोच्चैर्वदन्तं बलिं
शुक्रः प्राह - "न देयमेष कपटो विष्णुर्हरेत् तेƒखिलम्।।'
Meaning :Vamana replied - " O King ! I know about your ancestors well. In your lineage there is no cowards in your race.Not only that- In your lineage or family there were no such persons who were poor minded or miserly and no one has refused to give charity to the Brahmanas nor failed to give charity to the brahmins after promising them.I ask for onlythree paces of land to the measurement of My steps " Then Bali said- " I am master of the threeworlds. When I am capable of giving you an island,why are you asking the land of three steps from me. So you ask for more land from me " Then Shukracharya told Bali -" Do not give the gift of three steps of land. It is Hari who is appearing before you is a false Brahmachari. He will snatch away every thing from you ".
Commentary:Bali, although an asura king , was having more of satva guna and not tamasa guna similar to others in the asura race. Like his grandfather Prahlada and his father Virochana, he was having more faith in Dharma Shastra and in the brahmins and conducting sacrifices and giving charity or dana to the brahmins who are fit to receive such charity.But the only defect or drawback in doing all these was that he was proud and had a feeling that I (he) was doing all things due to rajo guna. Sri Hari wanted to remove this SELF feeling from his mind and then only wanted to reward him to get what he wished for. Moreover he was under the protection of his Guru Shukracharya- a Brahmin of the highest order and unless Bali loses this support of protection from his Guru , it was very difficult to snatch the paradise (svarga) from him and give it back to Indra -which was the sole purpose for His incarnation as Vamana ( Trivikrama ) to fulfil His promise to Adithi
Since Bali was conducting the Ashwamedha sacrifice and will be prepared to give charity to brahmanas who visit there, Hari assumed the form of a small brahmana boy and went to Bali's place.Bali was so much overwhelmed with joy on seeing Him-as a brahmana, worshipped Him according to the procedure and wanted to give Him in charity - any thing what the brahmana asked for. But Bali was surprised to hear from Vamana , -the request for just three paces of land to the measurement of a small boy's measurements. Bali thought that the brahmin boy was not worldly wise and ignorant about conducting himself as any other person. So he told Vamana to ask for an island (Dvipa ) and not just a very insignificant piece of land. This statement of Bali was due to his pride that he is master of the three worlds.
But Vamana replied that the desires for any body become uncontrollable if one succumbs to the senses and the material comforts.One should derive satisfaction with the minimum needs in life. So He was completely satisfied in His request of three paces of land. When Bali saw that Vamana was firm in His demand of the charity, he immediately took the pot of water to carry out the act of giving that charity as per the procedures laid down (even without asking his wife to do so which is the chief requirement for a house holder at the time of doing this ritual). Then his Guru intervened and advised Bali. Hari told Bali- the sanyasa Dharma.
Shukracharya , who was aware of the intentions of Hari,-who had assumed a small form just to misguide others-, told Bali not to accede to this demand of three steps of land and made Bali to know that it was Bhagavan Hari who had come in the guise of a small brahmana boy and if he gave the charity he will lose all what he had and if he refused he would go to the hell. So he tried to convince Bali to refuse the demand and not to accede to it-by quoting from Dharma Shastras that such a refusal is proper in Bali's interest. This is called Shukra Neethi ( See verses 30 to 43 of chapter 19).
Narayana Bhatta in Narayaneeyam says that Shukracharya's advice to Bali to refuse the charity was due to Bhagavan Narayana Himself with the intention to test Bali's faith in Dharma (see verse 4 of Dashakam 31).
When Shukracharya is well -versed in all scriptures as Brihaspathi is, then how come that he advised Bali not to give the charity as asked for by Vamana? This doubt will arise to any person.To remove this doubt only Narayana Bhatta infers that it could not be the intention of the Guru of Bali to misguide his own disciple.Therefore this suggestion of Shukracharya could have been from a source much more powerful and much more knowledgeable. That source should be Bhagavan Vishnu Himself,- who is the repositorv of Dharma.
Normally people confront conflicting situations and points of view. To do or Not to do- we face this situations some times more often. This is explained in the management parlance as- a Catch 22 situation.In such dichotomous situations,the appropriate action or response has to conform to the principles of the moral code.
Keeping this in mind only Shukracharya advised Bali not to accede to the charity asked for.
It was the intention of Bhagavan Hari to make every body know the the firm faith of Bali in adherence to Dharma. So he tried to test this by his own Guru instructing him by asking him not to accede to the demand , which is also as per Dharma in a difficult situation .
Hence Narayana Bhatta had come to a conclusion that this advice of Shukracharya should be due to Hari's inducement or encoragement to do so .
"वाग्दत्तं तु ददामि नून; मनृतं वक्तुं न शक्तोƒस्म्ययं
विष्णुश्चेत् सुकृती भवेयमह'मित्युक्त्वाƒसुरः सादरं।
तत्पादाववनिज्य चेष्टमददाद्; वर्णी विवृद्धोƒभवत्;
पद्भ्यामेव विचक्रमे त्रिभुवनं; कीत्र्याƒभिषिक्तोƒसुरः।।
Meaning: " I will have to strict to follow what I have said and fulfil my promise. So I will give what is promised by me. I can not utter a lie. Even the person who had asked for is Vishnu Himself, I will become a "sukrit "- meaning that I had done a righteous act and become virtuous." Having said so, Bali carried out the charity (dana) by washing the feet of Vamana, accompanied by his wife Vindhyavali in the ritual. Thus Bali gave the three paces of land to Vamana's measurements, as asked for by Him. At that moment the Brahmachari Vamana assumed the Form of TRIVIKRAMA and measured all the three worlds by His two feet. Bali became a celebrity and renowned person in all the three worlds for this act of giving in charity to Vamana of his entire material positions, even after knowing that he will be deprived of every thing that he had by doing that charity.
Commentary :This chapter is the crux of the entire episode of Vamanavathara.Bali wa smade aware of the result of his act in charity if he was prepared to execute. Shukracharya thought that Bali was ignorant about the identity of the brahmana boy appearing in short form as Vamana. To make him aware of the consequence of the act of charity to be done by him, Shukracharya ,as his Guru, advised him against the charity , duly convincing him with logical reasonings and quoting scriptures in support of this advice.
Bali, on the contrary,argued and had come to the conclusion that keeping one's promise was (is) the highest Dharma.His arguments and reasonings were-The advice of Shukracharya might be applicable to ordinary householders.But being born in the lineage of Prahlada-the epitome of Dharma in his race, to deny what he had said or promised will tantamount to deception. Further he believed that speaking Truth and adherence to it is the Highest Dharma. Further Bali said that he was neither afraid of the hell,, nor being reduced to abject poverty or being deprived of his pleasures , nor loss of his position in life, and even of his death. But what he was afraid of was that of deceiving a brahmana to deny a charity well after promising him to give that charity.He told his Guru- that if it was Hari -Bhagavan Himself who would be receiving the charity from him ,he was determined to give the charity. Because if he had been giving charity in his life time it was more appropriate ,in as much as one would be deprived of all his material possessions on his death. Further by giving charity to a benevolent and a merciful person was more auspicious, specially when such a charity is given to a person like Shukracharya.Moreover the sacrifices were conducted as per Veda for the worship of Vishnu. If the same Vishnu Himself had come to his place either to bless him or punish him as an enemy, is not his concern then. So he had decided to give Vamana the requested tract of land without any hesitation whatsoever.
As Bali was firm in his decision to give the charity (dana), despite his advice, Shukracharya cursed Bali that he would lose all his possessions as Bali had ignored his advice as his Guru.This was the turning point. Bhagavan was waiting that Bali should lose the protection of his Guru.The moment he was cursed by his Guru ,Bali lost all the protection. When Bali completed the ritual of the charity with the participation of his wife,Vamana assumed the form of TRIVIKRAMA.
Krishna showed Vishvarupa Darshanam to Yashoda, Arjuna and Dritharashtra. But on all these occasions they had to be gifted with a divine perception, because they were covered by Maya. But in the case of Bali there was no gift of a divine vision because Bali had overcome Maya. This is the difference in this case.
The commentary is more longer than intended.As the subject matter is a complex one , this longer commentary had been necessary.
विष्णोर्वै चरणावनेजनमरं धात्रा कृतं; योगिनो
वेदाद्याश्च ववन्दिरे हरिमथो दैत्याः प्रविष्टा रसां।
बद्धो दैत्यवरः खगेन हरिणाप्युक्तश्च-""मे दीयतां
तार्तीयीकपदं न चेद् दिशसि तल्लोकान् विशेर्नारकान्।।
Meaning:Brahma washed the feet of Vishnu as it reached Satyaloka,All the yogis and Vedas, Ithihasas, Puranas etc. who had assembled worshipped Vishnu. Then all the asuras or demons reached the Rasathala-their abode in this universe.Garuda arrested and bound Bali with Varuna's ropes.Then Vishnu saw Bali and asked him -" You give the land for keeping my feet for the third pace of land as per your promise.In case you do not give me that, be prepared to go to the Naraka (hell ) "
Commentary: Vishnu measured all the worlds in the entire universe with just two paces or feet. For the third pace or foot, there was no space.
When Vishnu's foot reached Satyaloka, Brahma worshipped it by washing it with the water from his Kamandalu.The washed water became Ganga (Ganges ) , and is well known to remove the sins of all of those worshipping it.The asuras became angry and considered that Bali had been won over by deceit and therefore waged a war with the followers of Vishnu. Bali prevented them from waging a war. All the asuras were asked to go to the Rasathala-their abode and all of them reached there.
But Bali was bound with the ropes of Varuna to prevent his escape by Garuda.Then Vishnu in Vamana Form addressed Bali - " You had promised me three paces of land. I had just measured two of them which covered the entire three worlds and which were all of your possessions . They are mine now. Show me the land for me to measure the third pace. In case you do not give me the charity in a full measure as promised by you,there is no alternative for you except to go to hell and this was made known to you by your Guru earlier.Leave aside your desire of going to svarga by the charity. If you deceive a brahmana by not keeping up your promise you are bound to go to hell. So be prepared to go to hell now if you fail to keep up your promise to me"
Suka Maharishi was so overwhelmed in describing this scene to Parikshit, he expresses his feelings thus
तं बद्धं वारुणै : पाशैर्भगवानाह वामन: ।
नष्टश्रियं स्थिरप्रज्ञमुदारयशसं नृप॥ २८
Suka says Vamana addressed Bali, who was bound by the ropes of Varuna. That Bali-who has lost every thing what he had, but who was so fixed with determined mind (meaning that he was not swayed by his loss of position and wealth and was a stithaprajna) and who had a blemishless knowledge as well and when all were praising him for his magnanimity for his charity.
Suka feels sorry for Bali who has been cornered would be pushed further.
Vamana wanted to test the determination of Bali and make him humble without an iota of pride, before showering His Grace on Bali for his rare sacrifice .Hence He demanded the land for third pace.
एवं विप्रकृतो बलिः स्थिरमतिः प्रोचे - ""तृतीयं पदं
मूर्ध्नि त्वं कुरु मे, भयं न नरकादस्मद्गुरुस्त्वं हरे!''।
प्रह्लादेन च वन्दितो हरिरुवाचा''द्य व्रज ज्ञातिभिः
प्राह्लादे! सुतलं; सुभद्रमिह ते पश्येश्च मां रक्षकम्।।''
Meaning: Even when he was insulted thus but who was fixed in his determination ,Bali said-" O, Hari! You place your third pace or third foot for measuring the ground as promised by me.I am not afraid of the Naraka ( hell ).You are our Guru as well. " Prahlada, grandfather of Bali came and offered his prayers to Vishnu. Hari said to him " O Bali ! You go to Sutala loka (a nethar region where asuras reside ) along with all of your relatives.In that Sutala you will have all welfare. I will be your protector there. You can see me there always"
Commentary : This chapter is exhaustive in certain details Essential points will be explained.
Even when he was insulted by Vamana in pressing him to show the land for the third pace or foot ,when He knew that he had no possessions of any thing left over, Bali's determination was not swayed by any other consideration.He was determined to keep up his promise. The only possession he had was his body. But his body was not measured by Vamana in His first two strides. So he offered his head (meaning himself ) to Vamana and surrendered himself to Him.
Prahlada came there seeing the situation in which his grand son was placed and prayed to Vishnu -"It is You bestowed Bali the paradise and it is You who has deprived him of it.By doing so You have made Bali to get rid of the false feeling in him and ignorance. In fact it is Your Grace not a punishment to him "
Vindhyavali, Bali's wife also prayed to Vamana and with all humility told Him that since the universe was created by Him and the feeling that others can give charity to Him was false. It means that Vishnu being the cause of the universe nobody can arrogate himself to have the ownership of any thing.
Brahma then prayed to Vamana and appealed to Him. Brahma said -"Bali had been punished sufficiently.You have taken every thing from him Please release him now.As has offered every thing he had and even his body to You he deserves no more punishment.When any devotee gets the most exalted position in Vaikunta just by offering water or a blade of grass to Your feet, how Bali who has offered every thing to You can deserve this arrest "
Bhagavan Vishnu said- " I punish people only the people who are proud. When he gets rid of this pride, that is also due to my Grace.Bali has been rid of his pride. He has conquered Maya totally. Because of his great tolerance , I have given him a place unattainable by anybody else. Bali ! Now go to Sutala with your relatives , where there will be no miseries to body and mind,fatigue, laziness, feeling of defeat, and all other disturbances to the mind.You will be able to see Me there. As you wished to be an Indra, you will become an Indra in the next eighth manvantara"
मुक्तं तं बलिमाह - ""गच्छ सुतलं; त्वद्दुर्गपालोƒस्मि; ते
तन्द्रारोगपराभवादि न भवेन्मन्वन्तरे चाष्टमे।
इन्द्रस्त्वं भवितासि; गच्छ सुमते! प्रह्लाद! पौत्रेण वो
भद्रं स्या''दिति देवदानवसमो नाकं सुरेभ्यो ददौ।।
Meaning; Having relesed Bali from the arrest , Hari said -" go to the Sutala Loka.I will be your protector of your fort there.In future you will not suffer from laziness,diseases,or any defeat there.You will be Indra in the eight manvanthara O Prahlada! You also go to Sutala along with your grandson . Let all of you have welfare "
As Hari views both devas and asuras equally, He gave he svarga (paradise) to the devas.
Commentary; After the release Bali prayed Hari and expressed his gratitude for having blessed him with His Grace . Prahlada also prayed and expressed his gratitude in having conferred His Grace which Brahma, MahaLakshmi and others had not got in Vishnu being the protector of the fort of Sutala where Bali and he would live.Then Vishnu asked all of the asuras to go to Sutala and they went there.
Then Vishnu asked Shukracharya to complete the sacrifice in all respects in accordance with the prescribed procedures. Because any shortfall or discrepancy in the sacrifice would stand corrected if brahmanas perform the sacrifice in a proper manner. Shukra replied with humility that any discrepancy or shortfall would stand corrected by uttering the holy names of Vishnu. Still he would obey Vishnu and Shukracharya completed the sacrifice in all respects.
Then Vishnu gave the svarga to Indra. Vamana became Upendra. Brahma and others praised Vishnu for His act in blessing both Indra and Bali.
Suka concludes this chapter with the Phalashruthi for narrating the Vamanavathara ( chapters 15 to 23 of the Purana)- that one will get mukthi and the shradhdha, or yagna or any charity the act would become pure and well done.
परं ज्ञानं सत्यव्रतनृपतये मत्स्यवपुषा
हरिर्दत्वा चक्रे नुतिकृतममुम् सप्तममनुम्।
हयग्रीवं हत्वा हृतनिखिलवेदानजमुखे
पुनर्निक्षिप्यैष त्रिभुवनसुरक्षां समतनोत्।
Meaning : Bhagavan Vishnu in His incarnation in Matsyavathara taught the king Satyavratha the Highest Knowledge (Atma Vidya ). Satyavratha offered his prayers and worshipped Vishnu. He was made the seventh Manu ( the present manvanthara - as Vaivasvatha Manu ). In this Matsyavathara Vishnu killed the asura by name Hayagriva who stealthily took all Vedas from Brahma's faces and restored all the Vedas to Brahma. Thus whenever a situation arose for Him to incarnate Himself and protect the three worlds, Vishnu had protected all.
Commentary: Parikshit asked Suka to narrate the Matsyavathara of Vishnu. Suka narrated and this the subject matter of the last chapter 24 of Canto-8.
To the question of Parikshit as to why Hari should incarnate in the lower species as if He was bound by karma done due to tamasa quality (guna). Suka replied that Bhagavan incarnates Himself to protect Dharma and in so doing He assumes any form similar to the air passes through different atmospheres and yet remain unaffected . Similarly Bhagavan who is Nirguna is unaffected by all the three modes of nature-satva,raja, and tamo gunas.
Then he continued his narration- During one Naimittka Pralaya ( when Brahma goes to sleep at the end of the day and night sets in ) , one Asura by name Hayagriva stole all the Vedas from Brahma;s faces ( mouths ). In order to restore the Vedas to Brahma Vishnu incarnated as Matsyavathara.
There was a king by name Satyavratha . He was devoted to Narayana and did penance by drinking only the water.When he was doing penance in the river Kruthamala he was offering prayers with water in his palms. Then he saw a small fish in his palms with water. When he wanted to leave the fish in the water again , the fish requested the king not to do so as the other big creatures in the river will devour it. Then some how the king wanted to save that fish and he took it in the water in his pot. In the night the fish grew beyond the size of the pot. Then the king left that fish in a small pond . There also it grew beyond that pond. Then the king transferred it to a bigger lake,There also it suffered for want of space When finally the king wanted to leave it in the ocean the fish appealed him not to do so as it was afraid of whales and other big creatures.The king was surprised and after deep thought that this should be Hari Himself as normally a fish can not grow by itself in the manner this fish grew. When he prayed to Hari and asked him as to why He took this form of a fish. Bhagavan wanted to remain the waters of Pralaya. So He told the king- " On the seventh day from now there will be Pralaya and the three worlds will be submerged.. Then a big boat will appear there.. You ,along with the seven rishis and all plants and seeds etc will get on to it.The wind will blow with all severity. You will tie the big snake to the boat.I will appear and drag that boat along with all of you throughout the night of Brahma. I will teach all of you the Brahma Tatva also " So saying Hari disappeared. Then the king was waiting patiently for the pralaya to happen When the pralaya took place the king along with the seven rishis did exactly as was told by Hari.
The king Satyavratha offered his prayers to Hari who incarnated Himself as Matsyavathara.
Hari taught the Atma Vidya to the king and also the MATSYA PURANA.
Then Hari killed Hayagriva and restored all the vedas to Brahma.Thus Satyavratha,the king having got the AtmaVidya from Hari could become VAIVASVATHA MANU.
Suka concludes this chapter with a Phalashruthi that who narrates this Matsyavathara and hears it will not only get desires fulfilled but also will get mukthi- the liberation Suka also in the last verse 61 offers a prayer to Hari's Matsyavathara.
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