Thursday, April 3, 2014


                                                     CANTO  -9    स्कन्ध:  ९

Canto-9 -Skandha-9 describes ईशानुकथा means सतामीशकथा: प्रोक्ता: नानाख्यानोपबृंहिता:॥ (५) अध्याय: १० स्कन्ध: २.- the stories of God and the devotees of God (meaning the His Bhakthas)-the devotees who had attained Him through His Grace.
Sridharacharya's commentary in the beginning of this Canto-9 :
This Canto specifically,is intended to bring out the fame and greatness of Krishna in 24 chapters.As brought out in Canto-8,the righteous conduct of Manus and others.This Canto describes the stories of the devotees and kings, who had adopted the righteous conduct as a path to develop devotion to Vishnu with satva guna dominant in their lives, both in the races of Sun and Moon. The devotees attained mukthi मुक्ति with भक्ति ,ज्ञान ,&वैराग्य .They got fame as great due to the Grace of Vishnu on them.
As in the last chapter of Canto-8, it was said by Shuka that Satyavratha became the Manu and he was born as a son of Vivasvan and was known as Shradhdhadeva. In this Canto the descendants of the seventh Manu- Vaivasvatha Manu both in the Sun's and Moon's race and how they followed Dharma are described in detail of some of them.
The Sun's race and the lineage in it are explained in the first 13 chapters.The moon's race and the descendants in that race are explained in the next 11 chapters. Thus there are two ( 2 ) Prakaranas or Topics in this Canto.


The commentaries for the central theme of this Canto-9 are reproduced which are self explanatory.

सोƒयं वैवस्वतो वै मनुरभवदिलां तस्य पुत्रीं वसिष्ठ-
श्चक्रे पुत्रं; कुमारः स तु वनमविशत् स्वैः सहेलावृतं च।
तेन स्त्रीरूपमाप्तः शशिसुतबुधपत्नी च भूत्वा 
स्त्रीत्वं पुंस्त्वं च लब्ध्वा स वनमभिययौ त्यक्तराज्यस्तपोर्थम्।।
Meaning : Satyavratha was born as Shradhdhadeva -the son of Vivasvaan and became the seventh Manu in this Varaha Kalpa the present manvanthara is Vaivasvatha Manvathara.His daughter Ila became a son by the name Sudyumna.He went with some ministers to the forest for the sport in hunting.He entered Ilavrutha and was transformed into a woman. He (She ) became the wife of Budha-the son of Moon . Pururava was born to them.Sage Vashishta prayed to Shiva and Sudyumna (Ila ) became a man for a month and a woman for a month.He after ruling the kingdom for sometime left for the forest as he was detached with the worldly life to perform penance and got liberation and Pururava became the king.
Commentary.To Kashyapa and Adithi , Vivasvan was born as one of the 12 Adityas. To Vivasvan and Samnjya ,Shradhdhadeva (Satyavratha ) was born and became Manu and he was called as Vaivasvatha Manu.
He performed a sacrificeut for getting a son. But his wife wanted a daughter. And a daughter by name Ila was born.As the Manu wanted a son , Vashishta made the girl as a boy- Sudyumna by propitating Hari.When Sudyumna entered Ilavrutha by chance during a hunting expedition , He and others who were with him along with the horse were turned into women. This was due to Shiva's order that any male who enters Ilavrutha will become a woman instantly. So Sudyumna who became Ila again wandered in the forest. Ila met Budha, son
of the Moon and a son by name Pururava was born to them ,as the result of marriage. Vashista prayed to Shiva and Ila became Sudyumna again on the condition that he would be a man for one month and a woman for one month. After ruling the kingdom for some time, he entrusted his kingdom to his son Pururava and with total detachment left for the forest for doing penance and finally got liberation from the samsara.

नष्टे सुद्युम्न आर्तो मनुरकृत तपो दीर्घमिक्ष्वाकुमुख्यान्
लेभे पुत्रान् दशैको हतविधिबलतो धेनुहत्या पृषध्रः।
राज्यान्निष्कासितोƒन्यः कविरिहविषये निःस्पृहस्त्यक्तसर्वः
सायुज्यं तौ गतौ द्वा;वितरमनुसुता लेभिरे पुत्रपौत्रान्।
Meaning: As Manu lost his son Sudyumna, he did penance on the banks of Yamuna and ten sons were born -Ikshvaku and others.Among them, Prushadra , by his misforune, killed a cow and was banished from the kingdom.Another son by name Kavi was not involved and interested in this worldly affairs and had no desires of any sort in life. So he abdicated every thing and became an ascetic in an young age and both these two attained Sayujya -oneness with Hari. To the remaining eight sons many sons and grandchildren were born.
Commentary:The names of the remaining eight sons of Vaivasvatha Manu are- Ikshvaku.Nruga, Sharyathi,Drishta,Karushaka,Narishyantha,Nabhaga, Dishta. As Prushadra who was appointed by their Guru Vashishta to look after a cow killed it accidentally in the night mistaking it to be a tiger which had come there. Thus he incurred the sin of having killed a cow and was cursed to become a shudra.He undertook a vow and went to the forest and with total detachment got sayujya. Kavi was totally desireless and left the kingdom and went to the forest and meditating on Hari attained sayujya. Karusha,Nruga,Narishyantha,Dishta ,Drishta- all these sons' descendants are described in detail in the chapter 1 of Canto-9.
शर्यातेरिष्टपुत्री च्यवनमुनिमतिक्रोधशीलं कृतान्ध्यं
वृद्धं वव्रे सुकन्या पतिपरिचरणं भक्तिपूर्वं चकार।
चक्राते देववैद्यौ मुनिमुरुकरुणौ नेत्रवन्तं युवानं
यज्ञे शक्रेण साकं मुनिरकृत तयोः सोमपानार्हतां च।।
Meaning: Sharyathi , another son of Manu had a daughter by name Sukanya.She married a sage by name Chyavana- who was always very angry and had an irrtitable temperament and was also blind. and very old in age as well.But she served him with utmost devotion. The two heavenly physicians, known as Ashvini Kaumaras, who were merciful, made the sage Chyavana a very young person and also gave him vision by removing his blindness.Chyavana Rishi in turn made them as participants of Soma Rasa in the sacrifices along with Indra.
Commentary:Sukanya, the daughter of Sharyathi,went once to the forest along with her friends. While playing there she saw two holes in the earth mound made by the earth-worms and saw some glowing light in them. Out of some curiosity as a child she pierced them with a thorn and saw blood gushing through them. As an after effect all the soldiers were speechless. The king came to know that it was Sage Chyvana who was harmed has cursed all of them.On inquiry he found out that it was Sukanya who was responsible and Chyavana wanted to marry her as he needed assistance because he had become blind on account of her. Sukanya married the old sage Chyavana who had an irtitable temperament as well and served him with devotion. On one occasion, the two Ashwini kumaras visited the hermitage. Sage Chyavana after offering respects to them requested them to make him young. and in return for this service promised them to make them to participate in partaking Soma Rasa in the sacrifices, as they were not eligible then. They agreed and made him enter into a lake along with them . When all the three came out from the lake, all the three had the same appearances. Sukanya was unable to identify Chyavana among them.She surrendered to Ashvinikumaras, who knowing her devotion to her husband showed Chyavana to her and gave vision to Chyavana who had become blind due to her act. thus the blindness of Chyavana was removed.
Sharyathi when he visited her once saw an young man with good vision in place of his son in law Chyavana who was old and blind when he gave her in marriage to him He severely admonished Sukanya for having chosen someone else as her husband leaving the old sage against Dharma. Sukanya then laughed at him and told that the young man was his old son in law only and narrated to him as to how Chyvana became young. Sharyathi was happy. When Chyvana conducted a sacrifice to keep up his promise to make the two Ashwini kumaras to be participants in partaking Soma Rasa in the sacrifice, Indra prevented them. Chyvana became angry and made Indra motionless along with his weapon-Vajrayudha.Then Indra agreed to makt the heavenly physicians as participants in partaking Soma Rasa.Thus Chyvana kept up his promise.
Sharyathi had three sons- Uttanabarhis,Anartha, Bhurishena.. From Anartha , Revata was born.He was the creator of Kushasthali ( called Dwaraka also ). He had 100 sons and among them Kakudmi was the eldesi. He had a daughter by name Revathi . When he visited Satyaloka to consult Brahma for a suitable bridegroom to his daughter Revathi, there was a danceand music programme going on then there, He was absorbed in that for a moment only. When he regained his composure he made his wishes known to Brahma. Brahma smiled on hearing this and told him that a very long time in terms of yugas had passed and men of his age are no more available. Brahma suggested him to give Revathi in marriage to Balarama- elder brother of Krishna.
Kakudmi came back and Revathi married Balarama and the king went to Badarikashrama for doing penance.
नाभागादंबरीषो हरिनिहितमतिर्जात; एनं व्रतान्ते
हन्तुं दुर्वाससा च प्रकुपितमनसा प्रेषिता घोरकृत्या;।
तां दग्ध्वा विष्णुचक्रं मुनिमभिपतति स्मै;ष भक्तध्रुगार्तो
भीतश्चक्रानलात् स त्रिभुवनमखिलं पर्यटन् श्रान्तिमाप।।
Meaning: King Ambarisha,the son of Naabaagha ( son of Nabhaga) was a great devotee of Vishnu and had dedicated his soul, body and mind to the total service of Vishnu. He was observing Dwadashi vratha. At the end of that vow and ritual, Durvasa who was well known for his anger tried to kill him bycreating a demon for this purpose.But Sudarshana Chakra of Bhagavan Vishnu burnt that demon instantly and went after Durvasa to punish him. Durvasa who was harming a true devotee (Bhaktha) was so much afraid of the fire generated by Sudarshana Chakra and was miserable to face it and roamed about all the three worlds in search of help to save himself from the anger of the Disc of Vishnu and finally was so much tired and could not find a rescuer from that disc.
Commentary : The Ambarisha Charithram is a well known one and shows as to how a sincere devotee and devotion to Hari is supreme. Ambarisha who had devoted every thing to Hari with utmost devotion to Him, was given Sudarshana Chakra for his protection by Vishnu Himself. He was observing Dwadashi Vratham- a vow in which a person should obseve a fast on Dahami - the 10 th day in a New Moon or Full Moon period of 15 days, observe a total fast on the 11th day- Ekadashi and on the 12th day -Dwadashi should perform abhisheka to Vishnu and feed brahmanas and then break the fast when Dwadashi is present and take the food offered to Hari as a prasada. On one such occasion in the month of Kartika when Ambarisha was observing this Vratham with all its strict requirements in its observance , Durvasa came there when Ambarisha had completed all rituals and was ready to break his fast and Ambarisha requested him to be his guest on that occasion before he took his food. Durvasa agreed and went to the river Yamuna to complete his daily rituals. But He did not turn up in time before Dwadashi expired. Ambarisha was worried to keep up his vow and his invitation to Durvasa as a guest . Hence after considering that taking water will satisfy the requirements of both and took the water, duly meditating on Vishnu as a solution to the situation prevailing then When Durvasa came to know of this he became angry in that Ambarisha took his food before feeding a guest. As he felt that it was against Dharma, he created a demon to harm Ambarisha. Butt Ambarisha , whose mind was fixed in Vishnu was neither afraid of the demon and did not move from his position. Sudarshana Chakra , observing the harm done to a Vshnu's devotee then killed the demon and went after to Durvasa who was the cause of the harm to a devotee. Durvasa ran for his life and roamed about all the three worlds to save himself and finally could neither save himself nor could find a rescuer. He was tired.
नो पश्यन् क्वापि रक्षां हरिपदमभयं प्राप्तवान्, श्रीहरिस्तं,
प्रोचे - "याह्रंबरीषं भज शरणमृषे रक्षिता त्वां स राजा'।
श्रुत्वेत्थं भूपमाप्तो मुनिरभयमहो! चक्रबाधाविमुक्त-
स्तत् कारुण्यं स जानन् हरिभजनमहत्वं च शंसन् व्यचारीत्।।
Meaning; As Durvasa could not find protection any where, he went to Hari and wanted Him to protect from the danger to his life. Hari told him - " Only Ambarisha can save you. Go to him. He will protect you" On hearing this Durvasa surrendered himself to Ambarisha. O it is wonderful!Durvasa Rishi was saved from the ordeal of harassment of Vihnu Chakra. Not only that. Durvasa became aware of the mercy Ambarisha had towards others and the greatness and significance of Hari Bhajan. He was praising both in all the worlds thereafter.
Commentary: In chapter 4 of the Purana, it is described as that Durvasa went to Brahma to save himself. Brahma replied that He was controlled by Hari and could not help him in this case. Then the sage went to Kailasa and asked for protection from Siva. Siva advised him to surrender himself to Hari. When the sage went to Vaikunta Hari told him that He was under the control of His devotees who surrender every thing to Him . Therefore He advised him to go to only to Ambarisha who could save him from the calamity , by asking for his pardon frm Ambarisha.
Durvasa did as he was advised by Hari. He fell at the feet of Ambarisha. The King on the contrary did not approve the act of a sage falling at his feet. With all humility, he kept aloof then and offered prayers to Vishnu Chakra. The prayer is in verses 3 to 11 of chapter 5. Sudarshana responded to ambarisha's request to free Durvasa from the calamity. Durvasa praised Ambarisha for saving him in spite of being harmed by him. He accepted to be his guest them. Then he went away. After one year when Durvasa visited Ambarisha ,he found out that Ambarisha did not take food for one year and was on fasting as an atonement for having broken his fast with water one year ago Durvasa praised him. Suka concludes this chapter by saying that Ambarisha was the epitome of Bhakthi and finally attained sayujya with Hari. He says that those who narrate this or hears or meditate on AMBARISHA CHARITHRAM will become a true devotee of Hari.

इक्ष्वाकुः ख्यात आसीद् दशसु मनुसुतेष्वस्य पुत्रो विकुक्षि-
स्तत्पुत्रस्त्विन्द्रवाहः श्रृणु नृप! युवनाश्वोƒत्र गर्भं दधार।
मान्धातारं प्रसूते स्म च तनयमहो! वव्रिरे तस्य 
पञ्चाशत् सौभरिं तं पतिमथ तपसे निर्गतास्तेन साकम्।।

Meaning: Among all the ten sons of Vaivasvatha Manu Ikshvaku was famous.His son was Vikukshi. Vikukshi had a son by name Indravaha." O King ! Listen to me. Yuvanashva, who was a descendant in this Manu race became pregnant . Mandata was born to him. O It is wonderful! All his 50 daughters chose Saubhari -a sage who was old as their husband. Then all of them went after Saubhari to perform penance"
Commentary: In the beginning of chapter 6, the desendants of Ambarisha are mentioned as Virupa, Kethu man and Shambu and their descendants are described in verses 1 to 3. When Vaisvatha Manu was sneezing Ikshvaku was born from his nostrils. Ikshvaku had 100 sons and the eldest was Vikukshi. Once Ikshvaku ordered Vikukshi to bring the meat from the forest for performing a Ashtaka shradhdha. Vikukshi went and killed a rabbit and ate a part of it as he was hungry after hunting forgetting that it was for shradhdha. On return he offered the remnants of the flesh of the rabbit to his father. On being made known of this by Vshishta , Ikushvaku banished Vikukshi from the kingdom for his lapse.Later Vashishta taught Ikshvaku the Atma Vidya and Ikshvaku became a yogi and renounced every thing and was liberated finally. After Ikshvaku, Vikukshi became the king and ruled the earth. He was called as Shashaada.. His son Indravaha was also called as Kakustha and Puranjaya had helped devas by participating in their war with asuras. In the war Indra carried him by becoming a bull on the hump (kakud) and was therefore called as Kakushtha and as Indra was his carrirer , he was called Indravaha. Yuvanashva was born as the descendant in the race of Puranjaya.. As he had no child . The rishis performed a sacrifice and kept the holy water in a pot . Yuvanashva ,a son was born during night time being thirsty drank that holy water.As a result of this, a powerful king came out from the lower right side of the abdomen of Yuvanashva. As the child cried for milk, Indra put his index finger in the mouth of the child by saying मां धाता ( Maam Dhaathaa -drink me ) So he was called as Mandhaathaa.and was given the name of Trasaddasyu by Indra as he was a source of fear to Ravana and otherthieves.He got three sons from his wife Bindumathi - Purukuthsa, Ambarisha and Muchukunda ( who became a yogi later) and had 50 daughters. These 50 daughters accepted Saubhari Rishi as their husband.Saubhari while doing penance in water saw a pair of fish engaged in sexual union .He was attracted by that and went to King Mandhata and asked for a hand of one daughter.The king told him that none of his daughters may choose him. Saubhari transformed himself into a handsome person and all the 50 daughters of the king married him.Saubhari even after enjoying sence gratification thus was not at all satisfied.Saubhari on one occasion reflected about his downfall and realised that it was all due to his watching the fish pair in the water.He went to vanaprastha after renouncing every thing to medititate on Hari. All his 50 wives followed him , when Saubhari was consumed by the yogagni . All the 50 wives also were consumed by the same yogagni due to Saubhari's spiritual powers.
देहेनैव त्रिशंकुस्त्रिदिवमपि गतः कौशिकानुग्रहेण;
प्रीतस्तेनास्य पुत्रोप्यभवदुरुगदः श्रीहरिश्चन्द्रनामा;।
क्रीतोƒभूद् येन बालः क्रतुपशुरवशस्तं नृपं 
बालं भूपाच्च मंत्रैर्वरुणकरुणयाƒमोचयन्मंत्रकृत् सः।।
Meaning:Trishanku went to svarga with the physical body , due to the Grace and Anugraha of Vshvamitra Rishi. His son Harishchandra was suffering due to the disease in his stomach.He purchased the son of Ajigartha by name Sunashshepa as an animal for sacrifice.The Mantradrashta- Vishvamitra by chanting mantras released both Harishchandra by making him to get the mercy of Varuna and Sunashshepa from the yupasthambha (the pillar wherein the animal tied in a sacrifice),who was to be used as an animal in sacrifice .
Commentary: The descendant in the race of Mandhata was Trishanku. He wanted to go to the paradise with the physical body of 5 elements. As Vashishta , his Guru declined to perform the sacrifice and was cursed by him to become a chandala, he approached Vishvamitra Rishi who performed a sacrifice and made him reside in a parallel paradise ,called as Trishanku svarga.
He had a son by name Harishchandra who got a son by the Grace of Varuna on the condition that he will perform a sacrifice using his son.When the son was born and Varuna wanted the king to keep up his promise, the king was postponing it for one reason or other. Varuna then cursed him and as the result of the curse the king was suffering from a serious stomach disease. His son was Rohitha who absconded from the kingdom for protecting his life from being used as an animal in a sacrifice. Ultimately Harischandra managed to purchase the second son of the rishi Ajigartha (out of his three sons ) for using him as an animal for the sacrifice.
Sunashshepa appealed to Vishvamitra , who saved him from being used as an animal. Harishchandra also was cured from his disease as Varuna was pleased with him.
वंशेƒस्मिन् सुप्रसिद्धः सगरनरपति;स्तस्य यज्ञाश्वमाहृ-
त्येन्द्रोƒगाद्; राजपुत्राः कपिलमुनिसमीपेƒश्वमेनं च दृष्ट्वा।
तन्निन्दाग्नौ प्रदग्धाः सगरसुतसुतस्त्वंशुमांस्तं ववन्दे;
तद्वाचाश्वेन पूर्णः क्रतुरयमभिषिक्तोƒम्शुमांस्तत्र राज्ये।।
Meaning:In this lineage Sagara became the king and was famous. Indra stole the horse used in the Ashwamedha sacrifice performed by him. His sons saw the horse near Kapila Muni, who was engaged in penance.They spoke harsh words to Him and they were reduced to ashes.Amshuman, the grandson of Sagara who went in search of the horse worshipped Kapila Muni. He , on the saying of Kapila, took the horse to the sacrifice and the sacrifice was completed in all respects as per the procedures. After Sagara, Amshuman became the King.
Commentary: In the lineage of Rohitha, ( son of Harishchandra),Bahuka was born and as he was defeated in a battle. He went to the forest with his wife for observing vanaprasthashrama. As he was old ,he died and his wife also wanted to die with him by following the 'sati' rite. But Aurva Rishi knowing her to be pregnant ,prevented her to burn herself. But the co-wives of Bahuka knowing this poisoned her. However the poison did not act and a son was born with the poison and hence was called ' Sagara". Sagara became the king.
He had two wives-Keshini from whom Asamanjasa was born- and another wife by name Sumathi ( sister of Garuda) from whom 60000 sons were born who were very strong. As advised by Aurva Rishi he performed an Aahwamedha sacrifice and Indra stole the horse. Sagara directed his 60000 sons to go round all the three worlds in search of the horse. They searched the entire worlds and reached Patala There they saw Kapila Muni in deep meditation and the horse was roaming near him. Thinking that Kapila stole their horse, all the 60000 sons of Sagara , shouting loudly, wanted to kill him. Kapila then opened his eyes and all the 60000 sons were reduced to a heap of ashes by the yogagni of Kapila. Then Sagara directed his grandson Amshuman (son of Asamanjasa) to search for the horse and his sons.Amshuman went in search of both the horse and his uncles. When he reached Kapilashrama he saw the horse and the heap of the ashes of his uncles.Then he offered his prayers to Kapila Muni . Then Kapila told him to take the horse and told him that only the water of Ganges (Ganga ) can purify his uncles. He returned with the horse. Sagara completed the Ashwamedha sacrifice . Sagara grieved over the death of his sons and as he was old , entrusted the kingdom to Amshuman and went to the forest as advised by his Guru Aurva Rishi with total detachment and performed penance and attained liberation (mukthi).

पौत्रस्त्वंशुमतो भगीरथ इति ख्यातश्च भस्मीकृतान्
पूर्वान् दीर्घतपाः क्षमी सुरनदीस्पर्शाद् दिवं प्रापयन्।
मुक्तिं प्राप; तदन्वयेƒथ गुरुणा शप्तः सुदासात्मजो
रक्षोƒभूदथ मुक्तिमाप च ततः खट्वांगनामाƒभवत्।।
Meaning: Bhagiratha who was the grand son of Amshuman was another famous king in this lineage.After performing penance for a very long time undergoing it with severe and strict procedures in the process,brought the Ganga, the river in Svarga, to the earth. He was capable of br inging Ganges to the earth to enable his ancestors (the 60000sons of Sagara in the form of a heap of ashes ) purified by the Ganges water and go to the paradise ( svarga ). All of them thereby attained Krama Mukthi ( liberation attained by performind yoga in 8 forms and after a long time ). In the same lineage the son of Sudasa , by name Mitrasaha ( husband of Madayanthi) became a rakshasa (demon ) as he was cursed by his Guru to become a demon.He also attained liberation.In the same lineage the famous Katvanga was born and became the king.
Commentary: Neither Amshuman nor Dilipa ,his son, could not bring Ganga ( Ganges ) from the paradise (svarga) to enable their ancestors purified by it. Bhagiratha, who became the king undertook penance with all severities and by the Grace of Shiva could bring Ganga from the paradise. But when she tried to penetrate the earth and reach Patala along with Shiva, Shiva tied her in the locks of His hair and latr released her. She then with the pride destroyed the place of sacrifice of Jahnu Maharishi, who drank her made her get rid of her pride. Later as requested by other munis and devas, he released Ganga from his ears. Thus she came to be known as Bhagirathi and Jahnavi. Bhagiratha thus got his ancestors purified by Ganges.
In this lineage later a king was born as the son of Sudasa , by name Mitrasaha. He killed one demon in a battle.The brother of the rakshasa , so killed by the king became a cook in disguise in the palace of the king with a view to wreak vengeance on the king for having killed his brother. He offered human flesh to Guru of the king on one occasion when he wanted to take food in the palce, Knowing this ,Guru mistook it to be a deliberate act of the king and cursed him to become a rakshasa (demon ). Mitrasaha thus became a rakshasa fo twelve years.The king wanted to curse his Guru in retaliation as he was innocent But Madayanthi, his wife prevented him from doing that and the water he took in his palms fell on his legs and his legs were turned to black colour and was known as ' Kalmashapada' When he was roaming in the forest he met a brahmin couple. As he was very hungry he ate the brahmana and the wife of the brahmana cursed him that he would die whenever the king attempted to sexually unite with his wife he would die.So the king did not attempt to have sexual union with his wife afterwards and she also prevented him. When he was released from the curse after 12 years. By the Grace of his Guru Vashishta, Ashmaka was born. In the lineage of Ashmaka, Katvanga was born. Katvanga became famous for getting liberation or mukthi in the period of a muhurtha (48 minutes ) by meditating on Vishnu abdicating all desires and with total detachment.
नाम्ना रामोƒत्र वंशे हरिरथ भरतो लक्ष्मणोंƒशेन जज्ञे
शत्रुघ्नोƒप्यार्यवाचा वनमनुजवधूसंयुतश्चैष गत्वा।
सीताहर्तारमस्त्रैरनुजमपि निहत्याखिलैर्वातजाद्यै-
रन्ते प्राप्तस्त्वयोध्यां, नगरमधिवसन् राजधर्मानकार्षीत्।।
Meaning: MahaVishnu incarnated Himself taking human form in four parts as Rama, Lakshmana, Bharatha, And Shatrughna as sons of Dasharatha. As directed by His father , Rama went to the forest with His wife Sita and His brother Lakshmana.He killed Ravana who forcibly took His wife Sita from the forest and Kumbhakarna, brother of Ravana in the battle.Later accompanied by Hanuman and other friends reached Ayodhya. Remaining in Ayodhya he faithfully followed the duties prescribed for a king as ruler of the earth.

Commentary : The Ramayana is a well known Ithihasa . So the siory is not repeated here.


Sridharachrya's Commentary on verse 4 , is self explanatory. He says that Ramayana is told in crores 
of scriptures is told in two chapters by Suka in this Canto and Suka (Vyasa ) prostrates to Rama in one verse(4),describing his exploits in His incarnation.
सन्तुष्टा अभवन् जना भुवि नृपे रामे न धर्मच्युतिः
सीता दुर्जनभाषितेन विपिने त्यक्ता विशुद्धा सती;।
वाल्मीक्याश्रमतः सुतौ च सुषुवे सर्वेषु पश्यत्सु सा

भूद्वारं प्रविवेश; यज्ञमकरोद् रामः सदाराधितः।।
Meaning:During the proverbial- "RamaRajya" all the subjects were extremely happy.There was no swerving from the path of Dharma by anybody (All subjects adhered to Dharma with faith and there was no lapse).Due to the conversations and opinions expressed by some wicked persons Sita was abandoned in the forest. Sita gave birth to the twins-Kusha and Lava- in the hermitage of Valmiki.Sita entered the Earth which split into two parts to receive Her, when all the three worlds watching that scene.Rama, who is worshipped by all those who are sadhus and mahatmas, performed many sacrificees.
वंशेƒत्र भूपतिवरा बहवः, किलैष
नश्येत्, सुमित्रनृपतिश्चरमो भवेच्च।
एकोƒत्र जैमिनिमुनेः प्रियशिष्यभावाद्
योगी बभूव विदितश्च हिरण्यनाभः।।
Meaning: Many kings were born in Ikshvaku race (Vamsha).As in the course of time, this race saw slowly the extinction .The last king in this famous Ikshvaku race was Sumitra.In this race there was a king by name Hiranyanabha - who was the disciple of famous Jaimini Maharishi ( Of Sama Veda fame) and later became a yogi and Guru of Yagnyavalka Rishi (Of Shukla Yajur Veda fame) and became famous for his Atma Vidya to be attained by yoga.
Commentary: As kali yuga set in and progressed,this famous Ikshvaku race which commenced from Vaisvatha Manu (Sun ) started to diminish slowly. Dhruvasandhi was the son of Hiranyanabha.Sudarshana was the son of Dhruvasandhi and his story is described in Devi Bhagavatham in Canto- 3 (chapters 14 to 25 )
The list of kings in this Ikshvaku race is very exhaustive. One has to read Canto-9 in detail to know all of them.
In HrasvaBhagavatham only some of them are mentioned. Similarly For Ramayana one has to read Valmiki Ramayanam in full. Alternatively one can read Dashakas 34 and 35 of Srima Narayaneeyam which follows Valmiki's version very closely. In the Purana Suka describes the episodes of Ramayanam in brief in chapters 10 to 11 of the Purana.



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