कृष्णद्वेषी चिकीर्षुर् भुवमयदुकुलां मागधो भीमसैन्यै-
रायातः पिष्टसैन्यो रणभुवि हरिणा चाग्रजेनपि मुक्तः।
एवं युद्धेषु भूयो बहुषु सहबलो भग्नदर्पोƒभवत्
द्वीपेƒथ द्वारकाख्ये यदुजनमनयत् सत्पुरं वासुदेवः।।
द्वीपेƒथ द्वारकाख्ये यदुजनमनयत् सत्पुरं वासुदेवः।।
Meaning: The King of Maghada was Jarasandha. He was an associate of Kamsa and his father-in -law.He was also hating Krishna. After Kamsa's death, his two daughters -by name Asti and Prapthi-went back to their father. After hearing their tales of sorrow, Jarasandha was angry and decided to destroy all Yadavas in the Earth. He invaded Mathura with a powerful army -consisting of 23 Akshauhinis- and surrounded Mathura on all sides.Krishna wanted to destroy his forces but wanted to spare him his life. Krishna got two chariots and all weapons from Heaven. With the help of these, Krishna and Balarama fought with Jarasandha and destroyed his entire army.He was caught after his defeat,but Krishna released him. In this manner Jarasandha attempted to wage a war for 17 times and he was defeated and let off every time In the 18th attempt of Jarasandha, Kalayavana (who was an asura) was encouraged by Narada ,surrounded Mathura with his 3 crores of his forces.Krishna wanted to save His subjects -from being captured or taken as prisoners out of Mathura-established a City in the ocean -called Dwaraka and transported all of them to the new city by His Will.
Commentary: Krishna wanted to reduce the burden on the Earth- the burden of the wicked.When Jarasandha waged a war with 23 AKSHUHINIS (ONE AKSHUHINI consists of 21870 chariots,21870 elephants,65610 horses and 1,09,350 foot soldiers ), Krishna defeated him by destroying the entire army. For 17 times, Jarasandha waged a war repeatedly and every time he was defeated and his entire army was destroyed.When he invaded for the 18 th time, he was joined by Kalayavana with another huge army. When Kalayavana asked Narada to show him an opponent for waging a war, Narada wanted his destruction and therefore directed him to Krishna.
Krishna thought that in the war there was a possibility that his subjects might be taken as prisoners. So he established Dwaraka ,and transported all His subjects to the new city from MATHURA and then decided to fight with both.
शक्राल्लब्धवरं चिराय मुचुकुन्दाख्यं प्रसुप्तं
युद्धार्थी यवनस्तताड हरिबुध्यैष क्षणादुद्थितः।
दग्ध्वा तं नयनाग्निनाƒथ करुणासिन्धुंम् स दृष्ट्वा हरिं
स्तुत्वा चानुगृहीत एव बदरीं गत्वा च चक्रे तपः।
Meaning: Muchukuna, who was an Ikshvaku king, was blessed with a boon , to have a deep sleep, was woken up by Kalayavana by kicking him in a cave. Kalayavana mistook him to be Krishna and wanted to fight with Him. But as soon as Muchukunda got up , he saw Kalayavana before him and Yavana was reduced to ashes at the very sight of Muchukunda. This was to the effect of the boon that whoever wakes him during his sleep would be reduced to ashes by the very sight. Then Muchukunda saw Krishna before him. He recognized Hari and offered his prayers to Him.Krishna instructed Muchukunda to perform penance at Badrikashrama and would get mukthi in his next birth as a brahmana.
Commentary: Krishna after establishing Dwaraka and transporting all people there, decided to fight Yavana separately. He went alone. Thinking that Krishna was afraid of him, Yavana followed Him for a long time and ultimately was led to a cave. In the cave Muchukunda who got a boon from Indra for having helped the devas in their fight with the daityas to go to sleep as he was tired. Indra 's boon was that if someone wakes him during the sleep he would be reduced to the ashes. So yavana met his death. Muchukunda wanted to detach himself from material desires. Krishna advised him that to purge his sins as a Kshatriya for having killed enemies in the war by performing penance at Badarikashrama and in his next birth as a brahmana he would get 'mukthi'
आप्तो विप्रः कदाजिद्धरिमवद""दहंकुण्डिनादागतस्त्वं
सन्देशं राजपुत्र्याः श्रृणु'' ""महितगुणैस्तेƒनुरक्तां त्वदीयां।
अत्रागत्य प्रभो! मां स्वबलिमिव हरेः केसरी भूपवर्यान्
निर्मथ्येमां त्यजश्चेद् व्रतकृशमचिराद् देहमेतं विजह्याम्।।
Meaning: Once a brahmana approached Krishna after reaching Dwaraka, and told Krishna that he had come from Kundinapuram and with a message- " I have come from Kundinapuram. Kindly listen to the message of the princess (RUKMINI). -" O MASTER OF ALL THE THREE WORLDS! I had heard of your great qualities and prowess .I love You from the bottom of my heart.Kindly come over here and after defeating all the great kings and take me away from here, as a lion would carry its victim. I do not want to marry anyone else except You. In case You do not accept me as your wife and servant, I will have no option except to die- by fasting unto my death,by undertaking severe penanace"
Commentary: After Yavana's death, Krishna and Balarama fought with Jarasandha. They pretended as if they were afraid of him and ran away.They climbed Pravarshna mountain and jumped from the top of it. To misguide Jarasandha that they were perished in a fire, they induced a forest fire and escaped safely to Dwaraka.
Once a brahmana came to Dwaraka and conveyed the message from the princess Rukmini -well known as "RUKMINI PATHRAM " - see verses 37 to 43 of chapter 52.Its contents are given in brief above.
In the seven verses Rukmini surrenders herself totally to Krishna and asks Him to accept as His wife.
रुक्मिण्या वाक्यामेतद् यदुपतिरुपकण्र्याƒशु वैदर्भराज्यं
संप्राप्तो मानितोƒभूद्, द्विजवरवचनै रुक्मिणी तोषिता च,।
क्षेत्रस्यान्तः प्रविष्टां द्रुतमयि कुरु मां देवि! कृष्णस्य पत्नी-''
मित्थं संप्रार्थ्य यान्तीं बहिरहरदिमां कन्यकां वासुदेवः।।
Meaning: On hearing this message from the Sunanda(the brahmana who came with the message), Krishna (Yadupathi) decided to go to Kundinapuram in Vidharbha kingdom.There Bhishmaka, the king of Vidhabha, received Krishna with due respect and honoured Him. Balarama coming to know about Krishna's departure to Vidharbha , followed Him with a huge army as he had suspected that Jarasandha, Shishupala, Shalva and others who were against Krishna could create troubles.The brahmana also returned with Krishna and met Rukmini in privacy and assured her that Krishna would accept her.Rukmini was happy on hearing this. Bhishmaka and Damagosha performed all the religious rites. Rukmini went to the temple of Parvathi (as it was the custom to perform Gauri Puja by the bride would -be ) to perform Gauri Puja. After performing Puja she offered prayers to Devi that Krishna alone should be her husband. After the Puja, she came out of the temple and Krishna, who was waiting there with a chariot took Rukmini away ,even as all other kings were observing Him.
Commentary: Although Bhishmaka wanted to give his daughter Rukmini in marriage to Krihna, his son Rukmi who was a friend of Jarasandha decided to get her married to Shishupala ( who was theson of Krishna's aunt also) . But Shishupala in friendship with Jarasandha hated Krishna. Rukmini did not want to marry Shishupala. Hence her message to Krishna. Krishna then decided to take her away. This is what had happened.
Jarasandha and others followed Krishna. But they were defeated by Balarama. But Rukmi wanted to take revenge on Krishna.The incidents after Krishna took away Rukmini is described in the next chapter
रुद्धः कृष्णः सकन्यः समरभुवि जरासन्धमुख्यै;र्जितास्ते
भीताश्चाƒश्वास्य चैद्यं प्रतिययुरबलाः स्वस्वगेहानि भूपाः;।
रुक्मी युद्धे विरूपोƒक्रियत; हरिरथो भीष्मकस्यात्मजां ता-
मानीय द्वारकायां विधिवदुदवहन्; मोदमापुश्च सर्वे।।
Meaning: Jarasandha and others tried to stop Krishna and Rukmini on the way. But all of them were defeated by Balarama. They pacified Shishupala for his loss and returned to their kingdoms. All other kings who were weak also had to return .But Rukmi-the eldest brother of Rukmini (Rukmini had four other brothers also)-vowed to kill Krishna and take Rukmini back to the Kundinapuram. He could not tolerate Krishna taking away Rukmini. So he went after Krishna and fought with Him. But Rukmi was defeated and Krishna wanted to kill him. But Rukmini fell at Krishna's feet and asked Him to spare her brother's life. Hence Krishna disfigured Rukmi and let him off. Balarama came there and chided Krishna for disfiguring Rukmi. He pacified Rukmani.
Krishna took Rukmini to Dwaraka and married her in accordance with the Shastras (scriptures). THERE WERE FESTIVITIES THROUGHOUT DWARAKA WHEN KRISHNA MARRIED RUKMINI. Rukmi vowed that he would kill Krishna and take away Rukmini and went to Bhojakata (he did not return to Vidhabha) to live.
Commentary:There are various types of marriages 1) Gandharva Vidhi - the bride and the bridegroom by mutual agreement 2) Rrakshasa Vidhi - The bridegroom bringing the bride forcibly from her residence 3) Prajapathya Vidhi - by performing religious rites and rituals in the assembly all and in presence of Brahmanas observing rites as per the scriputures.
Krishna married Rukmani -first by Gandharva Vidhi- second by Rakshasa Vidhi (when there was no other alternative for Him) - third by Prajapathya Vidhi at Dwaraka. Subodhini says the same:
वैदर्भीतनयो हृतो जलनिधौ क्षिप्तोƒरिणा शंबरे-
णायं सूदवरैस्तु मीनजठरे दृष्टः शिशुश्चाक्षतः।
रत्या पोषित एव नारदगिरा प्रद्युम्ननामा युवा
हत्वा तं दितिजं तया सह निजं गेहं पुनश्चाƒगतः।।
Meaning:A Rakshasa by name Shambara stole the new born son of Rukmini from the delivery room and carried him away with him .This son of Rukmini was Pradyumna - who in his previous birth was Manmatha- and conidering him as his enemy threw the child into the ocean. A fish swallowed the child. Some fishermen caught that fish and took away and handed over the fish to the cook of Shambara. There Mayavathi (who was Rati -the wife of Manmatha in her previous birth) took the fish and on cutting it found the child inside it. Narada appraised her all truth about Pradyumna's birth to her. The child on growing up turned to be a very handsome person. Rati was in love with him and expressed her love to him. But Pradyumna told her that she was like his mother and as to why she had lust towards him. Then Rati narrated the complete story and that he was Rukmini's son and she was Rati who was his wife in the previous birth. She asked Pradyumna to fight Shambara and destroyed all the illusions created by Shambara. Pradyumna killed Shambara. Then Pradyumna and Rati went to Dwaraka. Rukmimni thought that he was like her lost son. Narada came and narrated the truth about Pradyumna's birth and Rati. All were happy. Krishna in spite of knowing all about the truth kept quiet. It was Narada who told the truth to every body
Commentary : In this chapter the central theme is that for a householder - both Happiness ans Sorrow are the regular experiences from their progeny. This is demonstrated by Pradyumna's birth, his disapprance and again appearance with a bride after a long time of say 18 years or so. Rukmini experinced the sorrow over their sons disappearance and also happiness after his return. BUT KRISHNA WAS UNAFFECTED. See Sridhara's commentary:
मार्ष्टुम् स्वीयमृषापवादमजितो गच्छन् प्रसेनं वने
सिंहं चापि मृतं निरीक्ष्य समरे सन्तोषितर्क्षाधिप:।
गृह्णन् जाम्बवतीं स्यमन्तकमपि प्रीतोथ सत्राजिते
तद्रत्नं प्रददौ तदर्पितवधूं भामां स जग्राह च।
Meaning: Krishna wanted to remove the bad reputation that He stole the Mani (Jewel ) -from Satrajit ( to whom the Sun God had given in response to Satajit's prayer and worship and which was giving 8 Big Measures of Gold daily). In fact Satrajit's brother Prasena wore it and took it to a forest, where he was killed by a lion. Later Jambhavan- the King of the Bears ,killed the lion and took the Mani from the lion and handed over to a child in a cave. Krishna went in search of Prasena and finally located the Mani in the cave When He was about to take it, a maid servant on seeing Krishna cried. Jambhavan came there and without knowing Vishnu fought with Him for 27 days. Then Jambhavan came to know the identity of Krishna ad Rama in the previous incarnation . He worshiped Krishna and gave his daughter Jambavathi in marriage to Krishna along with the Mani. Krishna returned to Dwaraka with Jambavathi and the Mani. All were worried over the absence of Krishna and about His safETY. On seeing Him all were very happy. Krishna called Satrajit anareturned the Mani to him after narrating all the incidents. Satrajit was very much ashamed in blaming Krishna without knowing the truth. Then he decided to give his daughter Satyabhama in marriage to Krishna as a token of his repentance.He gave Bhama in marriage to Krishna.
Commentary: Satrajit got SYMANTHAKA MANI by worshiping Surya. There was no famine where the Symanthaka Mani was. But when Krishna asked him to give that to Him for the welfare of all the subjects, Satrajit refused. Later when his brother Prasena wore it and was killed by the lion in the forest,Satrajit not able to find about the where about of his brother, thought that Krishna would have killed his brother and taken the Symanthaka Jewel with Him. But when Krishna came to know about this and spreading of the rumour by Satrajit. Krishna decided to make the truth known to all and wipe out the blot on Him. So he decided to go in search of Prasena along with some men.. Prasena was found dead and the blood marks led to a cave . Krishna kept the persons with him to guard and went inside the cave. As Krishna did not turn up even after 12 days all of them returned to Dwaraka and told Vasudeva and others the happenings in the forest. All of them were worried about the safety of Krishna What happened in the cave and thereafter is described above.
धन्वी तां मद्रकन्यामुदवहदजितो लक्ष्मणां चापि
Meaning: Krishna-the Unconquerable- married Kalindi (Daughter of Sun ), who was doing penance for a long time with the intention to marry Vishnu alone,and Mitravinda , the princess of Avanti kingdom.Krishna the foremost among the men of valour-assumed seven forms and controlled and conquered seven powerful bulls which could not be controlled by any body earlier. He married Satya, daughter of Nagnajit of Kosala kingdom.Then He married Bhadra who was the daughter of Shruthakirthi (aunt of Krishna) and given by all her brothers to Krishna. Then Krishna married Lakshmana the daughter of the king of Madradesha , by conqering her in a"
प्रीतः सूर्यसुतां चकर्ष हलतः कान्त्या च सम्मानितः।।
सत्राजिच्छतधन्वनोश्च मरणं, पार्थानुभूता विपत्,
श्वाफल्केर् वहतो मणिं च सभयं कुत्राप्यहो जीवनं,।
रामस्यानुजविप्रयोगमिथिलावासौ च दुःसंगता
सर्वा एव परंपरा हि विपदामर्थैकमूला नृप!।।
Meaning: Shuka told Parikshit - " O King! The deaths of Shatrajit and Shatadhanva,the calamities Pandavas suffered, Akrura taking the Syamanthaka Mani with him , living in Kashi after leaving Dwaraka -For all these calamities the root cause is WEALTH and the desire to possess it "
Commentary: Krishna came to know about the burning of the lacquer house and the escape of Pandavas and Kunthi from the calamity, went to Hasthinapuram along with Balarama to express their sorrow to Bhishma , Krupa, and Drona and others- as was the practice to express sorrow for the dead. The Pandavas were reported to be dead but in fact they had escaped. This fact was known to Krishna,still he followed the practice with others. When Krishna was away from Dwaraka, Shatadhanva was asked by Akrura and Kruthavarma to take away the Symanthaka Mani by killing Satrajit. Shatadhanva in collusion with Kruthavarma killed Satrajit and took away Symanthaka Mani.Satyabhama on hearing the death of her father rushed to Hasthinapuram and told about the death of her father. Krishna and Balarama expressed their sorrow and wept. They came back to Dwaraka and went in search of Shatadhanva. Shatadhanva sought the help of Kruthavarma-but he refused to help. Shatadhanva, fearing for his life ran away and was caught by Krishna near Mithila and killed him. But on searching him , the jewel was not found. Balarama went to Mithila and taught Duryodhana in use of the mace. Then Krishna returned to Dwaraka and the funeral rites of Satrajit were performed.Akrura and Kruthavarma left Dwaraka fearing their lives.Akrura went to Kashi and because the SyamanthkaMani was with him there was alround prosperity in Kashi, whereas there was famine in Dwaraka.Then Krishna knew that the Jewel was with Akrura. He called him and advised him to show him the Jewel. Akrura showed it to Krishna, who in turn showed it to everybody.Krishna gave the SymanthakaMani back to Akrura.
Commentary: It can be seen that the cause of all the above calamities to various people is the DESIRE OF WEALTH. Those who read this chapter or narrates it to others will get rid of blots on their character and blame for they are not responsible.
कालिन्दीं सूर्यकन्यां चिरकृततपसं,
वीराग्र्य: सप्तमूर्तिर्युगपदतिबलान् गोवृषान् सप्त
सत्यां, भद्रां च दत्तामथ निजसहजैः, वीराग्र्य: सप्तमूर्तिर्युगपदतिबलान् गोवृषान् सप्त
धन्वी तां मद्रकन्यामुदवहदजितो लक्ष्मणां चापि
Meaning: Krishna-the Unconquerable- married Kalindi (Daughter of Sun ), who was doing penance for a long time with the intention to marry Vishnu alone,and Mitravinda , the princess of Avanti kingdom.Krishna the foremost among the men of valour-assumed seven forms and controlled and conquered seven powerful bulls which could not be controlled by any body earlier. He married Satya, daughter of Nagnajit of Kosala kingdom.Then He married Bhadra who was the daughter of Shruthakirthi (aunt of Krishna) and given by all her brothers to Krishna. Then Krishna married Lakshmana the daughter of the king of Madradesha , by conqering her in a"
Commentary: All the five married Krishna. Krishna had eight wives in total including Rukmini, Satyabhama, and Jambavathi .
भित्वा दुर्गाणि शस्त्रैर्मुरमपि नरकं सत्यभामाद्वितीयो
हत्वा स्वर्गं गतः सन्नसुरहृतमदात् कुण्डलं देवमात्रे;।
हृत्वा तत्पारिजातं नरकभवनतो
स्तावद्रूपी त्वसक्तोƒप्युदवहदयुतं षट् सहस्रम् स कन्याः।।
स्तावद्रूपी त्वसक्तोƒप्युदवहदयुतं षट् सहस्रम् स कन्याः।।
Meaning: Krishna, along with His wife Satyabhama , went to PRAGJYOTHISHAPURAM,riding on the back of Garuda .He fought with Mura-a rakshasa with five faces and destroyed all the five forts- he had built ith His Sudarshana Chakra, and killed him and his seven sons also. Later He killed Narakasura,who fought with Him.The EARTH ( mother of Narakasura) came and offered her prayers to Krishna.Krishna released all the 16000 princesses who were captured by Narakasura and were kept in the jails.All of them opted to marry Krishna on seeing Him. Krishna accepted them and sent them to Dwaraka along with all the wealth ,chariots, horses seized from Narakasura.He made the son of Narakasura-by name Bhagadatta- as the king ( as requested by the Earth in her prayer).Krishna along with Satyabhama went to the heaven to return the two ear rings of Adithi there (These ear rings were forcibly taken by Narakasura earlier and Indra came and complained about the atrocities of Narakasura. This was the reason for Krishna to kill him). As requested by Satyabhama, He brought the Parijatha Tree from the heaven and installed it in the her house at Dwaraka.Indra and the devas fought with Him to prevent the Parijatha tree from the heaven , but all of them were defeated.On return to Dwaraka He married all the 16000 princesses in accoradance with the procedures laid down in scriptures and conducted Himself as a householder in all their houses.He was seen in every house.All of them enjoyed His Bliss and Grace-which even Brahma and others could not Know or attain.
Commentary: Krishna was Atmarama and Purnakama also. His marrying 16000 princesses-is due to a promise he made earlier .He conducted Himself as a householder only to satisfy them and for instructing others about the duties of the householder. This should be kept in view.
पत्नीं प्राह हरिः कदाचिदनघे! वैदर्भि! मे पौरुषा
वित्ताद्याश्च गुणा न सन्ति, गुणवान् भूपस्त्वया
पत्न्या नाशितगर्वया तु कथितं - "वित्तं भवान् सर्वदा
सर्वेषामभयं शरण्य' इति च प्रेम्णाƒथ, साƒƒलिंगिता।।
This is another important chapter. Here how Krishna who is an Atmarama - set an example by His act to satisfy Rukmini and also to subdue her pride,in case she had
Meaning: On one occasion, Krishna told His wife Rukmini- " O Rukmini ! O FAULTLESS ONE (A husband should have, wealth,valor,equality,fearlessness, kingdom, desires (lust and other desires what a common man has in life ). As your husband I have none of them. I opine that you chose Me as your husband without seriously thinking about all these factors and probably made a mistake. Therefore I suggest that you choose now any other suitable king.Your brother Rukmi and others hate me. I had brought you only to subdue their pride" Hearing this, Rukmini was taken aback and was fearful that Krishna might desert her. She swooned and became speechless. Krishna then took her in His arms and pacified her, by wiping out the tears from her eyes.She was not aware of the sense of humour in the conjugal life. Rukmini -who had no pride at all in her- replied -" You are the real Wealth for every one.You are only Fearless.You are the only Refuge for every one." On hearing these words from Rukmini , Krishna was happy and embraced her. He told her-" I know you well that You are a Devoted wife. I am also aware of the fact that you left all your relatives and surrendered yourself to Me.There is nobody equal to you as an example of " A WIFE".I was conquered by you by your attitude and faith in me ,on the face of the disfiguring of your brother Rukmi by me,after defeating him in the war". In this manner Krishna set an example for a householder to satisfy his wife in playful behaviour and other sexual activities.
Meaning: On one occasion, Krishna told His wife Rukmini- " O Rukmini ! O FAULTLESS ONE (A husband should have, wealth,valor,equality,fearlessness, kingdom, desires (lust and other desires what a common man has in life ). As your husband I have none of them. I opine that you chose Me as your husband without seriously thinking about all these factors and probably made a mistake. Therefore I suggest that you choose now any other suitable king.Your brother Rukmi and others hate me. I had brought you only to subdue their pride" Hearing this, Rukmini was taken aback and was fearful that Krishna might desert her. She swooned and became speechless. Krishna then took her in His arms and pacified her, by wiping out the tears from her eyes.She was not aware of the sense of humour in the conjugal life. Rukmini -who had no pride at all in her- replied -" You are the real Wealth for every one.You are only Fearless.You are the only Refuge for every one." On hearing these words from Rukmini , Krishna was happy and embraced her. He told her-" I know you well that You are a Devoted wife. I am also aware of the fact that you left all your relatives and surrendered yourself to Me.There is nobody equal to you as an example of " A WIFE".I was conquered by you by your attitude and faith in me ,on the face of the disfiguring of your brother Rukmi by me,after defeating him in the war". In this manner Krishna set an example for a householder to satisfy his wife in playful behaviour and other sexual activities.
Commentary: This chapter is well known as " KARHICHIT CHAPTER OR ADHYAYA.
This chapter was read by Poonthanam Namboodiri with the great devotion. Parvathi told Shiva that He could not read with so much devotion as POONTHANAM read.
Now the exracts from the commentaries:
Krishna’s reasons for advising Rukmini to leave Him and choose another husband.
1) असमत्वं 2) भयं 3) अराजत्वं अविज्ञाता लौकिकेहावसादनं 4)निष्किञ्चनत्वं 5) अनौचित्यं 6) औदासीनियं अकामत्वं . Rukmini replied to Krishna that for every one of the reasons quoted by Him, she had a reply . and her replies are in verses 34 to 48 of chapter 60.Krishna set a perfect example of a householder
पत्नीनां भावहावादिभिरमथितहृन्निःस्पृहोƒभूदसंगः
कृष्णो, जाताश्च तासां दश दश तनयाः; पुत्रिणस्तेƒप्यभूवन्;।
प्राद्युम्ने रोचनाया उपयमसदसि द्यूतवैराद्धतोƒभूद्
रुक्मी क्रुद्धेन रामेण तु परिहसितेनारिवर्गा अधावन्।।
Meaning: Krishna was never perturbed by the calling and conjectures of His wives at any time.Krishna is totally unattached and had no desire of any kind. Ten sons were born to each of His wives. These sons also got sons and grandsons and gr and daughters.Anirudhdha, son of Pradyumna, married Rochana (who was the granddaughter of Rukmi). After the marriage was over,there was a gambling encounter with Rukmi ,Kalinga by Balarama. When Balarama won the game in the gambling for the first time, Rukmi said that he won the game and this was a deceit. But when on the second occasion also Balarama won, Rukmi again tried to cheat. But an unembodied voice said that Balarama won the game. But Rukmi and others ridiculed Balarama and Yadavas that they were shepherds and cowherds and were ignorant of gambling and only kings like them knew the game. The Balarama , thus provoked to anger killed Rukmi with his club.He killed Kalinga also who was trying to run away. Other kings who had come to attend the marriage ran away for the fear of their lives.
When His brother-in -law Rukmi was slain, Krishna neither applauded nor protested, for the fear of jeopardizing His relationship and the affection with either Balarama or Rukmini.
Commentary: Krishna treated all his wives equally.All of them were extremely happy and satisfied.In the game Rukmi told a lie that he won the game when he had lost it. When he tried to repeat the deceit again Balarama killed him for his haughty behaviour. Rukmi preferred to give his granddaughter in marriage to Rukmini's grandson only as an amendment to show his affection towards his sister. But he always hated Krishna and Balarama. As he tried to insult Balarama. he met with his death.. Krishna returned to Dwaraka from Bhojakata with the bride Rochana and Anirudhdha and others
बाणाख्यस्तु सहरुाबाहुरसुरश्चक्रे प्रसन्नं शिवं;
स्वप्ने तत्तनयाƒनिरुद्धमनुभूयोषा प्रबुद्धा पुनः।
आक्रन्दद् विरहेण; चित्ररचने दक्षा सखी चित्रले-
खाƒƒज्ञायैनमथाƒनिनाय पुरुषं कामिन्युषा तोषिता।।
Meaning: Bana was the son of Bali. He worshiped Shiva, with his 1000 hands, which were given by Shiva Himself. . Shiva was the protector of the capital - SHONITHAPURAM of BANA. Bana was proud of his strength and asked once Shiva that he was unable to find any body else who is as strong like him and if he found one he would like to fight with him.Shiva ,noticing his haughtiness told him that he would find an equal person soon who will subdue his pride. He had a daughter by name Usha. Usha , in her dream saw a handsome prince and was infatuated eith him.Her friend Chitralekha painted the pictures of number of princes and the pictures of Krishna,Pradyumna, and Anirudhdha also. Whenn she saw Anirudhdha's picture, she pointed him to her. Then Chitralekha-by her yogic powers brought Anirudhdha to Usha's palace.Both Anirudhdha and Usha were happy and Anirudhdha lived there. Bana came to know about the presence of Anirudhdha with Usha and caught him and made Anirudhdha a prisoner. Krishna came to know about it through Narada and invaded Bana's capital with all His forces.Shiva as the protector of the capital fought with his Bhuthaganas and Skanda and others with Krishna and others. Krishna defeated Shankara in the battle. Bana came with his forces of asuras and fought with Krishna.Bana was defeated.The Bhuthaganas then induced Maheshwara Jvaram (FEVER ). Then Vaishnavajvara and that of Maheshwara fought with each other. The Maheshwara jvara was defeated and offered its prayer to Krishna. Krishna pacified it. When Bana came again to fight with Krishna, Krishna cut off his 998 hands and Bana with only two hands. Shiva came and offered His prayer to Krishna and asked Krishna to spare the life of Bana. Krishna told that He could not kill him because He had granted a boon to Prahlada that no body in his generations would be killed. Krishna then returned to Dwaraka with Anirudhdha and Usha.
बद्धो वीरोƒनिरुद्धो युधि बलितनयेनाच्युतो वृष्णिवीरैर्
युद्धे जित्वा शिवं च ज्वरमसुरकरच्छेदनोत्कण्ठितेन।
रुद्रेण प्रार्थितः सन् करयुगमुभयत्रापि शिष्टं तु कृत्वा
भक्तं तं चानुगृह्य स्वसुतसुतमुषां चापि लब्ध्वा निवृत्तः।।
Meaning; The valorous Anirudhdha fought withe soldiers of Bana and was imprisoned by Bana.Krishna came with the army of Vrishnis. In the war Krishna won the battle with Shiva and also His Fever. Krishna wanted to cut off all the hands of Bana . But Shiva regretted and enamoured of His devotee Bana and wanted to save him.As requested by Shiva, Krishna did not cut off 2 hands on both the left and right sides.Then Bana became the devotee of Krishna also. Krishna then blessed him. He then returned to Dwaraka with his grandson Anirudhdha and Usha- the daughter of Bana.
Commentary: The contents of this chapter has been explained in the "Meaning" portion of Verse
इक्ष्वाकोस्तनयो नृगः सुचरितः कर्मैकदोषात् पतन्
प्राप्तः सन् कृकलासजन्म हरिणा स्पृष्टोƒथ दिव्याकृतिः।
उक्त्वा स्वीयकथां हरिं कृतनुतिर्नत्वा परिक्रम्य तं
प्राप्तो नाक,मुपादिशद् द्विजजने भक्तिम् यदूनां हरिः।।
Meaning:Nruga -son of Ikshvaku- was the king and ruled his kingdom in a righteous manner and gave in charity dana-दानं many cows to brahmanas daily.Giving cows to brahmanas is certainly a righteous act. But while doing this , a small lapse took place.As a result of this lapse Nruga was born as a big lizard. As soon as Krishna touched the lizard, the lizard transformed into a' deva'-a form of celestials.He narrated the entire story behin his becoming a lizard.He (Nruga) offered his prayers to Krishna, circumambulated Him,offered his prostrations to Krishna and went away. Krishna then advised all the Yadavas that they should have Bhakthi towards
COMMENTARY:The small lapse on the part of Nruga was that his servants gave one cow to a brahmana in charity. That cow somehow without the knowledge of anybody entered the cowshed again.The men gave the same cow -which was given in charity before- to another brahmana again.One cow was given to two brahmanas in charity.The original brahmana found out the cow and claimed it as his, whereas the seond recipient also claimed it. The King requested to both of them to accept 100 thousands cows in exchange of one. As both of them refused the offer, the king became a sinner. A donor has to be careful.Because of this lapse,he had to go to hell. Yama told the king to experience the results of his sins first and then experience the results of his virtues. So he had become a big lizard. This lizared was found by the Yadavas in a well . As they could not take it out from the well they called Krishna. As soon as Krishna touched the lizard, the king was purged of his sins and assumed a divine form. Krishna then told the Yadavas to be very careful when dealing with the wealth of brahmanas.
रामो गोकुलमाप; गोपसुहृदः प्रीत्या परिष्वज्य तं
पप्रच्छुः कुशलं; नमन् स पितरौ नन्दं यशोदामपि।
गोपीः कृष्णवियोगतापतरला आनन्दयन् रात्रिषु
प्रीतः सूर्यसुतां चकर्ष हलतः कान्त्या च सम्मानितः।।
Meaning: Balarama reached Gokulam. The cowherds who were also his friends embraced Him and asked about the welfare of Krishna and others.Then Balarama went and met Nanda and Yashoda and offered prostrations to them.The gopikas were lamenting over the absence and separation from Krishna. Balarama then pacified them with the messages from Krishna to them. Balarama spent two months of Vasanta Ritu in Gokulam. Balarama sported during the nights in the moon light in the banks of Yamuna with the gopikas.Once He was drunk with Varuni and called the Yamuna River near Him for sporting in the water. As Yamuna did not do as ordered by Him,Balarama became angry. He pulled the Yamuna River with His Plough..Yamuna was afraid of that and offered her prayers to Him.Then He let off Yamuna River.He sported in its waters with all gopika women.When He came out of the waters, Godess Kanthi presented Him with blue garments,precious ornaments and a brilliant neklace.One can see the many channels of Yamuna River that were created when Balarama dragged it with His plough, even to day. Balarama spent the entire period of His stay at Gokulam- like one night stay there .
Commentary: Extracts from the commentaries are self explanatory in stating the central theme of this chapter:
कृष्णोƒस्मीति सदा विचिन्त्य मनसा दुस्संगतः पौण्ड्रको
मूढः कृत्रिमकृष्णवेषमदधाद् युद्धाय तं चाƒƒह्वयत्।
कृष्णेनैष हतो रणेƒथ सुकृती सारूप्यमुक्तिम्
मर्त्य: कृष्णनिरन्तरस्मृतिबलात् सायुज्यमाप्नोति हि।।
मर्त्य: कृष्णनिरन्तरस्मृतिबलात् सायुज्यमाप्नोति हि।।
Meaning:There was a king of Karusha by name "Paundraka Vasudeva"-He used call himself that -" I am the
Supreme Being Vasudeva - Krishna". This was due to his ignorance. He was thinking himself always as Krishna - and wearing dresses and weapons ornaments like Krishna. In substance he considered himself to be Krishna and according to him, therewas no other Krishna then.When he came to know about Krishna at Dwaraka . he sent his messengers and challenged him to fight a battle with him. The entire assembly at Dwaraka laughed at his foolishness in asking Krishna to fight with him. Krishna went and fought with him. In the battle Paundraka was killed.As Paundraka was always thinking of Krishna, he got "SARUPYA MUKTHI (BEING KRISHNA HIMSELF ) "on his death. From this episode it is clear that if a person thinks always of "KRISHNA" in his mind, he is bound to get "SAYUJYA MUKTHI (MERGING HIMSELF IN KRISHNA"
Commentary:After the death of Paundraka Vasudeva and of Kashiraja (his head was sent flying to Kashi like a lotus flower- he was also an associate of Paundraka. Krishna went back to Dwaraka. The son of Kashi Raja -by name Sudakshina - invoked "abhichara" and directed it against Krishna and residents of Dwaraka. When this evil force tormented the residents of Dwaraka, Krishna then dispatched His Sudarshana Chakra . It destroyed the evil force and Sudakshina and his priests in Varanasi. After completely destroying all of them at Varanasi, Sudarshana Chakra returned to Dwaraka and reached Him.The narration and listening to this episode will purge one of his complete sins.
कश्चित्कपिः द्विविदनामक आर्त्तिकारी
सत्कर्मिणां नरकमित्रमरिर्मुरारेः।
वृक्षच्छिदुत्पथग उद्धत एव
निन्दन्ननेन दृढमुष्टिहतो मृतोƒभूत्।।
निन्दन्ननेन दृढमुष्टिहतो मृतोƒभूत्।।
Meaning: There was a monkey by nane Dvivida.He was tormenting others-He was tormenting those who were performing righteous acts as per Dharma Shastras- He was a friend of Narakasura- He was an enemy of Murari(Krishna)-He was was destroying all the trees by pulling them from their roots. He was so haughty that he ridiculed Balarama and behaved in the most improper manner with Balarama. Balarama then became angry and hit him with a plough. Dvivida also fought with him by pulling a tree with its roots from the ground and then hit back.Dvivida thus fought again and again and destroyed all the trees in that forest. Then Balarama decided to kill him , when Dvivida hit Balarama with his fists on the chest of Balarama again. Then Balarama left His weapon plough and hit Dvivida with His bare hands on the collar bone of Dvivida. Dvivida fell dead by vomiting blood. The entire mountain shook with its cliffs and trees, when Dvivida fell dead.All the devas in the heaven praised Balarama for killing Dvivida and showered flowers on Him.This incident happened at Raivataka mounain.
Commentary: Parikshit asked Shuka to narrate the other exploits of Balarama- who was also Powerful. Shuka narrated this episode. Dvivida was actually a friend of Sugriva and also the brother of Mainda, the monkey and was powerful. He had helped Rama-in the previous incarnation of Vishnu in the war against Ravana. But he had the association of a bad company with Narakasura and became an enemy of Krishna- Vishnu's incarnation in Dvapara yuga.So he was haughty and wanted to fight with Balarama. Dvivida also attained " mukthi" as he was killed by Balarama and died seeing Him. Dvivida also was destined to get liberation by gettingkilled by Balarama as had misbehaved with Lakshmana . Please see verse 9 of Dashakam 83 of SrimanNarayaneeyam - explains the fact of Dvivida's enmity.
सांबः कृष्णसुतः सुयोधनसुतां हर्तुं प्रवृत्तो
बद्धः कौरवपुंगवै,रथ बलो यातः कुरूणां
बद्धः कौरवपुंगवै,रथ बलो यातः कुरूणां
क्रुद्धः कौरवनिन्दितः करिपुरं चोद्धर्तुकामः
सांबं मोचयिता वधूं च बलवान् नीत्वाƒƒगतो द्वारकाम्।
Meaning: Samba was the son of SriKrishna by Jambavathi. He was born after Krishna performed penance and pleases Siva. Samba went to Hastnapuram and took away Lakshmana , who was the daughter of Duryodhana in a swayamvara. Hearing and seeing this, all the elders of the Kaurava clan became angry, and imprisoned Samba , by Karna, Shala (son of Somadatta), Bhuri (brother of Bhurishravas ) , Yagnakethu and Duryodhana (the most wicked there). This was approved by the elders such as Bhisma and others.They could imprison Samba only after he fought with them and inflicted damage to them. All these five among Kauravas fought with one single person and imprisoned him. They took both Samba and Lakshmana back to their place.
Ugrasena and others heard thisand wanted to retaliate. But they were pacified by Balarama, as He did not want any war between Vrishnis and Kauravas. So Balarama went alone to Hastinapuram in a chariot and sent Udhdhava as His messenger to Dhitharashtra. There Udhdhava met Bhishma, Drona and Duryodhana about the arrival of Balarama.All of them went to receive Him.Balarama pointed out to them their unrighteous act of imprisoning Samba and asked for his release ,as Balarama wanted the unity between Vrshnis and Kauravas. But the Kauravas were intoxicated with the pride of their high position and opulence, spoke very harsh words to Balarama in reply to His proposal- the proposal of Ugrasena through Balarama.
Then Balarama became angry , observing their pride and their wicked nature wanted to teach them a lesson. He decided to make the Earth , bereft of Kauravas, and pulled the Hastinapuram city , with His Plough and dragged it with force.Then Kauravas were terrified at His act of dragging Hastinapuram and makind it fall into Ganges.All of them surrendered to Him, by placing Samba and Lakshmana before Him and Prayed to Balarama to pardon their offence as they were ignorant and misguided. Then Balarama became calm and kindly disposed to them .Duryodhana gave plenty of dowry to his daughter. Balthe happenings at Hastinapuram. arama retuned with Samba and Lakshmana to Dwaraka and narrated to His relatives as to happenings at Hastinapuram. Even today Hastinapuram is in an elevated position on its southern side of the Ganges river, showing Blarama's prowess.
Commentary: Exracts from various commenaries for this chapter:
Meaning: Samba was the son of SriKrishna by Jambavathi. He was born after Krishna performed penance and pleases Siva. Samba went to Hastnapuram and took away Lakshmana , who was the daughter of Duryodhana in a swayamvara. Hearing and seeing this, all the elders of the Kaurava clan became angry, and imprisoned Samba , by Karna, Shala (son of Somadatta), Bhuri (brother of Bhurishravas ) , Yagnakethu and Duryodhana (the most wicked there). This was approved by the elders such as Bhisma and others.They could imprison Samba only after he fought with them and inflicted damage to them. All these five among Kauravas fought with one single person and imprisoned him. They took both Samba and Lakshmana back to their place.
Ugrasena and others heard thisand wanted to retaliate. But they were pacified by Balarama, as He did not want any war between Vrishnis and Kauravas. So Balarama went alone to Hastinapuram in a chariot and sent Udhdhava as His messenger to Dhitharashtra. There Udhdhava met Bhishma, Drona and Duryodhana about the arrival of Balarama.All of them went to receive Him.Balarama pointed out to them their unrighteous act of imprisoning Samba and asked for his release ,as Balarama wanted the unity between Vrshnis and Kauravas. But the Kauravas were intoxicated with the pride of their high position and opulence, spoke very harsh words to Balarama in reply to His proposal- the proposal of Ugrasena through Balarama.
Then Balarama became angry , observing their pride and their wicked nature wanted to teach them a lesson. He decided to make the Earth , bereft of Kauravas, and pulled the Hastinapuram city , with His Plough and dragged it with force.Then Kauravas were terrified at His act of dragging Hastinapuram and makind it fall into Ganges.All of them surrendered to Him, by placing Samba and Lakshmana before Him and Prayed to Balarama to pardon their offence as they were ignorant and misguided. Then Balarama became calm and kindly disposed to them .Duryodhana gave plenty of dowry to his daughter. Balthe happenings at Hastinapuram. arama retuned with Samba and Lakshmana to Dwaraka and narrated to His relatives as to happenings at Hastinapuram. Even today Hastinapuram is in an elevated position on its southern side of the Ganges river, showing Blarama's prowess.
Commentary: Exracts from various commenaries for this chapter:
साश्चर्यं द्वारकायामजसुतमुनिना त्वेकतो धर्ममार्गं
वक्ता, यात्रोत्सुकोƒन्यत्र च, निजसचिवैर्मन्त्रयन्
ध्यायन् ब्रह्मैव, जुह्वन् हुतभुजि स पुराणेतिहासादि
ध्यायन् ब्रह्मैव, जुह्वन् हुतभुजि स पुराणेतिहासादि
सन्ध्योपास्त्यादि कुर्वन्, प्रतिगृहमजितस्तत्र तत्रापि दृष्टः।।
Meaning: In this chapter and in the next one, SriKrishna's daily routine activities with regard to His being a householder and also as He was involving in the statecraft in the assembly of His ministers and others. In this chapter , Krishna's adherence to the householder's life is described in detail.
Hearing that Krishna had married 16000 princesses ,- He brought to Dwaraka after killing Narakasura , Narada wanted to know as to how He would be behaving in all their palaces with His single Form. So he came to Dwaraka to see for himself as to to what Krishna was doing in each of their houses.What he saw is described in this verse.
1) Bhagavan -who is Ajitha (Unconquerable), was teaching Dharma Marga tothe people there at one house.
2) He was seen preparing Himself for undertaking pilgrimages.
3) He was discussing the statecraft with His ministers.
4) He was meditating on "BRAHMAN".
5) He was seen pouring the oblations of ghee and other materials in the fire to please Hari through "Agni"
6) He was listening to the Puranas and Ithihasas from the exponents
7) He was performing "Sandhyopasana"
Thus He was seen in engaging Himself in different activities of a Householder.
Commentary: In the above verse , few activities of the householder 69are given. In the Purana, various other activities as a housholder are described. Sri Shuka says that the benefit that would accrue to the narrator and listener of this chapter 69- would be the development of Bhakthi towards Krishna, the bestower of liberation.
Now the exracts from some commentaries:
Meaning: In this chapter and in the next one, SriKrishna's daily routine activities with regard to His being a householder and also as He was involving in the statecraft in the assembly of His ministers and others. In this chapter , Krishna's adherence to the householder's life is described in detail.
Hearing that Krishna had married 16000 princesses ,- He brought to Dwaraka after killing Narakasura , Narada wanted to know as to how He would be behaving in all their palaces with His single Form. So he came to Dwaraka to see for himself as to to what Krishna was doing in each of their houses.What he saw is described in this verse.
1) Bhagavan -who is Ajitha (Unconquerable), was teaching Dharma Marga tothe people there at one house.
2) He was seen preparing Himself for undertaking pilgrimages.
3) He was discussing the statecraft with His ministers.
4) He was meditating on "BRAHMAN".
5) He was seen pouring the oblations of ghee and other materials in the fire to please Hari through "Agni"
6) He was listening to the Puranas and Ithihasas from the exponents
7) He was performing "Sandhyopasana"
Thus He was seen in engaging Himself in different activities of a Householder.
Commentary: In the above verse , few activities of the householder 69are given. In the Purana, various other activities as a housholder are described. Sri Shuka says that the benefit that would accrue to the narrator and listener of this chapter 69- would be the development of Bhakthi towards Krishna, the bestower of liberation.
Now the exracts from some commentaries:
बद्धानष्टशताधिकायुतयुगं कारागृहे पीडितान्
राज्ञो मागधभूमिपेन भगवान् विज्ञाय दूतोक्तितः।
पार्थानां च मखोद्यमं सुरमुनेः कार्यद्वयव्याकुलः
पप्रच्छोद्धव "मत्र कार्यमिह किं ब्रूही'त्ययं चाब्रावीत्।
Meaning: In this chapter of he Purana also, the various daily routine of Krishna is described in the earlier portion of it. In the later part of the chapter a messenger from the kings imprisoned by Jarasandha arrives and appeals to Krishna that they had surrendered themselves to Krishna and want to save themselves and wanted to see Krishna and meet Him in person and they were imprisoned by Jarasandha, who was defeated 18 times by Krishna. Then Narada also came there and told Him about the intention of Yudhishtira to perform Rajasuya Yagna (sacrifice) and he and other celestials also desire the presence of Krishna.
Thus when Krishna was facing with two mutually conflicting requests from the two quarters, Krishna-the Omniscient , asked His minister and devoted servant Udhdhava to suggest as to which out of the two should be done ,first or the most appropriate course of action by Him.Krishna told Udhdhava-" What should be done at this moment".
In this verse of HB, it is stated that Krishna became worried on hearing these two different requests. But in the Purana it is stated in verses 45 to 47 that His own supporters -the Yadavas were more eager in favour of defeating Jarasandha, were objecting to Narada's proposal to Krishna to attend the Rajasuya sacrifice of Yudhushtira . Then Krishna turned to Udhdhava and asked him to suggest his counsel, which would be acceptable to Him. Krishna told Udhdhava that he knew the relative merits of various counsels as a minister and being His closest friend, he would suggest the best solution to the problem. It is stated in verse47 that Krishna acted as if perplexed or ignorant and He is Omniscient.
In this verse of HB, it is stated that Krishna became worried on hearing these two different requests. But in the Purana it is stated in verses 45 to 47 that His own supporters -the Yadavas were more eager in favour of defeating Jarasandha, were objecting to Narada's proposal to Krishna to attend the Rajasuya sacrifice of Yudhushtira . Then Krishna turned to Udhdhava and asked him to suggest his counsel, which would be acceptable to Him. Krishna told Udhdhava that he knew the relative merits of various counsels as a minister and being His closest friend, he would suggest the best solution to the problem. It is stated in verse47 that Krishna acted as if perplexed or ignorant and He is Omniscient.
Commentary: The name of the assembly hall of Vrishni's was "Sudharma". When Krishna and others were seated ,the messenger from the kings imprisoned by Jarasandha and Narada came and placed their requests to Krishna. Krishna wanted to show others that the counsels of the minister has to be heard and considered on merits. So He asked Udhdhava , who was the chief among the ministers of Vrishnis.
Narada could see some of His daily activitie and he could not see all of them
Now to the extracts from the commentaries;
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